The 12th Planet – Sitchin (3/4)

The product of more than thirty years of meticulous research, The 12th Planet treats as fact, not myth, the tales of Creation, the Deluge, the Tower of Babel, and the Nefilim who married the daughters of man. By weaving together the biblical narrative with Sumerian and Babylonian clay-tablet texts, it challenges the established notions of the origins of Earth and mankind, and offers a compelling alternative history and prehistory of both.

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New Evidence of Mars Advanced Civilization 2016

Ancient Earth civilizations routinely mention Mars in their folklore and legends and some like the Maya even charted the planets movement in their books (codices.) Why are we so fascinated with the red planet and is there an Earth/Mars connection?

In the last decade new evidence has surface on Mars monuments, ancient ruins of cities, massive structures and pyramid complexes.

Recently, Dr. John Brandenburg, a Plasma Physicist, discovered amazing evidence of nuclear bomb discharge which startled the scientific community. In this update, we’ll speak to Dr. Brandenburg on his latest discoveries and dig deeper into ancient ruins on the red planet.

Thanks to Cliff Dunning

Ancient Civilizations Mythical Earth History 2016

Virtually all of the world’s myths, scriptures, and sacred traditions can be shown to be based upon a common world-wide system of celestial metaphor, showing that they are all in fact closely connected, designed to convey profound wisdom for our lives. However, if the sacred myths given to humanity are not in fact speaking a literal language,then rejecting them because you can’t take them literally is a big mistake.

David Warner Mathisen is the author of a new series of books entitled Star Myths of the World, and How to Interpret Them, which diagrams the astonishing evidence that virtually all the myths, scriptures, and sacred stories of humanity – from all regions of our planet, and across the millennia – are based upon a common system of celestial metaphor.

Thanks to Cliff Dunning

Zecharia Sitchin – Earth Chronicles Expeditions

Zecharia Sitchin reveals the foundational research and the adventurous expeditions that resulted in his writing the bestselling The Earth Chronicles series. Ranging from Mayan temples in Mexico to hidden artifacts in Istanbul, Turkey, from biblical tunnels in Jerusalem to the mysteries of Mt. Sinai, from the abode of a Sumerian goddess to Greek islands, the Expeditions’ destinations and amazing discoveries unmasked established fallacies, detected the fate of mysterious artifacts, and revealed ancient connections to modern space facilities.

For any of you that may believe in Anunnaki shape-shifting reptilians, you may find Sitchin’s opinion on the matter rather enlightening (hopefully). Its at 37:20.

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Randall Carlsen New Evidence of Global Mega Floods 2016

Describes new evidence of Global Mega-floods which destroyed huge portions of the earth and wiped out entire animal (megafauna) species (and most human populations) off the face of the planet. These and other catastrophes were once thought to be the result of glacier lakes breaking up and depositing huge volumes of water across thousands of miles of land. New science now reveals evidence of multiple asteroid impacts, which devastated our planet, 12,000 to 14,000 years ago.

The program also highlights the importance of sacred geometry and how ancient man utilized these tools to form megaliths and buildings left to us around the world.

Thanks to Cliff Dunning