ALERT The “Big One” Is Coming FAST

ALERT The “Big One” Is Coming FAST

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Yellowstone caldera eruption fears have spiked as the supervolcano’s largest geyser erupted for the eight time. So far, scientists aren’t certain why the Steamboat geyser continues to erupt, adding to the fears.

After years of silence, Yellowstone’s Steamboat geyser, a better show than Old Faithful, has spewed boiling water hundreds of feet in the air eight times since March. Steamboat, the tallest geyser in the vast Yellowstone National Park, isn’t reliable at all, unlike the more famous Old Faithful that belches steam with regularity. But the fact is, Steamboat has been more faithful, at least lately, spewing eight times since March 14, after being silent for nearly four years. But that regularity is terrifying and puzzling scientists.

Until this recent series of eruptions, the last time Steamboat blew was in September 2014. Steamboat’s latest eruption was Monday morning when the geyser shot boiling hot water hundreds of feet into the air. Steam billowed from the geyser for hours longer. Steamboat is located in the Norris Geyser Basin, known to have the hottest and most changeable thermal area in nearly 3,500-square-mile wilderness park that sits on a volcanic hot spot called a caldera. That accounts for the geyser’s towering columns of steam (it’s very, very hot underground) but leaves a major fear-provoking question unanswered: Why now, and is it a sign the giant volcano is waking up?

Scientists don’t know why the Steamboat geyser has become more active, but they still insist that no major eruption is on the horizon. “It is a spectacular geyser,” Michael Poland, the U.S. Geological Survey’s scientist in charge of the Yellowstone Volcano Observatory, wrote to CNN in an email. “When it erupts, it generally has very big eruptions.”

Data collected so far suggests a pattern to the eruptions within the series. If it all “proves out,” the days surrounding June 11-12 are good dates to potentially see the Steamboat geyser erupt, Forbes reported. “Most geysers erupt infrequently, unlike Old Faithful, so Steamboat is not enigmatic in that regard. But Steamboat has a mystique about it because it is the tallest active geyser in the world. It gets attention because of this, and rightly so,” Poland said.
The day of the first eruption, park staff detected activity on nearby seismometers, thermal gauges, and water discharge on a US Geological Survey stream gauge. Yellowstone National Park staff arrived in time to observe steam from the geyser but no water column. According to the Geological Survey, this is a usual occurrence after a vigorous water eruption. The steam phase can last several hours.

Scientists consider Yellowstone to be a “‘supervolcano,” which refers to volcano capable of an eruption of more than 240 cubic miles of magma,” according to the National Park Service. This distinction is based on massive eruptions over 600,000 years ago. Although the caldera is considered active, scientists believe that it is unlikely to erupt in the next thousand years.

There doesn’t seem to be a direct relationship between these eruptions and the supervolcano, Poland wrote. “The geyser is reflecting processes that are occurring in the shallowest part of the system — tens to perhaps a few hundreds of meters deep, whereas the magmatic system starts about 5 km down. Geysers are supposed to erupt, and so what we’re seeing is normal behavior.” So once again, we are being told this is all normal abnormal activity.

Liberals Freak As Rudy Giuliani Destroys Dirty Cop Robert Mueller

Liberals Freak As Rudy Giuliani Destroys Dirty Cop Robert Mueller

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Liberals have another huge reason to freak out after President Donald Trump’s attorney, Rudy Giuliani, destroyed dirty cop and Special Counsel Robert Mueller. You don’t want to miss this.
Rudy Giuliani has been slaying the mainstream media along with those on the left who have been attacking President Donald Trump with the false accusation of Russian collusion. Giuliani came out swinging again during an interview on Wednesday, June 6, 2018, at a conference in Israel, where he directly accused Mueller and his team of Democrat lawyers of trying to “frame the President,” according to Breitbart.

Giuliani’s comments further hammer down on the efforts of the deep state to discredit the President in the ongoing investigation of Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election. The same group of Trump-hating Democrats is also trying to build a case against the President for obstruction of justice. Thus far, Mueller and his team of liberal degenerates have come up empty handed but are still really seeking to try to do damage prior to the midterm elections.

During his speaking engagement in Tel Aviv, which was hosted by the Globes newspaper, Giuliani reiterated the President’s position that Mueller’s team is dominated by Democrats who are hell bent on fabricating allegations to undermine his presidency and to take him down. Then, Giuliani, who has years of experience as a former federal prosecutor behind him, suggested that Mueller’s team is going to unbelievable lengths to destroy the Trump administration.
“They are a group of 13 highly partisan Democrats that make up the Mueller team — excluding him — who are trying very, very hard to frame him, to get him in trouble when he hasn’t done anything wrong,” Giuliani said, according to a video of the event.

