song and video written, composed, produced and directed by John Blaze for Blaze 1 Productions for 2012 featuring the artwork of David Dees and outro w Alan Watt(i did not have Alan Watt’s permission to use his voice)
Tag: chip
alex jones, 911 truth, battle of LA, pheonix lights, area 51, nazca lines, chemtrails, aspartame, flouride, denver air port murals, mason, illuminati, bilderburg, bohemian club, bohemian grove, georgia guidestones, RFID chip, DUMBS, aliens, aliens in ancient art, FEMA, alister crowley, UFO, USO, bill cooper, cliford stone, phil schneider, bob lazar, aaron russo, david icke, art bell, george noory, graham hancock, zach sitchin, travis walton, richard hoagland, norio hayakawa, government experiments, bermuda triangle, dragons triangle