FAIR USE EDUCATION NOT FOR PROFITCLICK HERE FOR EASY PLAYLIST www.youtube.com STEWART BEST HAS A PAID BEST REPORT. THIS IS A FREE MIDWEEK REPORT. PLEASE GO TO THE LIGHTGATE SITE AND SUPPORT THEM. SUPPORT STEWART’S PAID BEST REPORT. THANK YOU THIS CHANNEL IS FOR EDUCATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY AND POSTS UNDER FAIR USE RULES. I DO NOT RECEIVE ANY BENEFIT IN ANY WAY FOR ANY VIDEO I POST AND MANY LONG HOURS IN PREPARATION AND DOCUMENTATION. I DISTRIBUTE STRICTLY TO SPREAD THE WORD OF GOD IN THESE TRYING TIMES. PLEASE VISIT THE LIGHTGATE SITE. SUPPORT THE SITE. I AM SIMPLY INTRODUCING NEW LISTENERS TO LIGHTGATE . THEY ARE GOING TO A PAID SERIVE YOU WILL WANT TO SUBSCRIBE TO CONTINUE TO GET THEIR UPDATES. They are offering a special price for their DVD “Native American Prophecies – Red Elk, Through The Fire”– $17.95 . Take his advice — that is , if you want to live through the FIRST PHASE of these MEGA-EARTH CHANGES. This is special offer good only from today through May 15th. USPO only, no case, no fancy cover, just the DVD in paper protective cover. Call 1-800-257-2672 to order. Stewart Best and Larry Taylor www.thelightgate.com blog larrywtaylor.org Lightgate with Stewart Best lightgateblogger.com enigma@truinsight.com Larry W. Taylor EMAIL: From_The_Edge2011@yahoo.com
Tag: clay
Is Obama Done ? CIVIL UNREST at Obama Rally
uspimpclub.blogspot.com Video Vlog of my Opinion on Obama ! Signs of the coming CIVIL UNREST at Obama Rally http
1/5 LIGHTGATE #143 Israel, The Worm, and other bad news OCT 1
CLICK HERE FOR EASY PLAYLIST www.youtube.com Stewart Best and Larry Taylor www.thelightgate.com Psalms 2:1-12 (KJV) 1Pe 1:13 Wherefore gird up the loins of your mind, be sober, and hope to the end for the grace that is to be brought unto you at the revelation of Jesus Christ; 1Pe 4:7 But the end of all things is at hand: be ye therefore sober, and watch unto prayer. 1Pe 5:8 Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour:
CLICK HERE FOR EASY PLAYLIST www.youtube.com Stewart Best and Larry Taylor Update 117 www.thelightgate.com I CANNOT KEEP UP THESE THINGS ARE COMING SO FAST (usually not daily from the lightgate) and now STEVE QUAYLE will be live thursday night on survive to thrive Program Note: Steve hosts Survive To Thrive May 27; topic: Inane and Insane The Stuff Is Hitting the Fan! www.stevequayle.com
1/9 Attack on America in Plain Sight #1 (mirror from RubysTableTalk) JULY 2010
CLICK HERE FOR EASY PLAYLIST www.youtube.com FOR ENTIRE PLAYLIST CLICK HERE www.youtube.com www.youtube.com Some times we have dreams and visions that are telling us many things. We have to look at them from many areas. This dream is tell you many things I was told not to tell you directly what all the meanings are you my ask me and question each other about it. It has many connections. Ruby Duby