All the Bells – Ringing at Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery

This video shows the gathering of bell ringers and ringing of bells on BMAG steps for “All the Bells”. Bell ringing outside Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery on 27th July 2012 from 8.12am to 8.15am for “All the Bells”. This was part of Work No. 1197: All the bells in the country rung as quickly and as loudly as possible for three minutes by Turner Prize-winning artist and musician Martin Creed is a London 2012 Festival commission and performed by everyone who wanted to take part.

All The Bells

All the Bells – ringing! Bell ringing outside Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery on 27th July 2012 from 8.12am to 8.15am for “All the Bells”. This was part of Work No. 1197: All the bells in the country rung as quickly and as loudly as possible for three minutes by Turner Prize-winning artist and musician Martin Creed is a London 2012 Festival commission and performed by everyone who wanted to take part.