SATANIC MADONNA Super Bowl Half Time Show

ARE YOU STILL SLEEPING? WILL YOU WAKE UP TO THE NEW WORLD ORDER? WILL YOU SUBMIT TO THE ANTICHRIST OR GOD? Logical Proof there is a God: Nothing can come from nothing. Something must come from something. Something cannot come from nothing. You think therefore you exist. Existence is something. The universe (time/space) is something. The universe must have come from something. That something must be Above time/space. The Source is thus Eternal and Infinite. The Source is God. The most important commandment of all the prophets, that which separated them from the polytheists, was Monotheism. They all preached that there is only One God. The same goes for Jesus, peace be upon him. He prayed to God and bowed down to Him. The Qur’an is the last and final Revelation from God. It is for all of mankind. It is unchanged – it is the same for over 1400 years, in the Arabic language. It is without a doubt the greatest literary work in all of Arabic history. It is the most frequently read and memorized book in all of human history. There are millions of people alive who have the entire Qur’an memorized by heart, including children ten years old and younger. The Qur’an also has many scientific and mathematical Miracles in it as well which are still being discovered. The Message is clear – worship The Creator – not the creation, and do good deeds, and you will be rewarded with Eternal Paradise. If God gave us this life, certainly He has The Power to raise us from the dead and give us


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Illuminati Subliminals or Ancient Archetypes? HD Docu: ‘Symbolism in Logos’ RedIceTV

~sub & support: ~Fair Use DISCLAIMER: I do not own this video, full credits to: This video is [FAIR USE] under © COPYRIGHT LAW it is 01. noncommercial 02. trans-formative in nature 03. not competitive with the original work 04. not effecting its market negatively. FAIR USE NOTICE: This video contains copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in our efforts to advance understanding issues, etc. We believe this constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 USC 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes This episode was filmed in Bath and Bristol, England featuring special guests such as Michael Tsarion, Neil Hague, Ralph Ellis, Leo Rutherford, Neil Kramer, Dan Tatman and Peter Taylor. We also interview a priest, university students, teachers and of course a couple random pub interviews. We begin the show discussing the symbolism of two major corporations, Starbucks and Apple. What is really being said in logos? ~infopowerment truthers network~ -new kind of unity against tyranny- http 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 youtube

Bill Hicks on Creationists

He doesn’t appear to be a fan of them.Remember to rate, favorite, and/or comment on videos you consider to be morally, intellectually, and/or aesthetically enlightening. By doing so, you help to perpetuate the ideas to which you believe others should be exposed. Learn Mandarin Chinese in Beijing, China