
This energy known as Zero-Point Energy and was brought to the worlds attention by Albert Einstein… but the ancients referred to this space as the space of anointing, true freedom or majesty. Zero Point is tapping into the frequency of the true natural state of All. The frequency of this energy aligns one with the light of eternity and the tree of life to color our world anew in the hue of bountiful grace and glory for All. ——————- The “family of Jacob”, (Elohei Yaakov) is an inter-dimensional collective consciousness that resonates a central frequency of the united essence of All Source. Over the ages the family of “Jacob” have been known by many names; the higher central Sun, Tiferet, the personage of Divine as Father, the Egyptian All recognizing collective consciousness called “Ra”, the Hindu Lord Vishnu – the cosmic consciousness of All Life, the Christian Trinity, the biblical archetype of the patriarch “Jacob” who coalesced All through frequencies of “merciful healing” and recognizing “truth”. These are some incarnations of this family consciousness called the family of “Jacob”, and there have been many more. Splinters of this collective consciousness are incarnated in almost every generation along the earthly tier, others aspects of this collective are ascended (angelic) intelligences that never spent time on along the earthly tier, or have resonated their key resonance of truth in many other worlds and dimensions. They offer a “birds eye view” of

2011 Everything is Energy… And!?

What are we doing in Space and Time within this Physical World of Matter? Ignoring what Matters in Matter by distractions of the Mind of ideas and thoughts and opinions. What Matters – is that it’s Time to Get Back to this ONE Reality, and Start actually Caring what is Here. Equal Money is the Solution – Dare to Care www.equalmoney.org Investigate how we are All Self Responsible: www.desteni.co.za

Zero-Point Energy

incarnated in almost every generation along the earthly tier, others aspects of this collective are ascended (angelic) intelligences that never spent time on along the earthly tier, or have resonated their key resonance of truth in many other worlds and dimensions. They offer a “birds eye view” of true reality, and share a messages of true love, compassionate healing; revealing dignity for the individual, a deep compassion and reverence for the collective; the majestic “music” from behind the …