BREAKING: Gay CNN Anchor, Don Lemon Just Dropped A STUNNER Live On National Television

BREAKING: Gay CNN Anchor, Don Lemon Just Dropped A STUNNER Live On National Television

CNN anchor Don Lemon believes standing for the national anthem at NFL games and the pageantry surrounding it are examples of “fake patriotism,” Breitbart reports.

While discussing President Donald Trump’s decision to cancel the White House celebration for the Philadelphia Eagles on Tuesday evening, Lemon also accused Trump of not understanding what “real patriotism” is.

“This isn’t about some fake patriotism, about standing or some pageantry. Real patriotism is understanding what the Constitution means for all Americans and abiding by the Constitution, not doing some false presentation that you pretend to be a patriot while other people are around you going to the concession stands, getting beer, or fights in the stands or talking to each other with their baseball caps on.That is not real patriotism. Real patriotism is understanding that all of us are created equal and we have the choice to stand, kneel or sit, or even attend a football game if we choose to.” ~ Don Lemon

Lemon went on to slander and berate the President over the NFL corruption, in a pathetic attempt to make our President look like he does not truly care about America.

“He cannot be a unifier. He cannot be the unifier in chief. I don’t know what it is about him that he can’t do it. It seems that this is an issue where he could actually bring the country together, bring the team and talk to team owners and players, and try to get them to come to some sort of consensus about this.”

Donald Trump on Wednesday called CNN anchor Don Lemon “dumb as a rock” after a heated segment on the GOP presidential nominee’s controversial remarks about Hillary Clinton and supporters of the Second Amendment.
Back in 2014, it was Don Lemon who was one of the instigators over the Michael Brown shooting in Ferguson.
“Earlier this year President Barack Obama launched a nationwide imitative called ‘My Brother’s Keeper’ to address the issues facing black men in America. That program isn’t just for black people to help black men. It’s for all people to help black men. It’s time for the white people who are in willful denial to break the cycle and become their black brother’s keeper.” ~ Don Lemon

How about black men doing something to help themselves? That would seem to be the logical starting point, wouldn’t it? This statement supposes that it’s white people’s fault that many black men choose a life of crime over the responsibility of work and raising a family.

“Don Lemon is a lightweight — dumb as a rock,” Trump tweeted, praising former Secret Service agent and Florida Republican congressional candidate Dan Bongino for defending him on the network the previous night.

“We need to address the fact that many white people in this country refuse to even allow the possibility that there is a double standard when it comes to the way black men are perceived and treated in American society on a daily basis…” ~ Don Lemon

And that brings us back to Ferguson, MO. Lemon complains:

“We need to address the fact that in Ferguson, Missouri black drivers and people are stopped more often than whites…”
By all accounts, the city of Ferguson is over 70% black. It stands to reason that blacks would make up the majority of people who are stopped by the police. That’s not racism, that’s equality, Downtrend reports.

Someone needs to educate Lemon on RESPECTING our national anthem and military and what real patriotism is.

Chris “Badger” Thomas is a Veteran who served our country as an Army Combat Medic.


1 Week After Calling Ivanka “C*nt,” Samantha Bee Blindsided By Devastating News

1 Week After Calling Ivanka “C*nt,” Samantha Bee Blindsided By Devastating News

It has now been one week since TBS comedian Samantha Bee called Ivanka Trump a “feckless c*nt” on an episode of “Full Frontal.” She was surely hoping that all of the controversy surrounding her incendiary remark was about to die down, but then, she was blindsided by the most devastating news.

TBS comedian Samantha Bee called Ivanka Trump a “feckless c*nt” in a “Full Frontal” monologue last week after Ivanka posted a picture on Instagram of herself with her 2-year-old son. “You know, Ivanka, that’s a beautiful photo of you and your child,” said Bee, “but let me just say, one mother to another, do something about your dad’s immigration practices, you feckless c*nt!”

Bee eventually apologized in a statement shared on Twitter, saying, “I would like to sincerely apologize to Ivanka Trump and to my viewers for using an expletive on my show to describe her last night. It was inappropriate and inexcusable. I crossed a line, and I deeply regret it.”

