Archive Weekend Update – 07-07-2017

The Archive Weekend Update in a series that will compile and highlight news stories from the week related to the topic of Ancient Astronaut Hypothesis. The Archive will also review its releases for the week from its video and reference sections on the website.

AWU will be released each week between Friday 8pm EST and Saturday 2pm EST.


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The Lost Book of Enki – Tablet 4 (Complete)

Lost Book of Enki Playlist:

“Within these pages Sitchin gives us his complete vision of our past. ‘The Lost Book of Enki’ is a work of literature, written in the style of an Akkadian epic poem, and provides us with Sitchin’s version of the original ‘sourcebook’ for the Mesopotamian/Egyptian mythologies. He has set the book out in the form of 14 tablets, written out by the master Akkadian scribe Endubsar. In the text, Endubsar claims that the tablets were dictated to him by the god Enki himself.

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Evidence that Real Giants Traveled the Atlantic 3,000 years ago

This week we return to North America – and the American Giants with research investigator and author David Brody. Brody has written a new fiction filled with facts on giants called The Oath of Nimrod: Giants, MK-Ultra and the Smithsonian Cover-up. The book highlights evidence that very large people may have traveled the Atlantic with the Phoenicians, over 3,000 years ago in search of copper. There are other pieces of information that are also revealed.

We follow-up last week’s program with an in-depth interview featuring Gaia Producer Melissa Tittl who will discuss the best new evidence of an unknown humanoid with three finger found in a mummified state in Peru. We’ll also hear from Ashley Cowie and what he’s discovered on this mummy from South America.

Thanks to Cliff Dunning

Alien Mega Structures and Earth’s Distant Past

Is there a connection to Earth forgotton past and this constellation, and is an alien civilization trying to contact us? Andrew Collins and British chartered engineer Rodney Hale have worked together to determine the physical modelling of the occulting objects respionsible for the massive light dips reported during the Kepler mission in connection with KIC 8462862, an F-type main sequence star in the constellation of Cygnus. They determine their line of sight profile, and through this their nature and appearance. The Kepler data for KIC 8462852 is also re-examined to better understand the 0.88-day and 48.4-day periodicities noted in connection with the star. These reveal cyclic patterns suggesting that the prediction of future light dipping episodes might be possible, as well as recurring number sequences that warrant further investigation. Indeed, Collins and Hale speculate that they could be what French astronomer Luc Arnold in a paper published in 2005 called attention-grabbing signals deriving from an extraterrestrial civilization.

Thanks to Cliff Dunning

Edgar Cayce Atlantis Prediction Confirmed With New Evidence

In this program we’ll learn of new evidence confirming what Edgar Cayce predicted – that the great city of Poseidia would evidentually be found underwater. In this updated look at the search for Atlantis, archeaologist Bill Donato reveals startling new evidence that the remains of temples, pyramids and other structures can be viewed under water – off the coast of Bimini.

According to Cayce, Atlantis was destroyed by volcanic and earthquake-like ‘explosions’ on three distinct and widely-separated occasions. And each of these destructions lasted over a period of months or even years, not just days or a single day! The first of these disasters appear to have taken place about 50,700 BC, the second about 28,000 BC whilst the third and last one around 10,000 BC.

Thanks to Cliff Dunning