Ancient Immortality


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New Mars Documentary 2019 Artefacts, Structures and Anomalies That Are Shrouded in Mystery

Scientists have suspected the existence of artificial structures on Mars for decades. This Mars documentary reveals many unusual geographical anomalies on the Martian surface, including tree’s, buildings and even caves which may still harbour life. They appear to be evidence of a once ancient civilisation that may have lived on the red giant. The controversial area know as Cydonia includes what many experts believe to be artificial structures, such as The Face, the Fortress, the D&M Pyramid and the City Square. These artefacts may produce more questions than they do answers, their true origins forever shrouded in mystery.

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Ancient Aircraft and Atomic War in India

Found in the ancient Sanskrit texts of India are descriptions of wonderous aeronautical craft…Craft that flew the skies thousands of years before mankind rediscovered flight.

Mainstream scholars argue that these accounts of aerial craft and battles are mere myth. What if they are not myth? What if they were actual accounts of extraterrestrial technology?

#AncientIndia #Vimana #MonhenjoDaro


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New Arctic Origins Documentary 2019 The 100,000 Year Old Advanced Civilisation That Time Forgot

Way before Babylonia, Mesopotamia, and Egypt, 100,000 years ago or more, a great Ice Age civilisation lived in the Arctic region, before moving south to Asia as the great ice sheets melted. This, new, never before seen documentary will show how they migrated across the Earth. In the archives of prehistoric peoples this forgotten race has left traces of an advanced body of knowledge, seemingly both spiritual and technological. This theory is now being put forward by highly accredited researchers as evidence for the enormous age of our species and continues to be found not only in the legends of races in every part of the planet but also in the thousands of technological anomalies being unearthed in unlikely geological strata. So, what happened to this mysterious advanced civilisation?

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Ancient Origin of Great Sphinx Remains Unexplained

The Great Sphinx of Giza is one of the oldest, largest, and most mysterious monuments ever constructed on Earth. The Great Sphinx is a repository full of esoteric knowledge. It is far older than the current academic paradigm claims, and its true origin remains unexplained.

Even within in academic ranks, the scholars cannot agree upon the age of the Sphinx.
A most cogent argument for the earlier construction of the monument is that, although archaeologists have found the most detailed of inscriptions and evidence relating to the construction of the pyramids of Giza in the 4th Dynasty such as how the workers were housed, what they ate, and how they were paid, …there is never any mention of the Sphinx in the record.

#GreatSphinx #AncientEgypt #Khafre #Djedefre


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