TBS echoed Bee’s statement with their own apology, stating, “Samantha Bee has taken the right action in apologizing for the vile and inappropriate language she used about Ivanka Trump last night. Those words should not have been aired. It was our mistake too, and we regret it.”
However, it appears that this was not sufficient to ease the minds of Bee’s advertisers because, according to Breitbart, more than a dozen sponsors for her late-night show did not run advertisements on Wednesday’s episode. Unlike last week’s episode, which saw ad spots from national brands like Taco Bell, Apple, Haagen Dazs, and Jim Beam, Wednesday’s “Full Frontal” featured promos in large part from other programs on TBS and TNT.

The first broadcast of Bee’s TBS series “Full Frontal” after she sparked a controversy last week contained far fewer national commercials than it normally does, a signal that Madison Avenue find the comedienne too hot to support a week after she used a charged epithet that refers to a part of the female anatomy to insult President Donald Trump’s daughter, Ivanka. The Time Warner-owned cable network filled the commercial breaks of her program largely with promos for other programs on TBS and TNT, such as “Drop The Mic,” “Claws,” and “Conan.” Only a small handful of national ads for PlayStation; the Warner Brothers movie “Ocean’s 8”; the Epix cable series “Deep State”; and the latest entry in the Univeral Pictures “Jurassic World”series accompanied this week’s broadcast of the program. [Source: Variety]

An embattled Bee returned to her show on Wednesday to deliver an angry apology that was long on one-liners and short on remorse for Ivanka Trump. “You know, a lot of people were offended and angry that I used an epithet to describe the President’s daughter and advisor last week. It is a word I have used on the show many times, hoping to reclaim it, this time I used it as an insult. I crossed the line. I regret it and I do apologize for that,” Bee’s apology began.
“I want this show to be challenging and I want it to be honest,” she continued. “I never intended it to hurt anyone, except Ted Cruz. Many men were also offended by my use of the word… I do not care about that. I hate that this distracted from more important issues.”

“I should have known that a potty-mouthed insult would be inherently more interesting to them than juvenile immigration policy,” Bee went on. “I would do anything to help those kids. I hate that this distracted from them and so to them, I am also sorry. I’m really sorry that I said that word. But, you know what? Civility is just nice words, maybe we should all worry a little bit more about the niceness of our actions.”
If Samantha Bee’s advertisers were furious before, they surely won’t be happy after hearing this half-assed apology. There’s something to be said for true remorse and a humble apology, and if Bee had offered as much, perhaps her sponsors wouldn’t be fleeing in droves. But, alas, it appears that an agenda is more important to her than her paycheck.

BREAKING: New Report Shows BAD NEWS For Obama!!! LOOK WHAT HE DID!

BREAKING: New Report Shows BAD NEWS For Obama!!! LOOK WHAT HE DID!

On tour to promote his new book The World As It Is: A Memoir of the Obama White House, former speechwriter and deputy national security adviser Ben Rhodes said Saudi officials lavished visiting Obama administration officials with suitcases full of jewels during a 2009 visit, Breitbart reports.

The UK Guardian describes the relevant passage of the book:

After landing in Saudi Arabia in June 2009, Rhodes writes, US officials were taken by golf cart to “identical housing units amid the rolling desert”, in a compound owned by the monarchy.

“When I opened the door to my unit, I found a large suitcase,” he writes. “Inside were jewels.”

Rhodes initially thought it was a bribe aimed at him because he was writing the “Cairo speech”, intended as an address to the Muslim world, that Obama was due to deliver in Egypt on the next stop on the trip. But then he found that others in the White House delegation had received similar gifts.

The Guardian noted that the late Saudi King Abdullah presented Former First Lady Michelle Obama with $132,000 in ruby and diamond jewelry, along with other luxury gifts for her husband and two daughters. The Obamas turned all of these gifts over to the U.S. National Archives, as required by law. Protocol states that such gifts must generally be accepted to avoid giving offense but, as Rhodes explained, the gifts must be either purchased by the recipient or turned over to the U.S. government.

