Eli Jonston Time Travels Part 2

After 4 months WE’RE BACK! Eli discovers he is a source for saving mankind after an evil villain tries to kill him, it is because of James’ time machine that saved the day!

The Quantum Universe by Brian Cox and Jeff Forshaw

“The Quantum Universe” brings together two authors on a brilliantly ambitious mission to show that everyone can understand the deepest questions of science. But just what is quantum physics? How does it help us understand the world? Where does it leave Newton and Einstein? And why, above all, can we be sure that the theory is good? The bizarre behaviour of the atoms and energy that make up the universe has led to some very woolly pronouncements on the nature of all interconnectedness. Here, Brian Cox and Jeff Forshaw give us the real science, and reveal the profound theories that allow for concrete, yet astonishing, predictions about the world. Buy it today from Waterstones.com (bit.ly or at your local store (bit.ly Alternatively, download the eBook version (bit.ly to read on your eReader.

Van Jones at All Saints Church, Pasadena — sponsored by KPFK

818 – 985 – 2711 www.kpfk.org Van Jones, past advisor to President Obama for The Green Economy, speaks at the All Saints Church, Thursday, 26 April, 6pm, 132 North Euclid Avenue, Pasadena. He will sign books for readers. Proceeds of book sales go to KPFK. Go to www.ianmasters.com for the complete publication interview with Van Jones: ianmasters.com For more information and a map to the event: www.nationinstitute.org

Van Jones Rebuild The Dream 6pm All Saints Church Pasadena

818 – 985 – 2711 www.kpfk.org Van Jones, past advisor to President Obama for The Green Economy, speaks at the All Saints Church, Thursday, 26 April, 6pm, 132 North Euclid Avenue, Pasadena. He will sign books for readers. Proceeds of book sales go to KPFK. Go to www.ianmasters.com for the complete publication interview with Van Jones: Still images by James Noack for “Enterprise Zone” Project