Dude looks like a lady

Damn I forgot all about emo bands, 80’s hair metal and the way most asian males look in present day. Who knew learning could be fun? Special thanks to evilindustrydotcom and Corey Lox. Couldn’t have done this without those two gentleman. You’re going to want to full screen this.


Was JFK shot from the sewer drains beneath Dealey Plaza?


jordanmaxwell.com King James Bible (KJV) was revised and supervised by Francis Bacon among others, Bacon who was a high initiate in several secret societies, and a Grand Master of the Rosicrucian Order. King James himself was a prominent Freemason www.illuminati-news.com James VI of Scotland freemasonry.bcy.ca Hidden Roots of Religion jordanmaxwell.com jordanmaxwell.com The King James Bible freemasonry.bcy.ca Contract or Mutual Agreement of 1658 freemasonry.bcy.ca King James – The Founder of Freemason Lodges www.moriel.org A few famous freemasons freemasonry.bcy.ca Canaanite means banker books.google.co.uk www.jonasclark.com www.soundatrumpet.com www.blakestoltman.net 38900 for canaanite merchant. www.google.co.uk t&btnG=Search&meta= 14600 for canaanite bankers on a google search. www.google.co.uk mp;resnum=0&ct=result&cd=1&q=canaanite+b ankers&a mp;spell=1 VIDEOS to watch video.google.co.uk zeitgeistmovie.com www.youtube.com Americans must read this. www.sfgate.com


Bill Hicks RIPS the Official Version of the Kennedy assassination to pieces, IMAGINE what he could have done with the Official Version of the “False Flag” 9/11 Attacks and the subsequent “War OF Terror” waged by the Western Powers that was enabled by “The NEW Pearl Harbor”