After the “gift’s” were all supposedly turned over to the state department, Obama changed his views and policies about Saudi Arabia.

Obama has cast the Saudis as “so-called” allies; bemoaned the terrorist-inspiring version of Islam they practice; and even suggested the oil-rich Arab state learn to “share” the Middle East with rival Iran. The Saudis, meanwhile, consider Obama naive, sparring with him over the Iran nuclear deal and questioning his hands-off approach to Syria’s bloody civil war.

Despite these differences, Obama had promised to veto a bill that Congress passed unanimously allowing families of 9/11 victims to sue Saudi Arabia over alleged links to the 2001 terrorist attacks.
That Obama and Riyadh find themselves on the same side against Congress underscores the bizarre evolution of U.S.-Saudi ties over the past eight years, Politico reported.

We all know Obama is a traitor to the United States and the more that is uncovered during his regime, the more we find just how bad he “sold” the US to our enemies.

Sarah Laughs In CNN’s Chris Cuomo’s Face After Catching Him In Huge Lie On Live TV

Sarah Laughs In CNN’s Chris Cuomo’s Face After Catching Him In Huge Lie On Live TV

CNN’s Chris Cuomo was pumped up as Sarah Huckabee Sanders agreed to appear on his live TV show. Since CNN’s ratings are in the dumper, thanks to President Donald Trump labeling them “fake news,” Cuomo was out to make the press secretary look like a fool. As expected, the Trump hating pundit attacked Sanders with a huge lie. Sarah brilliantly laughed in his face, while slapping him with the hard truth.

CNN’s Chris Cuomo demonstrated once again why Americans agree with President Trump’s assessment they are fake news. Cuomo had a golden opportunity to be a fair and balanced journalist as Sarah Sanders agreed to an interview on his live TV show. Instead, Cuomo attacked Sanders with such a huge lie, she burst out laughing.

Cuomo started out by defending CNN’s reputation. “Do you think that by saying, ‘We [CNN] stink,’ that we don’t like veterans, that we are bad for America, the president says we are enemies of America, do you think that that works for you long-term?” Cuomo asked.
“What I think is important to remember is that you guys get to ask the questions, but you can’t always complain about the answers,” Sanders shot back. “You constantly ask the same question over and over and over again and expect different answers and then get mad when the answers don’t change.”

Cuomo cuts her off, saying, “Yeah, that’s the job, that’s the job!” Sarah slaps him hard with the truth, saying, “No, the job is to get information and to report the news!”

She adds, “Unfortunately, you guys quit reporting the news. When I can read a news story and I have no idea what side of the story the reporter is on, that’s a good news story. You’ll be hard-pressed to find a lot of news that looks like that [on CNN].”
Boom. Sarah Huckabee Sanders stunned Cuomo with schooling him on what his job really should be. She laughs as he tries to defend CNN as a reputable news source when every American knows CNN is a propaganda network out to tell lies and falsehoods about President Trump.

The Daily Caller reports, “White House press secretary Sarah Sanders knocked CNN’s Chris Cuomo on Thursday and accused his network of reporting opinion rather than the news. Cuomo bristled at Sanders’ suggestion that he is an opinion journalist and claimed that she doesn’t answer the public’s questions during White House press briefings.”

No, she just doesn’t answer stupid questions, nor will she engage in CNN’s crazy antics during briefings put on by CNN’s Jim Acosta and April Ryan.

Cuomo wouldn’t even have a job if his brother wasn’t the governor of New York. He has time and time again lied protecting the Democrats. Going back to 2015, Cuomo sided with Hillary Clinton’s account of Benghazi. He denied the Obama Administration did anything wrong. To this day, Cuomo has never apologized for reporting “a video started the Benghazi attack.”
Last week, Cuomo claimed there was “proof of potential collusion” between Russia and the Trump campaign. What? Yep, he went head to head with Rep. Jim Jordan who blew him out of the water exposing his ridiculous lies.

Jordan claimed the federal government lied when it obtained Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) warrants to spy on the Trump campaign and said it relied on a false dossier to prop up its case.