As a cover for his deep state operations, Mueller himself is registered as a Republican, as is his corrupt boss Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein. In addition to the 13 Democrats in Mueller’s office, there are four other attorney’s whose political affiliation is unknown. I’ll take a wild guess here and suggest that they are also members of the deep state’s left.
During the conference, Giuliani also restated his opinion that the President could pardon himself of any federal crimes but added that he wouldn’t need to because he hasn’t done anything wrong. “Does he have the power to do it? Yes,” Giuliani said. “Is he going to do it? No. He’s not going to do it … He’s innocent. He hasn’t done anything wrong.”

Giuliani also praised the President for his masterful ability to negotiate in his dealings with North Korea. Giuliani described how Trump sent Kim Jong Un a letter notifying him that the upcoming summit was canceled before the dictator responded by getting on his hands and knees. “Well, Kim Jong Un got back on his hands and knees and begged for it, which is exactly the position you want to put him in,” Giuliani said, according to ABC News.

Speaking to the audience in Tel Aviv, Giuliani suggested that a similar approach should be taken with the Palestinians in the never-ending conflict with Israel. “That’s what needs to happen with the Palestinian Authority,” he said. “They have to be seeking peace. You’ve got to change the dynamic and put the pressure on them.”Rudy Giuliani is exactly the man President Trump needed on his legal team because of his skill with handling the mainstream media and not pulling any punches when it comes to being aggressive in his defense of the President. American patriots have had enough of the watered down semi-supportive allies in our government who fall significantly short in their duty to defend our President.

Giuliani is absolutely right to go after Mueller and his team of Democrat operatives, who are bent on taking the President down. The Russia collusion investigation has been the biggest farce and embarrassment to our country and its citizens that Democrats created in order to take revenge for the lost presidential election in 2016. It’s time for our President to fire each and every one of the corrupt operatives who continue to plot and act against the American people.



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Early reports said that the Eagles planned to send ten players to meet with President Trump at the White House on Tuesday. However, according to a new report, the true number of planned attendees is closer to what you would have if you dropped the zero from that number, Breitbart reports.

According to NFL Network’s Mike Garafolo, the Super Bowl champs had planned to send MVP quarterback Nick Foles to the ceremony, and that’s it:
No information about who the second player would have been, in the end it truly does not matter because President Trump canceled the event. Then the President turned the event into HONORING our Soldiers and LEO.

President Donald Trump presided over a brief White House south lawn ceremony honoring the United States and military men and women on Tuesday in lieu of a previously planned event with the NFL Philadelphia Eagles. RWT Report

We stand to honor our military, and to honor our country and to remember the fallen heroes who never made it back home. We stand to show our love for our fellow citizens and our magnificent Constitution. We stand to pay tribute to the incredible Americans who came before us and the heroic sacrifices they made.

America’s a great nation, a community, a family. And America is our home and we love our home.

The situation with the NFL and their policies about their spoiled brats throwing temper tantrum protests during the national anthem, is a powder keg that appears has only 1 outcome.

Unfortunately, the Eagles offered to send only a tiny handful of representatives, while making clear that the great majority of players would not attend the event, despite planning to be in D.C. today. In other words, the vast majority of the Eagles team decided to abandon their fans. ~ White House Press Release
Chris “Badger” Thomas is a Veteran who served our country as an Army Combat Medic.

Paul Ryan Double Crosses Trump, Helps FBI Democrats Take Donald Down

Paul Ryan Double-Crosses Trump, Helps FBI Democrats Take Donald Down

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Both Paul Ryan and Trey Gowdy will be retiring shortly, and have nothing left to lose. This makes them even more dangerous than they’ve been in the past to Republicans. Both have a tumultuous history within the GOP, and neither politician endorsed President Trump in the primaries

They have no loyalty to him, nor to the American people they claim to serve.

Gowdy’s investigation into Hillary provided nothing more than good sound bytes. Nothing was ever done to follow up on the criminal activity that Gowdy’s investigation uncovered.

Now more illegally activity has been uncovered regarding the Democrats, and once again, Gowdy is doing nothing. After it was revealed that the FBI planted a spy on Trump’s campaign, Gowdy downplayed the whole affair, claiming it’s all merely semantics.

“That is not a term I’ve ever used in the criminal justice system. I’ve never heard the term ‘spy’ used. Undercover informant, confidential informant, those are all words I’m familiar with. I’ve never heard the term ‘spy’ used,” Gowdy stated.
Gowdy has also said that he is convinced the FBI did the right thing by planting an informant, because the FBI claimed that Trump was not the target of their investigation.

Now it appears Paul Ryan is also siding with the FBI over the President.

From The Hill:

Speaker Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) on Wednesday pushed back against President Trump’s “spygate” claims, siding with Rep. Trey Gowdy’s (R-S.C.) defense of the FBI’s investigation into Trump’s campaign and Russia.

“Chairman Gowdy’s initial assessment is accurate, but we have more digging to do,” Ryan told reporters during his weekly news conference.

While both Ryan and Gowdy received a closed-door briefing on the bureau’s use of an informant in the investigation, there is still an outstanding request to view the underlying documents to support the briefing.

Paul Ryan may have no loyalty to the President, but he certainly has loyalty to Gowdy.

