Michael Cremo – Forbidden Archeology, Hindu Cosmology & Human Evolution – Part 3/4

Michael Cremo joins Dr. Rita Louise on Just Energy Radio where he discusses topics including Hindu Cosmology, The Yuga Cycles, 2012 and Hindu Sacred Texts & Mythology. Michael Cremo is on the cutting edge of science and culture issues. In the course of a few month’s time he might be found on pilgrimage to sacred sites in India, appearing on a national television show, lecturing at a mainstream science conference, or speaking to an alternative science gathering. As he crosses disciplinary and cultural boundaries, he presents to his various audiences a compelling case for negotiating a new consensus on the nature of reality. For additional show archives, visit www.justenergyradio.com


A balanced discussion on the illuminati and the masons considering the case of both the good and bad in both ideas. Light vs. Dark Illuminati is a distinction that should be applied. Are the leaders of the conscience the same as the dark overlords who choose to rule the world through force and control?