“They did disclose where the dossier came from. It is not all false allegations in that dossier,” Cuomo shot back. What? Does this idiot really believe a FISA court judge would approve a warrant if they knew the evidence was a bought and paid for unverified dossier by Hillary Clinton?

Jordan, totally incensed with Cuomo’s lies, says to him, “You know this to be the case even though you have never seen the FISA application yourself.” Yeah, that shut Cuomo down. But to this day he is still promoting “no one spied on the Trump campaign” even after Democrats had to admit that was true.
CNN’s horrendous line-up of Chris Cuomo, Jim Acosta, and April Ryan proves they are not in the news business. They are in the propaganda business, and these clowns are no match for Sarah Huckabee Sanders. Our beloved press secretary takes a blow torch to their lies on a daily basis. Thank God for Sarah Sanders, Americans love her because we love the truth.

Paul Ryan Defends FBI Spying On Trump, Rep Gaetz Unleashes His Worst Nightmare

Paul Ryan Defends FBI Spying On Trump, Rep. Gaetz Unleashes His Worst Nightmare

After House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-WI) recently defended the FBI’s illegal spying on President Donald Trump during his campaign, Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) dropped a nasty truth bomb on him you won’t want to miss.

According to Breitbart, Paul Ryan once again betrayed President Donald Trump on Wednesday, June 6, 2018, when he told reporters that he supports the FBI’s spying on the Trump campaign. Ryan said he believes the FBI acted appropriately when they used an informant to make contact with members of Trump’s campaign staff.

“I think Chairman Gowdy’s initial assessment is accurate,” Ryan said after his colleague Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-SC), recently told Fox News that he sees no wrongdoing in the FBI’s use of an informant. “I have seen no evidence to the contrary of the initial assessment Chairman Gowdy has made,” he said, adding that investigators still “have some more digging to do.”
Ryan’s comments come a week after Gowdy told Fox News host Martha MacCallum that he’s convinced the FBI did exactly what his fellow citizens would want them to do. In my opinion, any member of Congress who defends the FBI’s participation in Barack Obama’s political surveillance operation should not be serving the American people.

Following Ryan’s comments in support of the FBI’s illegal spying operation, Florida Congressman Matt Gaetz dropped a nasty truth bomb on the Speaker of the House. “There is no defense today for Paul Ryan siding with the FBI and Department of Justice against those of us in the Congress who are working for transparency and accountability,” said Gaetz during an interview on Fox News‘ Fox Business with host Lou Dobbs.
“We need the Speaker to be an institutionalist of the Congress and not to be a defender of the Deep State… The silence from our very own Speaker is deafening. He needs to speak up. He needs to join us in a call for a second Special Counsel. And for goodness sakes, stop defending the FBI’s collection of intelligence on the Trump campaign when they refuse to give us the documents to show whether or not they broke the law,” Gaetz continued.

“As you know, I run in the conservative circles of the House. And I have never up to this point heard a single person talk removing Speaker Ryan from the speakership. Today for the first time, I was hearing colleagues say, well if Speaker Ryan won’t stand with us in this fight over the essentials of our democracy, not weaponizing the intelligence community against a presidential campaign, do we need to look at other choices? So I think that remains a lingering question,” Gaetz added.
Paul Ryan is peddling the deep state’s agenda and is directly attempting to sweep the FBI’s corruption under the rug with the help of other key players in Congress. The bottom line here is that the FBI is calling in favors from every corner of the political world from hacks like Ryan.

Oddly enough, both Ryan and Gowdy have defended the FBI’s illegal political surveillance and both men have announced their departure from Congress after their current terms are up. This is more than just coincidence that two of the Republican Party’s heavy hitters are vouching for a corrupt FBI before they leave Congress. In my opinion, that in and of itself wreaks of corruption.
It is beyond disturbing to watch members of Congress who are supposed to be serving the interests of the American people actually serve the interests of an out of control and politicized FBI. This should be a wake-up call to anyone who believes that our government could not be corrupted to such a great extent. Like Matt Gaetz emphasized, the true conservatives in the Republican Party who support Donald Trump are now openly talking about replacing Ryan as Speaker of the House, and hopefully, it isn’t too late for such a move to have the necessary impact.