The Epic of Gilgamesh Part 3

The Epic of Gilgamesh Part 3

Chapters 5, 6 and 7:

This edition by N.K. Sandars provides a prose rendering (with text included) of The Epic of Gilgamesh, the cycle of poems preserved on clay tablets surviving from ancient Mesopotamia of the third millennium B.C. One of the best and most important pieces of epic poetry from human history, predating even Homer’s Iliad by roughly 1,500 years, the Gilgamesh epic tells of the various adventures of that hero-king, including his quest for immortality, and an account of a great flood similar in many details to the Old Testament’s story of Noah.

N.K. Sandars was a fellow at the British Academy and of the Society of Antiquaries of London and a corresponding member of the German Archaeological Institute.

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The Epic of Gilgamesh Part 2

The Epic of Gilgamesh Part 2

Chapters 3 and 4:

This edition by N.K. Sandars provides a prose rendering (with text included) of The Epic of Gilgamesh, the cycle of poems preserved on clay tablets surviving from ancient Mesopotamia of the third millennium B.C. One of the best and most important pieces of epic poetry from human history, predating even Homer’s Iliad by roughly 1,500 years, the Gilgamesh epic tells of the various adventures of that hero-king, including his quest for immortality, and an account of a great flood similar in many details to the Old Testament’s story of Noah.

N.K. Sandars was a fellow at the British Academy and of the Society of Antiquaries of London and a corresponding member of the German Archaeological Institute.

The Archive appreciates every single person who decides to become a subscriber. The primary purpose of this channel is to introduce, expand, and exponentially increase every single viewer’s understanding of the Ancient Astronaut Hypothesis and ancient History in general.

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The Epic of Gilgamesh Part 1

This edition by N.K. Sandars provides a prose rendering (with text included) of The Epic of Gilgamesh, the cycle of poems preserved on clay tablets surviving from ancient Mesopotamia of the third millennium B.C. One of the best and most important pieces of epic poetry from human history, predating even Homer’s Iliad by roughly 1,500 years, the Gilgamesh epic tells of the various adventures of that hero-king, including his quest for immortality, and an account of a great flood similar in many details to the Old Testament’s story of Noah.

N.K. Sandars was a fellow at the British Academy and of the Society of Antiquaries of London and a corresponding member of the German Archaeological Institute.

The Archive appreciates every single person who decides to become a subscriber. The primary purpose of this channel is to introduce, expand, and exponentially increase every single viewer’s understanding of the Ancient Astronaut Hypothesis and ancient History in general.

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The Lost Book of Enki – Tablet 11 (Complete)

Lost Book of Enki Playlist:

“Within these pages Sitchin gives us his complete vision of our past. ‘The Lost Book of Enki’ is a work of literature, written in the style of an Akkadian epic poem, and provides us with Sitchin’s version of the original ‘sourcebook’ for the Mesopotamian/Egyptian mythologies. He has set the book out in the form of 14 tablets, written out by the master Akkadian scribe Endubsar. In the text, Endubsar claims that the tablets were dictated to him by the god Enki himself.

The Archive appreciates every single person who decides to become a subscriber. The primary purpose of this channel is to introduce, expand, and exponentially increase every single viewer’s understanding of the Ancient Astronaut Hypothesis and ancient History in general.

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Mars Life Discovered … in 1996

This presentation spotlights the JSC report from 1996 that explains extraterrestrial life existed on Mars.

[Archive Reference Data Entry 20017-001]

The Archive appreciates every single person who decides to become a subscriber. The primary purpose of this channel is to introduce, expand, and exponentially increase every single viewer’s understanding of the Ancient Astronaut Hypothesis and ancient History in general.

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