Ancient Anunnaki Energy | Advanced Sound and Frequency Technology

Ancient civilizations, particularly those that constructed monumental structures such as the pyramids or temples, were deeply attuned to the power of sound and vibration. They understood that everything in existence is energy, vibrating at different frequencies. By harnessing sound, they could influence these frequencies and, in doing so, manipulate physical objects.

The idea that ancient builders used sound to levitate stones is supported by stories from Tibetan monks and other mystical traditions. It is said that monks could lift heavy stones using specific chants, horns, and drums that produced frequencies powerful enough to alter the gravitational pull on the stones. This technique, while mysterious, aligns with the spiritual understanding that when sound resonates at the right frequency, it can harmonize with the vibration of matter, allowing it to be moved or shaped.

This ancient wisdom reflects a deeper spiritual truth: that sound is not just a physical phenomenon, but a bridge between the material and spiritual realms. The ability to levitate stones using sound would have required not only knowledge of frequency but also an attunement to the higher laws of the universe, where consciousness and energy merge.

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Evidence of Anunnaki Presence on Earth? | Sumerian King List Full Translation

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