INCOME TAX INFO RELEVANT TO US, CANADA, AUSTRALIA “ATO Income Tax claiming all withheld back” “Accepted for Value”Paying Bills with your signature basically drawing from your Birth Certificate Account PLEASE GET INTO WIZARD OF OZ BELOW TO LEARN MORE… MORE PERSON RELATED AS POSTED ON MY COMMENTS SO PLEASE CHECK FOR MORE UPDATES AND GOING BACK A MONTH OR 2 ThankYouWhiteKnights (1 week ago) Remove | Spam Marked as spam MORE “WIZARD OF OZ” UNDOING THE RIDDLE TO THE IRS YOUR STRAWMAN FREEMAN GOLD ETC specifically but you will also see UCC doc in their i have not opened yet SEE MORE BELOW ON WIZARD OF OZ ThankYouWhiteKnights ThankYouWhiteKnights (1 week ago) Remove | Spam Marked as spam FREEMAN BEST INTRO VIDEOS JUST WATCHED “Videos: John Harris: It’s An Illusion John Harris – Its An Illusion – 54 Minutes” 4 videos on leader in Britain that affects us all under International Commerce UCC the highest written law on the planet also the 54 min an illusion 1 here along with many others ThankYouWhiteKnights ThankYouWhiteKnights (1 week ago) Remove | Spam Marked as spam “THE WIZARD OF OZ (1939)” THE WIZARD OF OUNCES OF GOLD & SILVER FOLLOW THE YELLOW BRICK ROAD TO THE GOLD A POLITICAL ALLEGORY OR NOTICE OF THE THEN NEW FINANCIAL SYSTEM TO OPERATE IN BANKRUPTCY AFTER 1929 STOCK MARKET …
Tag: Benjamin
Bankers on the Run! All of Them!
The Earth is Changing & So are YOU!! ..Be Love Be SpirituallYOU.. Take Back the POWER that is YOURS Within.. Embrace the Changes Never Fear them.. as that’s What the Powers that be Want.. Remember ..LET GO OF FEAR!! PLEASE Share this VT to Your Twitter – Facebook & All Other Networking Sites & Most of All Upload to YOUR Youtube Channels & Remember Keep Spreading the Love Always.. March march “MARCH 22ND 2012” “March 22nd 2012” Nibiru “Pole Shift” UFO’s ufo UFO “It’s All Connected” “Major Earth Changes” Earthquakes Alien “Extraterrestrial Life” Space Aliens “Beware the Ides of March” 322 “Mayan Calender” Tsunami “Japan Quake” “New Zealand Quake” “Chile Quake” 2012 “Planet x” “Mega quake” Apocalypse “Georgia Guidestones” Universe “Unidentified Flying Object” Moon “December 21st 2012” October August Babylonia Egypt endtimes Benjamin Fulford David Wilcock ET Disclosure
33 jews of all time !
Greatest jews of all time : albert einstein david beckham amy winehouse vladimir vysotsky heinrich heine joseph dassin benjamin disraeli bob dylan michael douglas eugène Ionesco henry kissinger cristofor columb marcelo mastroianni felix mendelssohn arthur miller liza minnelli madeleine albright miguel de cervantes charlie chaplin peter michael falk sigmund freud franz kafka larry king vladimir nabokov michel nostradamus boris pasternak camille pissarro steven spielberg marcel proust barbra streisand elizabeth taylor natalie portman
2012-04-13 David Wilcock Liens on ALL 12 Fed Banks Filed Drake mentioned at 50:30