Guatemala the Birth of Maya Pyramid Culture 2017

Built more than 2,000+ years ago—long before archaeologists believed such a place could exist at that era in Maya history—El Mirador was a busy metropolis covering six square miles, home to tens of thousands of people, and filled with grand buildings, pyramids and plazas. It’s now thought to be the cradle of Maya civilization.

At the heart of El Mirador is the grand plaza with the massive La Danta pyramid complex. At 230 feet, it is not as tall as the great pyramid at Giza, but, according to Hansen, it is more massive, containing some 99 million cubic feet of rock and fill.

In this program, we’ll discover the importance of this very old Maya city, what new carbon dating reveals about its true age, and the possibility of culture exchange among other groups

Thanks to Cliff Dunning

Prehistoric Proof of Ancient Aliens [FULL DOCUMENTARY]

This new Documentary looks at theories have seen a huge boost in popularity in recent years dues to the hit History Channel show Ancient Aliens. An unknown ancient civilization was sent to Earth by the gods of old in order to continue seeding the planet with life. This video contains some previously unseen evidence of ancient astronaut clues hidden in plain sight.

While some have been trying to refute the theories of the ancient aliens visiting our planet, there are numerous examples that prove the existence of aliens and their influence in the development of mankind in the fields of science, technology and engineering. This full documentary shows just a few “proofs” that will support the ancient astronaut theory without leaving much scope for people to wonder if the theory is invalid or not.

Emerald Tablets of Thoth #3: The Key of Wisdom

Emerald Tablets of Thoth Play List:

Some of you who are unfamiliar with or who are new to the Ancient Astronaut Hypothesis, may be wondering about its relevance to the Egyptian god Thoth and the Emerald Tablets. Primarily through the works of Zecharia Sitchin and other scholars researching the ancient Sumerian, Babylonian and Akkadian texts, a connection has been proposed between the pantheons of Sumerian gods and the Egyptian gods. Actually, it is more than a connection, many of the gods are one and the same. One of the primary tenets of the Ancient Astronaut Hypothesis is that the Sumerian gods were real beings and not just part of a mythological construct of the earliest known civilization. As such, to find these gods’ equivalencies in other cultures and civilizations is of paramount importance. Such is the case Thoth.

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Human Devolution? (AR Series)

Archive Retrospect Series Play List:

Human Devolution featuring Michael Cremo

The Retrospect Series is presented so that the Archive viewers can review some of the older material related to the Ancient Astronaut Hypothesis.

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Bonds of the Past – Velikovsky (AR Series)

Archive Retrospect Series Play List:

Bonds of the Past featuring Dr. Immanuel Velikovsky

The Retrospect Series is presented so that the Archive viewers can review some of the older material related to the Ancient Astronaut Hypothesis.

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