Obama Hangs Racial Painting In White House

President Obama recently hung the Norman Rockwell painting “The Problem We All Live With” in the White House. The painting shows a young African-American girl receiving an escort from US marshals into a New Orleans elementary school in 1960 as part of court-ordered integration, something many whites angrily objected to. The Young Turks host Cenk Uygur breaks it down with Michael Shure, political comedian Jimmy Dore and Jayar Jackson. Read more: www.politico.com www.jimmydorecomedy.com The Largest Online News Show in the World. Google+: www.gplus.to Facebook: www.facebook.com Twitter: twitter.com Support TYT for FREE: bit.ly

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For The Haters

This is for all the people on the Internet hating on our new President Barack H. Obama. … President Barack Obama White House Presidential Election America To All The Haters This Is For You Jeffersons Theme Song Proud African American People Happy Smile Eracism Colin Powell Martin Luther King Fredrick Douglas Doctor Daniel Hale Williams Benjamin Banneker Harriet Tubman Mary Mcloud Bethune George Washington Carver David Duke Banner Tupac Shakur Diddy Blog Airfro Braids Chicken Basketball BBQ …