Please enjoy the Archive’s first meditative presentation. The ancient trees of Earth seemed to be a good subject matter and we also thought you might like a break from our yapping narrator.
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(New Releases for Ancient Astronaut Archive)
The debate has been raging about the Anunnaki – not whether they exist – nor whether they have been to Earth – as the evidence of them being here is so overwhelming. The debate is whether they are still here today. The Anunnaki had bases around the world, but primarily in the Middle East – Lebanon, Israel, Egypt, Iraq – and in India and South Africa. There are many artifacts that still exist in Iraq but are not allowed to be seen, and the West has not had much access at all to these artifacts of the Anunnaki. It is possible they are hoarded in private vaults under the ground.
Watch eye opening, thought provoking, educational, awesome documentaries by subscribing and of course hit the bell button at the top tight of the screen. We will make each film expand the horizons of the viewers open to learning more about the world. We hope you will become aware of many facts you may have been previously unaware of in this very educational Annunaki Documentary.
“…The Book of Enoch, an ancient composition known from two sets of versions, an Ethiopic one that scholars identify as “1 Enoch,” and a Slavonic version that is identified as “2 Enoch,” and which is also known as The Book of the Secrets of Enoch.
Both versions, of which copied manuscripts have been found mostly in Greek and Latin translations, are based on early sources that enlarged on the short biblical mention that Enoch, the seventh Patriarch after Adam, did not die because, at age 365, “he walked with God” – taken heavenward to join the deity. Enlarging on this brief statement in the Bible (Genesis chapter 5), the books describe in detail Enoch’s two celestial journeys – the first to learn the heavenly secrets, return, and impart the knowledge to his sons; and the second to stay put in the heavenly abode.
The Ethiopic version is deemed by scholars to be older by several centuries than the Slavonic one, and portions of that older version are in turn known to have been based on Keepers of the Secrets 129 even older manuscripts, such as a lost Book of Noah. Fragments of Enoch books were discovered among the Dead Sea scrolls. The astronomical-calendrical tale of Enoch thus goes back into great antiquity – perhaps, as the Bible asserts, to pre-Diluvial times.
Now that it is certain that the biblical tales of the Deluge and the Nefilim (the biblical Anunnaki), of the creation of the Adam and of Earth itself, and of ante-Diluvial patriarchs, are abbreviated renderings of original earlier Sumerian texts that recorded all that, it is almost certain that the biblical “Enoch” was the equivalent of the Sumerian first priest, EN.ME.DUR.AN.KI (“High Priest of the ME’s of the Bond Heaven-Earth”), the man from the city Sippar taken heavenward to be taught the secrets of Heaven and Earth, of divination, and of the calendar.”
How could a primitive civilization have created these ancient artifacts and stunning devices with the tools available? Scientists simply don’t know how to explain such advanced technology. This video claims all the world’s unexplanable artifacts were made by aliens.
The work of aliens or ancient astronauts from other planets is not “magic” but is due to advanced technology. Ancient humans were technologically primitive compared to ancient astronauts, but their interaction produced marvels such as the Ollantaytambo, an Inca archeological site in Peru. ancient humans’ interpretation of the alien astronauts they interacted with. Showing various “bizarre statues” from around the world that seemed to resemble astronauts.
Found in the ancient Sanskrit texts of India are descriptions of wondrous aeronautical craft… Craft that flew the skies thousands of years before mankind rediscovered flight.
Mainstream scholars argue that these accounts of aerial craft and battles are mere myth.
What if they are not myth? What if they were actual accounts of extraterrestrial technology?
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(New Releases for Ancient Astronaut Archive)