Emerald Tablets of Thoth #2: The Halls of Amenti

Emerald Tablets of Thoth Play List: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLKre86s7f9XQQNRuK1PdVaDpFlQhn5Ab7

Some of you who are unfamiliar with or who are new to the Ancient Astronaut Hypothesis, may be wondering about its relevance to the Egyptian god Thoth and the Emerald Tablets. Primarily through the works of Zecharia Sitchin and other scholars researching the ancient Sumerian, Babylonian and Akkadian texts, a connection has been proposed between the pantheons of Sumerian gods and the Egyptian gods. Actually, it is more than a connection, many of the gods are one and the same. One of the primary tenets of the Ancient Astronaut Hypothesis is that the Sumerian gods were real beings and not just part of a mythological construct of the earliest known civilization. As such, to find these gods’ equivalencies in other cultures and civilizations is of paramount importance. Such is the case Thoth.

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Evidence for Ancient Pre Columbian Race of Europeans in America

Is there evidence that people from other countries came to North America in the pre-Columbian era? Many books today say yes (Zuni Enigma, Maya Genesis, America B.C., Pale Ink, and many others). This book details a discovery of two engraved stones in the Angeles National Forest, and unique details about the site. The books explains the author’s discovery, and his process of attempting to translate the marks on the rock, which he believed were linguistic. Eventually, many other unique features were found on this site which makes the site completely normal for a European ceremonial site, except that the site is not Europe. Nyerges shares the pros and cons from the various experts that he spoke with.

He shares both the supportive experts, as well as those who said these features were nothing more than freaks of nature. Nyerges shares the extensive literature on this subject, and provides enough details so that the reader can ascertain if this is fact or fiction.

Thanks to Cliff Dunning http://www.earthancients.com/

Challenging Academic “Truth” – Velikovsky (AR Series)

Archive Retrospect Series Play List: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLKre86s7f9XT-0K2TNKXY20mC5vYSf6q6

Challenging Academic “Truths” featuring Dr. Immanuel Velikovsky

The Retrospect Series is presented so that the Archive viewers can review some of the older material related to the Ancient Astronaut Hypothesis.

This is a vintage 1962 interview of Immanuel Velikovsky discussing his theories.

“In the fields of archaeology, geology, and astronomy the last few years have brought a vast array of facts to corroborate the claims that there were physical upheavals of a global character in historical times; that these catastrophes were caused by extraterrestrial agents; and that the nature of these agents may be identified. The memory of the cataclysms was erased, not because of lack of written traditions, but because of some characteristic process that later caused entire nations, together with their literate men, to read into these traditions allegories or metaphors where actually cosmic disturbances were clearly described.”

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Emerald Tablets of Thoth #1: The History of Thoth, the Atlantean

Emerald Tablets of Thoth Play List: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLKre86s7f9XQQNRuK1PdVaDpFlQhn5Ab7

Some of you who are unfamiliar with or who are new to the Ancient Astronaut Hypothesis, may be wondering about its relevance to the Egyptian god Thoth and the Emerald Tablets. Primarily through the works of Zecharia Sitchin and other scholars researching the ancient Sumerian, Babylonian and Akkadian texts, a connection has been proposed between the pantheons of Sumerian gods and the Egyptian gods. Actually, it is more than a connection, many of the gods are one and the same. One of the primary tenets of the Ancient Astronaut Hypothesis is that the Sumerian gods were real beings and not just part of a mythological construct of the earliest known civilization. As such, to find these gods’ equivalencies in other cultures and civilizations is of paramount importance. Such is the case Thoth.

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Anunnaki Technology (AR Series)

Archive Retrospect Series : Featuring Jason Martell

The Retrospect Series is presented so that the Archive viewers can review some of the older material related to the Ancient Astronaut Hypothesis.

For over 15 years, Jason Martell has been one of the leading researchers and lectures specializing in ancient civilization technologies. Mr Martell’s research has been featured worldwide on numerous television and radio networks such as The Discovery Channel, Syfy Channel, and the BBC. He is currently a regular guest on the show “Ancient Aliens” on the History Channel.

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