‘Al-CIA-Duh Bomber’ Was a CIA Informant www.infowars.com Just one day after reports that the CIA had foiled a plot involving a “sophisticated underwear bomb” targeted against US airliners, the entire story has once again collapsed into a farce. Just as the FBI has been caught directing every major domestic terror plot, it turns out that the supposed “bomber” was actually a CIA informant. “US and Yemeni officials say the supposed would-be bomber at the heart of an al-Qaida airliner plot was actually an informant working for the CIA,” reports the Associated Press. “Officials say the informant was working for the CIA and Saudi Arabian intelligence when he was given the bomb. He then turned the device over to authorities. Officials say the informant is safely out of Yemen.” So all the propaganda and fearmongering over this plot was once again over nothing -this was yet another staged incident just as the first underwear bomber event was a manufactured hoax from beginning to end.
Tag: airplane
George Carlin – Boarding Process Pt 1
George Carlin – Boarding Process Pt 1