In The Beginning – Genesis Revisited

How were the ancients able to accurately describe details about our solar system that are only now being revealed by deep space probes?

The awesome answers are all here. Having presented evidence of an additional planet as well as voluminous information about the other planets in our solar system, Zecharia Sitchin shows how the discoveries of modern astrophysics, astronomy, and genetics exactly parallel what has already been revealed in ancient texts…

Fairies, Earth’s Supernatural Humanoids are Not What You Think They Are

When Tinker Bell followed Peter Pan to Hollywood in the 1950s, fairies vanished into the realm of child-lore. Yet in 1923 30-yearold J.R.R. Tolkien’s visit to his aunt’s house Bag’s End inspired a story about hedgerow fairies or ‘Hobbits’, and three years earlier Sherlock-Holmes author Arthur Conan Doyle published the Cottingley fairy photographs. In Ireland, a generation before, family members had got rid of a woman thinking she was a fairy, while William Butler Yeats met a fairy queen in a coastal cave.

In addition, Magical Folk includes findings from The Fairy Census, the first scholarly survey of modern fairy sightings in Britain and Ireland, demonstrating that the connection with the past continues unbroken. Another new discovery is that fairies travelled across the Atlantic well before Tinker Bell made it onto the silver screen. The most homesick fairies may have been the ones who dunked one Roderick repeatedly in the Atlantic Ocean as they dragged him to Ireland and back to his Canadian home!

Thanks to Cliff Dunning

New Impossible Ancient Megaliths Documentary 2018 So Advanced, They Shouldn’t Exist

Bizarre looking ancient megaliths have been discovered across the world, but scientists and historians continue to be baffled their construction, construction, and meaning. Some sites have stone artifacts so shrouded in mystery that one cannot help come to the conclusion that they created by an ancient technology that allowed its mystery builders to cut with laser-like precision. Furthermore, how did they transport massive rocks weighing over 100 tons in weight? We have hints, clues, and archaeological proof that something was happening at these locations in the distant past, as we find more evidence we may eventually find the truth behind these mysterious sites.

Watch thought provoking, extraordinary, educational, eye opening, awesome documentaries by subscribing and of course hit the bell button at the top tight of the screen. We will make each film expand the horizons of the viewers open to learning more about the world. We hope you will become aware of many facts you may have been previously unaware of in this Ancient Megaliths Documentary..

Ancient India Temples That Show Evidence of Machining Tools

Praveen Mohan is known for his groundbreaking research on ancient history, archeology and extraterrestial theory. Traveling widely around the world, his initial work on ancient mysteries began in Peru, posting his findings online about Nazca lines and Machu Picchu. He began posting videos about ancient megalithic structures of India. His YouTube videos about Ellora caves and ancient machining technology have been aired on TV shows and documentaries. His findings are radical and show deep insight into understanding ancient texts and symbology. He recently discovered India’s oldest sundial, explaining how to decode Hindu symbols step by step.

In September 2016, he made his first appearance at Ancient Aliens TV Show in history channel. Even though his footage has been widely used before on many TV shows and documentaries, this was the first time he personally appeared on air. Praveen keeps his personal life secretive, never discussing it on camera. On Ancient Aliens show however, he revealed that he grew up in a strict Hindu family, which helped him to read Indian scriptures extensively.

Thanks to Cliff Dunning

Hidden History of the Mound Builder Civilization of Ancient America

America’s incredible mound-building cultures erected the first mounds over 6500 years ago. It is believed that over 1 million mounds once existed, but today, perhaps only 100,000 remain. The ancient mounds and enormous earthworks associated with them are one of the most unappreciated archaeological treasures in the world. America has the largest and most complex formations of geometric earthworks in the world and the largest mound (near St. Louis) has a base larger than the Great Pyramid. This comprehensive guide to mounds, many of which are large mound complexes with museums. The sites are arranged alphabetically by state and include Archaic, Adena, Hopewell, and Mississippian sites. It is the most comprehensive guide to America’s mounds and earthworks in existence.

Greg Little’s book on the mound builders contains nearly 900 photos, maps, & illustrations and has 80 site reconstructions made by archaeological illustrators. Many rare photos of stone chambers and artifacts found in excavated mounds are included. An extensive index of 2300 entries listed by state contains all site and mound names along with locations.

Thanks to Cliff Dunning