Starwalkers: Dimensional Travelers Pt.5

creation mythologies as well as depicted in ancient Egyptian & Sumerian art, he said. Further, Tibetan lamas were said to dissolve their bodies into pure energy and travel through the stars. The Egyptians, according to the research of Laurence Gardner, may have consumed a manna-like substance that allowed them to “phase shift” to another realm, which Henry referred to as the “dimension of the blessed.” The Sumerian word ‘Nibiru’ meaning “crossing” could actually have referred to a stargate, …

10 thoughts on “Starwalkers: Dimensional Travelers Pt.5”

  1. Okay, he said something about Zahi Hawass, and every time I hear that name I feel compelled to shout at the top of my lungs, “ZAHI HAWASS IS A ******** IGNORANT MORON!!!!!!!” Okay, I got that out… now I can finish watching this….

  2. I slept in the queens chamber in the great pyramid with special permssion from the egyptian brotherhood of light.

  3. that pillar is called a djed the power sorce (engine) to there star farries (space ships). makes you wonder where osirus was from. look up the djed if you dont bealeve me. you also should look up david hammel he’s litteraly made one and it worked! its very interesting might i add

  4. Rainbow body isn’t that secret. Anyone can do it, but it isn’t taught to everyone because it requires one to leave the physical realm. If your not ready to leave the physical realm, you may encounter problems.

  5. I love you and I love your positive subjects. You illuminate the dark and give life to the dead. Thank you!

  6. Rick Strassman, the author of the book, “DMT: The Spirit Molecule”, suggested that the individual’s life-force enters the body through the Pineal Gland at 49 days after conception. He says this 49-day prenatal period corresponds to the first signs of fetal pineal tissue and also the gonads, determining if it’s a male or female.

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