On the Wednesday, August 1 edition the Alex Jones Show, Alex talks with former Wall Street stockbroker and filmmaker Max Keiser about the continuing implosion of the economy as the euro crisis plagues global economies, cuts factory and productive output, stimulates endemic joblessness, and the Federal Reserve warns the economy may be stuck in permanent slow growth. maxkeiser.com www.infowars.com www.prisonplanet.tv twitter.com www.facebook.com [Check out Alex’s New Social Network-‘Planet Infowars’ planet.infowars.com Get all your Youngevity Products such as Beyond Tangy Tangerine, the Alex Pack and Pollen Burst. These supplements are a great way to get your essentials vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and other beneficial nutrients www.infowarsteam.com [[[ProPur Water Filtration]]] www.infowarsshop.com
Tag: Advisor
Van Jones speaks at All Saints Church, Pasadena — Thursday, 26 April, 6pm
818 – 985 – 2711 www.kpfk.org Van Jones, past advisor to President Obama for The Green Economy, speaks at the All Saints Church, Thursday, 26 April, 6pm, 132 North Euclid Avenue, Pasadena. He will sign books for readers. Proceeds of book sales go to KPFK. Go to www.ianmasters.com for the complete publication interview with Van Jones: ianmasters.com For more information and a map to the event: www.nationinstitute.org