Pyramid Prophecy fulfilled in 2026 ?

Everyone wants to know what will happen in the future everyone. But most people would say there is no way to know what will happen in the future. But there are those people with extraordinary abilities who can predict the future.

We will examine the incredible astrological aspects of 2024 through 2027, and how this could be the time period that all these prophecies will be fulfilled. We will look at specific dates during this time period to try to predict what will be happening during those years.”

In this show we will examine those prophecies to get a clear vision of what will happen in the future, and when it will happen.

Thanks to Cliff Dunning

Ancient Aliens in Science and Philosophy (Origin and History Ancient Astronaut Hypothesis -Part1)

Original – Exclusive
Part One: Ancient Aliens in Science and Philosophy


This series is not intended to be an exhaustive treatment on this subject. There is a great deal more information available regarding the evolution of the Ancient Astronaut Hypothesis. This four-part mini-series is geared more to the average viewer who is somewhat knowledgeable with this topic but not necessarily familiar with its origin and history. Please note that this topic is about the conception and development of a hypothesis, NOT the origin of Ancient Astronauts in any particular culture. This series observes those figures in History who began contemplating (outside of a cultural mythos) the probability of extraterrestrial life and the possibility that those beings visited Earth in our ancient past and manipulated our genome.

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William Henry The New Humans 2016

William Henry says cross the world, spanning millennia and bridging cultures and religions, there has been a belief in the transmutability or of the human body into a transcendent higher form, a ? Next Human.

In numerous spiritual traditions, the Next Humans possess a magnificent, hidden, ethereal Light Body that is referenced as the ?must get’ “new skin” that is under our skin. In Sufism it is called “the most sacred body” and “supracelestial body”. Taoists call it “the diamond body,” and those who have attained it are called “the immortals” and “the cloudwalkers.” Yogic schools and Tantrics call it “the divine body.” In Kriya yoga it is called “the body of bliss.” In Vedanta it is called “the superconductive body.”

Thanks to Cliff Dunning

Earths Ancient Pyramids Purpose Revealed 2016

Mans past and present destructive penetration into planet Earths pyramid’s has been the cause of many natural disasters around the world; The below mentioned damaged pyramids were built to prevent and or control, tectonic plate movement, volcanic activity, tidal waves, major earth quakes, land movements and the magnetic field movements here on Earth. If I told you that every large pyramid on Earth has a sister volcano and Island located 180 degrees from said pyramid on the other side of the planet and located at the approximate same latitude of said pyramid would you believe me?

Every major pyramid on the planet has a sister island with volcanoes on the exact opposite side of the planet and at the approximate latitude of said pyramid. The chief and primary purpose of Egypt’s Nile valley pyramid systems gravity beam, is to lock in the Earth’s magnetic north to true north and stop the periodic shifting of the magnetic north and south poles, thus stopping the movements of the tectonic plates and preventing natural disasters from occurring.

Thanks to Cliff Dunning

New David icke How to Find the Phantom Self 2016 [FULL VIDEO]

David Icke answers questions with crystal clarity and in doing so reveals how the reality we think is so ‘real’ is a virtual reality simulation controlled by a hidden force that has manipulated humanity to become slaves to downloaded fake perceptions of self, the world and reality.

The key is what David calls Phantom Self – the ‘you’ that you think is you, but isn’t. It’s the ‘you’ that stares back from the mirror, the one you give a name, a life story and labels galore. But it’s not you. It’s a hoax ‘you’ to enslave your sense of reality in limitation, little me and ‘I know my place’.

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