Pyramids of Gods and Kings (Stairway to Heaven Ch 12-B)

This video covers Chapter XII of Zecharia Sitchin’s “Stairway to Heaven”. Since earliest times, human beings have pondered the incomprehensible questions of the universe, life . . . and the afterlife. Where did mortal man go to join the immortal Gods? Was the immense and complex structure at Giza an Egyptian Pharaoh’s portal to immortality? Or a pulsating beacon built by extraterrestrials for landing on Earth?

In this second volume of his trailblazing series The Earth Chronicles, Zecharia Sitchin unveils secrets of the pyramids and hidden clues from ancient times to reveal a grand forgery on which established Egyptology is founded, and takes the reader to the Spaceport and Landing Place of the Anunnaki gods—”Those Who from Heaven to Earth Came.”

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Pyramids of Gods and Kings (Stairway to Heaven Ch 12-A)

This video covers Chapter XII of Zecharia Sitchin’s “Stairway to Heaven”. Since earliest times, human beings have pondered the incomprehensible questions of the universe, life . . . and the afterlife. Where did mortal man go to join the immortal Gods? Was the immense and complex structure at Giza an Egyptian Pharaoh’s portal to immortality? Or a pulsating beacon built by extraterrestrials for landing on Earth?

In this second volume of his trailblazing series The Earth Chronicles, Zecharia Sitchin unveils secrets of the pyramids and hidden clues from ancient times to reveal a grand forgery on which established Egyptology is founded, and takes the reader to the Spaceport and Landing Place of the Anunnaki gods—”Those Who from Heaven to Earth Came.”

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Strange Alien Artifacts found in Mexico 2016

For over four years the Internet has been flooded with strange alien images on artifacts found in Mexico. Some of the images are of slanted eyed beings, others include sauces and other spaceship, planets and machines of an unknown nature. In the last year, a new series of artifacts with writing have appears with no explination of what they mean.

As promised, we’ll get to the bottom of this strange discovery and uncover the true. Is this real evidence of ancient aliens or a hoax. My guest is Victor Camacho.

Thanks to Cliff Dunning

Giants Among Us, Bloodlines of the Nephilim [FULL VIDEO]

There are giants among us, passing largely unnoticed, intent on carrying out a secret plan to enslave all humanity. They may not look like giants today, but their bloodlines extend all the way back to the Nephilim—the offspring of angels who mated with human women—described in Genesis 6 when giants roamed the land.

When God cast the angel Lucifer and his followers out of heaven, Lucifer set into motion a scheme to ensure the Nephilim survived. Why? Because from the bloodlines of these Nephilim the Antichrist will come. The Bible, along with many other ancient sources, clearly records the existence of giants.

Evidence for Ancient Atlantis near Costa Rica 2016

This is one of the best accounts and evidence for a great maritime civilization of Atlantis that appears to have been partially based in Costa Rica. The show presents a new theory that the great stone spheres of Costa Rica and sighting stones throughout the Pacific were used to teach sea routes and constellation paths to navigators of the ancient world.

ATLANTIS IN AMERICA was the first book to state that the nearly-perfect spheres of Costa Rica and the great astronomical structures at Tikahuanaco (Alto Peru), Teotihuacan (Pyramids of the Sun and Moon in the Valley of Mexico), and Chichen Itza ( Kukulcan Temple, Observatory in the Yucatan), were all just pieces of a puzzle that ran through all of the tropical and sub-tropical Americas. Since these sites (and many more) shared many similarities, and since they all left navigational clues, Erikson and Zapp predicted that the Americas would one day be known as Atlantis and that the heart of this ancient navigational culture would be found by underwater archaeology at depths of several hundred feet in the waters off tropical America.

Thanks to Cliff Dunning