How Easy it is to Stage Terror or Laughter Batman Colorado Shootings Compared to Leeroy Jenkins WOW

THIS IS A STAGED TERROR & LAUGHTER EVENT! Staged terror! GAH! Listen here humanz! If I see one more fucking news clip, interview, show, discussion, bogus news casters acting like they care, I will fart on a Batman costume. I WILL DO IT – Trumpet Dinopup Don’t pay attention to Batman – The Dark Knight Rises shooting it was a staged terror event in order to inspire more fear, sadness, low vibration and government control. But what do I know I’m a T-rex Dinopup. What more is there to say? Rwwwaarr! Humanz in NYC at Julliard School of the Farty Pants. Spending all your money to get a fancy peace of paper that says you’re an artist does not mean you’re an artist and I eat those people but with love and compliments and dance moves.

All Eyes on Jerusalem by Rick Hodge Pt 9 – YouTube.flv

Published on May 20, 2012 by sdhjirhgh ††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††† Comments by Combat: Take a look at the complete set of the illuminati card game by copying and pasting this link in your browser: password: abovetopsecret ††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††† I am suspecting either of those to be the next false flag: 11 YEARS LATER BRINGS US TO SEPT.11, 2012 Washington, DC gets NUKED! (DAY AFTER DISASTER) Is Washington, DC the next 9/11? now-if-we-want-to-overturn-postpone-this-because-it-is-where-we-are-headed/ ††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††† Cris Putnam (co-author with Thomas Horn) asked me this question: “IS THIS BOOK REVEALS SECRETS ABOUT THE JESUIT PLAN TO DOMINATE THE WORLD”? Go here to find out … Barack HUSSEIN Obama could be the Maitreya and The First Beast that would make him the maitreya and he was introduced as the Messiah… The pope Ratzinger is aligned with Islam and not only correct the evils in the world but rule from…Jerusalem, (Babylon)…. ********LET ME MAKE THIS PERFECTLY CLEAR***** I DO NOT support, encourage, or approve of violence and in no way do I wish ANY HARM to come to AMERICA’S PRESIDENT (even though he’s just an Occupant at the White House!) nor to THE NAZI

Art Bell – Father Malachi Martin Third Secret of Fatima Pt5

They Sold Their Souls For Rock And Roll PERSEVERE IN PRAYER But as for the cowardly, the faithless, the polluted, as for murderers, fornicators, sorcerers, idolaters, and all liars, their lot shall be in the lake that burns with fire and sulphur, which is the second death Revelation 21:8 “In flaming fire taking vengeance on them that know not God and that obey not the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ.” —2nd Thessalonians 1:8 JESUS SAVES

Most Terror Attacks Are Committed By Our CIA And FBI – Ted Gunderson Former FBI Chief

Music Industry Hijacked by Freemasons/Illuminati (Part 3) BLACK EYED PEAS

Thank you to undercoverunit6 and SheikhZelda for pointing out this video. This video you wil find masonic compass hand symbolsim, demonic voice changer over,sun symbolism/sun worship, robotic voice applied the “borg agenda” stated in lenorfilms,dehuminzation of humans,humanization of machines, pyramid/cube gateways moving anti-clockwise. Further Analysis:- Heya, I saw that vid again on TV – the strange thing is that they dont actually meet up (halfway) in the vid but they DO meet up with their symbols……..i think the main message of this vid is that by joining someone like the masons will give you the ability to access a greater freedom… say they……its really a way of controlling influential people… I studied Art History and i think music videos along with movies are todays version of paintings….. Matt Thank you Matt Lyrics are not based ont ribute for madonna they are based on anticipation of the arrival of the deciever.this video is blatent, occult symbolism is everywhere. They open Gateways for each of the members to go through, the cube and pyramid are both chanelling negative energy. the cube and pyramid rotate anti-clockwise. This can be applied to Crowlys Law of Reversal One of Crowley’s chief insistances was that his followers learn and put into practice the Occult Law of Reversal. In the many various and sundry classes he instructed in his home in the occult, he invariably instructed his multitude of excited students in this major law of Satan