Ancient Artefacts That Are So Puzzling Their Origin, Meaning or Purpose are Still Unknown

Every now and then, archaeologists stumble upon objects that are so strange they cannot be easily explained. These very ancient artifacts raise the questions of how such advance technology existed in those times. The authenticity of these ooparts are generally already accepted, but many scholars questioned how such things could have existed thousands of years ago. Proponents point to the discovery of mysterious, ancient objects in remote locations devoid of human life as evidence of advanced civilisations lost to history.

These are objects of historical, archaeological, or paleontological interest that have been found in a very unusual place, are judged to be too advanced for their time, or that demonstrate the presence of humans before they were known to exist. OOPArt has been used to support sacred views of history, ancient astronaut theories, and the belief in extinct empires that had a more advanced knowledge or technology than we have today.

Suppressed UFO Technology Discoveries That Could Dramatically Change Life on Earth

There are presently in research and development an entire suite of relevant outside-the-box technologies which will include both zero point energy generation and antigravity technologies that will replace our present solar/nuclear/fuel cell energy technologies and liquid/solid fuel rockets. This paper describes some of these technologies, the physics behind them and their potential use for manned space exploration. The companies and countries that first
incorporate these technologies into their space programs will lead the way in exploring and colonizing space.

Why is the public being excluded from disclosure of technological advances made decades earlier? Who is the enemy that the powers that be are protecting their secrets from? Serious space exploration is being deliberately held back by their unwillingness to share what could be a benefit for mankind and it’s time for the truth to come out.

Secret Antigravity Devices That Will Forever Remain Hidden From the Public

Antigravity and zero point energy research and their applications are finally being addressed by some of the open scientific community. This means there will have to be a rewriting of textbooks in this area so our new generation of students can apply this “new knowledge.” Its application will lead to major breakthroughs in transportation technologies both earthside and in outer space. The implications are that we have the potential for human exploration of our solar system and beyond, if we have the will, within our lifetimes. It also means that the majority of 20th century space technology will be obsolete and in fact may already be so.

The zero point or vacuum state energy source is seen as a totally non-polluting energy source, which has the potential to replace all the fossil fuels on this planet. It also will provide the energy needed for long range space flights. This means that fuel cells and solar cells in common use today for space flight energy applications will only be needed until we transition to these new energy technologies. As the reality of this knowledge begins to be understood, there will be an outcry among space scientists not on the inside for release of these technologies to allow all of us to explore space. There will be major changes in the way that NASA does its business, though predicting these changes is difficult.

Long Forgotten Megalithic Civilizations in Northeastern America 2018

Presenting a comprehensive field guide to hundreds of lost, forgotten, and misidentified megalithic stone structures in northeastern America, Glenn Kreisberg documents many enigmatic formations still standing across the Catskill Mountain and Hudson Valley region, complete with functioning solstice and equinox alignments. While modern historians consider these sites to be colonial era constructions, Kreisberg reveals how they were used to communicate with the spirit world and may be remnants of a long-vanished civilization.

Kreisberg provides a first-person description of the “Wall of the Manitou,” which runs for 10 miles along the eastern slopes of the Catskill Mountains, as well as narratives about related sites that include animal effigies, reproductive organs, calendar stones, enigmatic inscriptions, and evidence of alignments. Using computer software, he plots the trajectory of the Hammonasset Line, which begins at a burial complex near the tip of Long Island and runs to Devil’s Tombstone in Greene County, New York.

Thanks to Cliff Dunning

The True Purpose of Ancient Temples Around the World 2018

Ancient texts across the world describe how, following a catastrophic flood, groups of enlightened individuals were entrusted with rebuilding the “former mansions of the gods” – a vast, interconnected network of temples and power places at “carefully chosen locations.” They also explicitly state how these sites would act as magical protectors for the people, “unfailingly and regularly and eternally,” and how each one embodies a spiritual technology designed and applied “for the welfare of all” – the only antidote to society falling into barbarity.

In this ground-breaking book, researcher and best-selling author Freddy Silva examines the origins of sacred sites and what makes them so, from pre-diluvial ‘cities of knowledge’ to the resurgence of the temple via secret esoteric groups such as the Followers of Horus, even the architects of America’s capital. He reveals new evidence that temples mark geomagnetic hotspots capable of inducing shamanic states, validating the ancient belief that the sites are living organisms, first seen then felt.

Thanks to Cliff Dunning