Gowdy has defended Ryan multiple times in the past, such as when the Democrats wanted to blame Ryan for failing to fund security at the consulate in Benghazi when he was House Budget Chairman.

At the time Gowdy said, “I know that it is popular and trendy to blame [House Budget Chairman] Paul Ryan for everything. Regrettably, the facts just don’t support it with respect to Benghazi.”

Regardless of whether Trump was the primary focus of the FBI’s use of an “informant” on his campaign, the fact remains that it was Trump’s campaign that they were attempting to infiltrate. The FBI can claim that they were targeting the scope of Russia’s influence on the election, but they still had eyes on the President while doing so.

The sooner this expensive witch hunt ends and Ryan and Gowdy retire, the sooner we can get back to making America great.

Saudis Gave Obama Officials With Suitcases Full Of ‘Special Gift,’ Now We Know Sick Reason Why

Saudis Gave Obama Officials With Suitcases Full Of ‘Special Gift,’ Now We Know Sick Reason Why

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While on a tour to promote his new book, The World As It Is: A Memoir of the Obama White House Barak Huessin Obama’s former speechwriter and deputy national security adviser Ben Rhodes confirmed Saudi officials lavished visiting Obama administration officials with suitcases full of jewels during a 2009 visit.

Here is the passage in question:

“After landing in Saudi Arabia in June 2009, Rhodes writes, US officials were taken by golf cart to “identical housing units amid the rolling desert”, in a compound owned by the monarchy.

“When I opened the door to my unit, I found a large suitcase,” he writes. “Inside were jewels.”
Rhodes initially thought it was a bribe aimed at him because he was writing the “Cairo speech”, intended as an address to the Muslim world, that Obama was due to deliver in Egypt on the next stop on the trip. But then he found that others in the White House delegation had received similar gifts.”

The UK Guardian followed up with an email from with Rhodes who said he and the other officials who received the bags full of jewels all turned them into the State Department’s protocol office since you have the option to buy them but considering each bag was worth tens of thousands of dollars no one ever ends up keeping the gifts. Rhodes recalled everyone turning the bags in.

The Guardian also went on to note that the late Saudi King Abdullah also presented First Lady Michelle Obama with $132,000 in ruby and diamond jewelry. A gift which the Obamas turned over to the U.S. National Archives, as required by law. The protocol mandates that gifts must generally be accepted to avoid giving offense but the gifts must be either purchased by the recipient or turned over to the U.S. government in a bid to avoid foreign entities buying favor with our politicians.
Here is more on this via U.S. News:

“For the president himself: a gold and silver watch, estimated to be worth $18,240; a gold-plated brass replica of the Makkah Clock Tower, estimated at $57,000; and another watch, this one white gold, estimated at $67,000.

In total, these items are worth about $142,240 – chump change compared to the money Abdullah dropped on First Lady Michelle Obama.

From the king, FLOTUS accepted a diamond and emerald jewelry set, an estimated $560,000 value, and a diamond and pearl jewelry set, worth about $570,000.

Obama daughters Sasha and Malia received a diamond and emerald jewelry set and a diamond and ruby jewelry set, totaling $80,000. To share – and from Saudi Prince Miteb bin Abdullah bin Abdulaziz Al-Saud – the Obama family got a model palm tree, several bottles of perfume, eight robes, three capes, a couple of muumuus, a satin outfit, a velvet gown, and four ornate boxes.

Overall bling total: $1,352,240.”

More on this via the AP:

“After striking an elusive nuclear deal with Iran, the Obama administration found itself in a quandary in early 2016: Iran had been promised access to its long-frozen overseas reserves, including $5.7 billion stuck in an Omani bank.

To spend it, Iran wanted to convert the money into U.S. dollars and then euros, but top U.S. officials had repeatedly promised Congress that Iran would never gain access to America’s financial system.

Those assurances notwithstanding, the Obama administration secretly issued a license to let Iran sidestep U.S. sanctions for the brief moment required to convert the funds through an American bank, an investigation by Senate Republicans released Wednesday showed. The plan failed when two U.S. banks refused to participate.
Yet two years later, the revelation is re-igniting the bitter debate over the nuclear deal and whether former President Barack Obama was too eager to grant concessions to Tehran.

“The Obama administration misled the American people and Congress because they were desperate to get a deal with Iran,” said Sen. Rob Portman, R-Ohio, who chairs the Senate panel that conducted the investigation.

And Republican Rep. Ed Royce, the House Foreign Affairs Committee chairman, accused Obama of trying to “hide a secret push to give the ayatollah access to the U.S. dollar.”

Not so, former Obama administration officials said, arguing the decision to grant the license adhered to the spirt of the deal, which included allowing Iran to regain access to foreign reserves that had been off-limits because of U.S. sanctions. They said the public assurances that Iran would be kept out were intended to dispel incorrect reports about nonexistent proposals that would have gone much farther by letting Iran actually buy or sell things in dollars.