Tag: Babylon
2/4 STEVE QUAYLE! Earth Upheaval, Planet X, Gabriels Fist JAN 14
CLICK HERE FOR EASY PLAYLIST www.youtube.com www.stevequayle.com If you can send financial support to Hawk, send to Hawk care of Steve Quayle- Safe Trek 315 Edelweiss Dr. Bozeman, MT 59718 1.406.586.484 www.stevequayle.com Enerfood! www.enerhealthbotanicals.com Protect yourself with Mesosilver http 866 233 4633 CALL STEVE for immediate delivery of metals 406 586 4840
RUBYSTABLETALK MIRROR The Sword Cometh — To Alaska Warning 1of 2
playlist www.youtube.com When YHWH told me to look into Alaska all I knew was there were tunnels full of men waiting that they were Russian and Chinese. I said Lord you will have to show me more I know nothing then he began to disclose this to me little by little in a matter of a few days. That is a few days I do not know the sword cometh. Theses of us who know God and pray now is the time as I have been saying to pray and not stop Seek his face! Ruby Thank you to Von for all the hard he put in to finding the black rider and horse for the sword cometh!
A repost from David Ickes Official YouTube Channel www.youtube.com It is 20 years since David consciously began his incredible journey – and there’s such a long way still to go. Short documentary taken from The Lion Sleeps No More box-set – available at www.youtube.com david icke conspiracy author speaker still crazy after all these years official channel illuminati new world order freemason babylon bloodline reptilians big brother government pharma oil ufos science religion terry wogan interview now and then bilderburg tri lateral imf rothschild zionism 9/11 flu vaccine truth bush iraq afghanistan war politics manipulation mind control problem reaction solution