Unless you have been living under a rock the past week, you have likely heard about the Khafray Project discovery where Italian researchers claim to have uncovered ‘a vast underground city’ which stretches more than 4,000 feet directly underneath the Pyramids of Giza, making them 10 times larger than the pyramids themselves. Of course, mainstream’s inevitable knee jerk reaction to this potential discovery will be to debunk it. Otherwise, the entire historical paradigm on which they have predicated their careers will collapse and expose the hypocrisy of Egyptology as a whole. Of particular interest to the Archive is the reference made by Nicole Ciccolo to the Halls of Amenti. Our regular viewers are no doubt familiar with the Halls of Amenti. In the Emerald Tablets of Thoth, the entire second tablet is devoted to a description of this mystical place.
Emerald Tablets of Thoth ► https://youtu.be/sgjXps8NjmE
Thoth’s Two Forbidden Tablets ► https://youtu.be/9qjcngCFIXk
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