Bill Hicks – Sane Man – (Part 1 of 9)

Bill Hicks performing for his first video, Sane Man, in Austin, Texas in 1989. William Melvin Hicks was an American stand-up comedian in the 1980s and early 1990s. He challenged mainstream beliefs, aiming to “enlighten people to think for themselves.” Hicks used a ribald approach to express his material, describing himself as “Chomsky with dick jokes.” His jokes included general discussions about society, religion, politics, philosophy and personal issues. Hicks’ material was often deliberately controversial and steeped in black comedy. In both his stand-up performances, and during interviews, he often criticized media and popular culture as oppressive tools of the ruling class, meant to “keep people stupid and apathetic.” An inspired and inspiring truth teller, dangerous and brave and scary all at once. Richard Pryor Hickss stand-up act is about taking a stand and occasionally dodging a chair. Rolling Stone Savage, brilliant, funny, tremendously intelligent. John Cleese He never disappointed. David Letterman Bill Hicksblowtorch, excavator, truth-sayer, and brain specialist, like a reverend waving a gun around. He will correct your vision. Others will drive on the road he built. Tom Waits

The 50 Greatest Books Ever Written

This list isn’t about the most famous or the most exciting books. It’s a list of books that truly enlightened and inspired readers. These books are some of the greatest works that humanity ever produced, real masterpieces in other words. From stories to science to philosophy I tried to make this list as diverse as possible. – Analects by Confucius – Avesta – Beelzebub’s Tales To His Grandson by GI Gurdjieff – Civil Disobedience by Henry David Thoreau – Common Sense by Thomas Paine – Communist Manifesto by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels – Confessions by Jean-Jacques Rousseau – Corpus Aristotelicum by Aristotle – Cybernetics by Norbert Wiener – Dhammapada – Dialogue Concerning The Two Chief World Systems by Galileo Galilei – Divine Comedy by Dante Alighieri – Don Quixote by Miguel De Cervantes – Encyclopedia by Denis Diderot – First Folio by William Shakespeare – Elements by Euclid – Guide For The Perplexed by Maimonides – Harmony Of The World by Johannes Kepler – History Of The Decline And Fall Of The Roman Empire by Edward Gibbon – History Of The Peloponnesian War by Thucydides – I Ching – Iliad and Odyssey by Homer – Interpretation Of Dreams by Sigmund Freud – Kabbalah – Leviathan by Thomas Hobbes – Mathematical Principles Of Natural Philosophy by Isaac Newton – Meditations by Marcus Aurelius – Mind And Society by Vilfredo Pareto – Nineteen Eighty-Four by George Orwell – Novum Organum by Francis Bacon – Old Testament and New Testament – On Liberty by John Stuart Mill

Abortionist Calls Slicing Up ‘Ugly Black Babies’ A Service!

Pro-life Christian group confronting an abortion doctor. The doctor says his abortions save taxpayers money, prevent shootings like the one in Colorado, and rid the world of “ugly black babies.” Abortionist Ron Virmani “Ugly Black Babies” [Support infowars and spread the news]


Kate Upton: (amazon) Poster:Kate Upton-Hot Half Naked Hottie: Kate” Upton (born June 10, 1992) is an American model and actress known for her appearances in the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue, first in 2011, when she was named Rookie of the Year, and again in 2012, when…

Staged Shootings: A Precursor to NATO/UN Takeover with 10 FEMA Regions

On this Monday, August 6 edition of the Alex Jones Show, host Mike Adams dissects the Sikh shooting in Wisconsin, its telltale military attributes, and the attempt by the government and the corporate media to connect it to supposed white supremacists and characterize it as domestic terrorism. He looks into the eerie similarities between this shooting and the Aurora, Colorado mass shooting two weeks ago. [Support infowars and spread the news]