2012 Avatar god

Time is Now Follow your passion 😉 Unconditional Love, Nourishment, Peace, Health, Oneness, Harmony, Compassion, Joy, Beauty, Conscious Breathing, Abundance, Gratitude and Forgiveness.

2012, 9/11, Space, Conspiracy, Box Car Racer

*READ* _ This video shows images and information on 2012, 9/11, Government Conspiracys, Outer Space, Alien Contact, and the band Box Car Racer. The three songs are 1. All Systems Go 2. Watch the World 3. Elevator , the music and lyrics and important so be sure to listen. Watch the whole…

“Something Big is About to Happen”, Gregg Braden interview, on the present “unique time period”

“Something Big is About to Happen” Gregg Braden interview, on the present “unique time period” of coalescing crises www.rumormillnews.com

Occult Symbolism 102: Michael Tsarion p7

PLEASE READ THE VIDEO DESCRIPTION Um, first off I even tried to edit my own full copy of this vid and found out that the audio/vid didn’t synch up. So the same’s gonna be for this piece. I picked up this copy from two users and I thank them kindly. As far as the Occult Symbolism class goes, this guy Michael Tsarion is pretty good at spotting and doing the esoteric homework of the symbols and stuff played out in media and marketing. That said, not EVERY LITTLE THING has an occult angle. Not every little thing. I understand that advertising classes and companies use this or that element/s often and such. So let’s not polarize and point the finger and go, “They’re ALL evil and should burn. BURN!” Salem is in the past, as was its flimsy way of identifying witches and such and let it remain so. BUT STILL, lets not forget that there are those that DO know of the occultic meaining of the symbols used and use it in that manner. In the manner to communicate to those in the know that this company belongs to this group or faction. Its up to YOU to find your way through the gray area and discern whether its one thing or the other. He that hath eyes to see, let him see. He that hath ears to hear, let him hear. Like that. Hopefully youve seen the previous Occult Symbolism 101 with Jordan Maxwell and youll begin to see the difference between the profane, which is John Q. Public, and those with the 3rd Eye. Those that can see what the blind cannot. Truth be told, 90% of the blind cant

Occult Symbolism 107: Codex Magica 2nd Hour 5 of 7

PLEASE READ THE VIDEO DESCRIPTION In a word, ASTONISHING! Just to let you know, this is a radio interview about Texe Marrs’ book Codex Magica. I suggest everyone at least go to the library and read just ten pages into it. It’d be worth it. Unfortunately the original posted of this vid series either no longer has his channel up or he/she has dropped the vids. If you were the original poster of this vid and you see it please let me know it was you and I can give you the proper credit. And PLEASE go to Freeman Fly’s site and watch ALL of his shows on the Freeman Perspective. thefreemanperspective.blogspot.com — They vowed you would never know. They thought there was no way you could possibly unmask the sick things they have been hiding. They were wrong. Now, thanks to the incredible revelations in this amazing book, you can discover their innermost secrets. You can identify the members of the Illuminati and unravel their astonishing plan to control and manipulate. You can crack the Illuminati code. They Have Their Own Hidden Language Codex Magica is awesome in its scope and revelations. It contains over 1000 actual photographs and illustrations. You’ll see with your own eyes the world’s leading politicians and celebrities —including America’s richest and most powerful —caught in the act as they perform occult magic. Once you understand their covert signals and coded picture messages, your world will never be the same. Destiny will be made manifest. You will know the truth