Lawful Rebellion – the RIGHT TO REFUSE postal mail

I am not an attorney I do not give legal advice. This video is for entertainment purposes only. Have you ever opened your mail and accepted notice for something you didn’t ask for?!?!? This has happened to all of us, but only because we were SCAMMED to believe we are powerless. Did you know WE THE PEOPLE have the right to REFUSE postal mail?!?!? Know your rights, and exercise them before they go away. Restore America. FREE YOURSELF LISTEN TO SNOWCAT!!!

World War III, Toxic Rain, Anubis, Planetary Alignment, Wormhole In The Gulf… What the…???

Saudi Arabia will allow Israel air space to strike Iran: North Korea threatens all out war… again: Anubis at Denver International Airport(please Google for much, much more info on DIA) Planetary Alignment: This video talks about the Obama/Morgan Freeman reference, but you should really spend some time watching this channel: Through The Wormhole: Is there A Creator Occult symbolism in Sherlock Holmes: Confused, angry, frustrated, concerned? Want to help and don’t know what you can do or how? Participate in the Oil Spill Project!