New Emerald Tablets Documentary 2018 The Worlds Most Mysterious Ancient Texts

The most mysterious text in the world are what we call the “Emerald Tablets,” they will quickly leave you baffled. Some have even claimed that the original source of the Emerald Tablet is none other than the fabled city of Atlantis. Some 38,000 years ago, THOTH, an Atlantean Priest king, autobiographically wrote the legend famous Emerald Tablets. In later time, Thoth became known as the God of Wisdom, the Keeper of the Records, the Mighty Magician, and Hermes, the Thrice born. The Tablet is an ancient artifact that reveals a profound spiritual technology, which has survived to this day despite centuries of effort to suppress it.

Watch eye opening, thought provoking, educational, controversial, awesome documentaries by subscribing and of course hit the bell button at the top tight of the screen. We will make each film expand the horizons of the viewers open to learning more about the world. We hope you will become aware of many facts you may have been previously unaware of in this very educational Emerald Tablets Documentary.

Randall Carlson Finds New Evidence of Catastrophic Global Floods!

Randall Carson has received academic recognition for outstanding work as a student of geology. His work incorporates Ancient Mythology, Astronomy, Earth Science, Paleontology, Symbolism, Sacred Geometry and Architecture, Geomancy, and other arcane and scientific traditions. For over 25 years he has presented classes, lectures, and multimedia programs synthesizing this information for students of the Mysteries.

Randall is uniquely qualified to interpret the hidden meaning of the great masterpieces of mystical architecture, as well as esoteric and occult ritual and symbolism. It is his aspiration to affect a revival of lost knowledge towards the goal of creating the new world based upon universal principles of harmony, freedom, and spiritual evolution.

Thanks to Cliff Dunning

Geological Proof 13000 Years Ago an Ancient Flood Wiped Planet Earth Clean

With new map data revealing submerged rivers in more than two miles of water, it’s clear that such a volume could only have a cosmic source.

Jaye identifies the impact remnants, and he explains how its effects irreversibly changed Earth’s ecosystem. Humans are among surviving species, but we find ourselves ill-adapted to the post-flood ecosystem.

Discover a historical, scientific, and philosophical treatment of The Worldwide Flood—it will forever change the way you consider Earth and human history.

Michael Jaye, Ph.D., recently retired as an associate professor at the Naval Postgraduate School in Monterey, California. He previously spent fifteen years teaching mathematics and its applications at West Point, New York. His interest in the worldwide flood began with Google Maps images of the Monterey Canyon system.

Thanks to Cliff Dunning

The Bible, the Aliens, the Comic Part 2- Mauro Biglino

Ia bibbia, gli alieni, il fumetto

Working from the original Hebrew texts and by focusing on the literal meaning without applying personal interpretation or religious influence Mauro Biglino reveals a world far removed from religious dogma. Here we find evidence of beings from other planets, clear references to alien craft and devices built using technologies not known at the time. The author has not set out to destroy people’s faith, and does not profess to be an atheist or a ufologist. But he has set out to question many of our certainties backed up by centuries of doctrine, and to open our minds to a world that many will find both fascinating but also at times challenging.

Conferenza pubblica di Mauro Biglino a Lugano. Organizzata da Uchronia Edizioni di Fabio Romiti di . Data: 25 ottobre 2015. Luogo: Università della Svizzera italiana. Produzione video di Flavio Bos

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(New Releases for Ancient Astronaut Archive)

The Bible, the Aliens, the Comic Part 1- Mario Biglino

Ia bibbia, gli alieni, il fumetto

Working from the original Hebrew texts and by focusing on the literal meaning without applying personal interpretation or religious influence Mauro Biglino reveals a world far removed from religious dogma. Here we find evidence of beings from other planets, clear references to alien craft and devices built using technologies not known at the time. The author has not set out to destroy people’s faith, and does not profess to be an atheist or a ufologist. But he has set out to question many of our certainties backed up by centuries of doctrine, and to open our minds to a world that many will find both fascinating but also at times challenging.

Conferenza pubblica di Mauro Biglino a Lugano. Organizzata da Uchronia Edizioni di Fabio Romiti di . Data: 25 ottobre 2015. Luogo: Università della Svizzera italiana. Produzione video di Flavio Bos

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(New Releases for Ancient Astronaut Archive)