Secret Space Program the Hidden Agenda of NASA

Looks at the secret space program of the American military that has been going on for over 60 years. Was Wernher von Braun involved in the Roswell crash investigation? Why did he suddenly become fascinated with highly advanced theoretical physics propulsion systems during the Apollo years, and why did all of this public research suddenly “go black” in the early 1960s? Did NASA and the Pentagon know and expect to find evidence of alien bases on the Moon? Did the Apollo 12 astronauts deliberately damage the TV cameras in order to hide their explorations of one of these bases? What was the top secret “Chapel Bell” experiment on Apollo 16?

Looks into the secret space program, the possibility of secret bases on the Moon and many rumors surrounding the military’s secret projects in space.

Thanks to Cliff Dunning

Lemuria the Lost Continent of Pan

The destruction of the vast continent of Pan–also known as Lemuria or Mu–in the Pacific Ocean 24,000 years ago was the greatest catastrophe that ever befell humanity. Yet it resulted in a prehistoric Golden Age of arts and technology thanks to the Sons of Noah, who, forewarned and prepared for the disaster, escaped in 5 organized fleets. Theirs was the masterful Ur-culture that seeded China, Egypt, India, Mexico, and Peru, explaining the sudden injection of the same advanced knowledge and sophisticated arts into those widely separated lands.

Examining the diaspora from the sunken continent of Pan, Susan B. Martinez finds traces of the oceanic Pan civilization in arts and technologies from canal-works, masonry, and agriculture to writing, weaving, and pottery, but most importantly in the art of navigation, the hallmark of the survivors of the catastrophe.

Thanks to Cliff Dunning

Real Ancient Giants of the Americas

Do ancient megalithic stoneworks, out-of-place artifacts, DNA mysteries, and strange bones provide proof of their existence. Ancient Giants of the Americas reveals an array of astounding truths, including:

How giants were a dominant feature of Native American origin myths. Extraordinary first-person tales about meetings with giant Native Americans. How early pioneers discovered the remains of ancient giants and a previously unknown civilization?and how the Smithsonian successfully covered them up.

Thanks to Cliff Dunning

Michael Tellinger – Ancient Megaliths – Documentary Outtakes

Michael Tellinger, has estimated the number of ancient stone ruins to be 100,000 or possibly much higher. Some of these “stone circles” have no doors or entrances while most are connected by an expansive network of channels that are often misinterpreted as “roads” by some historians. This connected grid of circular ruins are immersed in a seemingly never-ending expanse of ancient agricultural terraces surrounding the structures. Adam’s Calendar is considered to be the most famous among these ruins.

The Forgotten History of the Statue of Liberty

Uncovering the forgotten lineage of the Statue of Liberty, explains how she is based on a female symbol representing America on the earliest maps of the continent in the form of a Native American “Queen.” The image of a woman symbolizing independence was embraced by the American revolutionaries to rally the populace against the King, filling the role of “Founding Mother” and protector of the fledgling republic. Incorporating Libertas, the Roman goddess of freed slaves, with Minerva, Demeter, Justice, and the Indian Princess, Lady Liberty is seen all over the nation’s capital, and on the seals and flags of many states.

Showing how a new appreciation for the Statue of Liberty as the American goddess can serve as a unifying inspiration for activism, the authors explore how this Lady Liberty is a personification of America and its destiny.

Thanks to Cliff Dunning