Sarah Laughs In CNN’s Chris Cuomo’s Face After Catching Him In Huge Lie On Live TV

Sarah Laughs In CNN’s Chris Cuomo’s Face After Catching Him In Huge Lie On Live TV

CNN’s Chris Cuomo was pumped up as Sarah Huckabee Sanders agreed to appear on his live TV show. Since CNN’s ratings are in the dumper, thanks to President Donald Trump labeling them “fake news,” Cuomo was out to make the press secretary look like a fool. As expected, the Trump hating pundit attacked Sanders with a huge lie. Sarah brilliantly laughed in his face, while slapping him with the hard truth.

CNN’s Chris Cuomo demonstrated once again why Americans agree with President Trump’s assessment they are fake news. Cuomo had a golden opportunity to be a fair and balanced journalist as Sarah Sanders agreed to an interview on his live TV show. Instead, Cuomo attacked Sanders with such a huge lie, she burst out laughing.

Cuomo started out by defending CNN’s reputation. “Do you think that by saying, ‘We [CNN] stink,’ that we don’t like veterans, that we are bad for America, the president says we are enemies of America, do you think that that works for you long-term?” Cuomo asked.
“What I think is important to remember is that you guys get to ask the questions, but you can’t always complain about the answers,” Sanders shot back. “You constantly ask the same question over and over and over again and expect different answers and then get mad when the answers don’t change.”

Cuomo cuts her off, saying, “Yeah, that’s the job, that’s the job!” Sarah slaps him hard with the truth, saying, “No, the job is to get information and to report the news!”

She adds, “Unfortunately, you guys quit reporting the news. When I can read a news story and I have no idea what side of the story the reporter is on, that’s a good news story. You’ll be hard-pressed to find a lot of news that looks like that [on CNN].”
Boom. Sarah Huckabee Sanders stunned Cuomo with schooling him on what his job really should be. She laughs as he tries to defend CNN as a reputable news source when every American knows CNN is a propaganda network out to tell lies and falsehoods about President Trump.

The Daily Caller reports, “White House press secretary Sarah Sanders knocked CNN’s Chris Cuomo on Thursday and accused his network of reporting opinion rather than the news. Cuomo bristled at Sanders’ suggestion that he is an opinion journalist and claimed that she doesn’t answer the public’s questions during White House press briefings.”

No, she just doesn’t answer stupid questions, nor will she engage in CNN’s crazy antics during briefings put on by CNN’s Jim Acosta and April Ryan.

Cuomo wouldn’t even have a job if his brother wasn’t the governor of New York. He has time and time again lied protecting the Democrats. Going back to 2015, Cuomo sided with Hillary Clinton’s account of Benghazi. He denied the Obama Administration did anything wrong. To this day, Cuomo has never apologized for reporting “a video started the Benghazi attack.”
Last week, Cuomo claimed there was “proof of potential collusion” between Russia and the Trump campaign. What? Yep, he went head to head with Rep. Jim Jordan who blew him out of the water exposing his ridiculous lies.

Jordan claimed the federal government lied when it obtained Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) warrants to spy on the Trump campaign and said it relied on a false dossier to prop up its case.

“They did disclose where the dossier came from. It is not all false allegations in that dossier,” Cuomo shot back. What? Does this idiot really believe a FISA court judge would approve a warrant if they knew the evidence was a bought and paid for unverified dossier by Hillary Clinton?

Jordan, totally incensed with Cuomo’s lies, says to him, “You know this to be the case even though you have never seen the FISA application yourself.” Yeah, that shut Cuomo down. But to this day he is still promoting “no one spied on the Trump campaign” even after Democrats had to admit that was true.
CNN’s horrendous line-up of Chris Cuomo, Jim Acosta, and April Ryan proves they are not in the news business. They are in the propaganda business, and these clowns are no match for Sarah Huckabee Sanders. Our beloved press secretary takes a blow torch to their lies on a daily basis. Thank God for Sarah Sanders, Americans love her because we love the truth.

Paul Ryan Defends FBI Spying On Trump, Rep Gaetz Unleashes His Worst Nightmare

Paul Ryan Defends FBI Spying On Trump, Rep. Gaetz Unleashes His Worst Nightmare

After House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-WI) recently defended the FBI’s illegal spying on President Donald Trump during his campaign, Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) dropped a nasty truth bomb on him you won’t want to miss.

According to Breitbart, Paul Ryan once again betrayed President Donald Trump on Wednesday, June 6, 2018, when he told reporters that he supports the FBI’s spying on the Trump campaign. Ryan said he believes the FBI acted appropriately when they used an informant to make contact with members of Trump’s campaign staff.

“I think Chairman Gowdy’s initial assessment is accurate,” Ryan said after his colleague Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-SC), recently told Fox News that he sees no wrongdoing in the FBI’s use of an informant. “I have seen no evidence to the contrary of the initial assessment Chairman Gowdy has made,” he said, adding that investigators still “have some more digging to do.”
Ryan’s comments come a week after Gowdy told Fox News host Martha MacCallum that he’s convinced the FBI did exactly what his fellow citizens would want them to do. In my opinion, any member of Congress who defends the FBI’s participation in Barack Obama’s political surveillance operation should not be serving the American people.

Following Ryan’s comments in support of the FBI’s illegal spying operation, Florida Congressman Matt Gaetz dropped a nasty truth bomb on the Speaker of the House. “There is no defense today for Paul Ryan siding with the FBI and Department of Justice against those of us in the Congress who are working for transparency and accountability,” said Gaetz during an interview on Fox News‘ Fox Business with host Lou Dobbs.
“We need the Speaker to be an institutionalist of the Congress and not to be a defender of the Deep State… The silence from our very own Speaker is deafening. He needs to speak up. He needs to join us in a call for a second Special Counsel. And for goodness sakes, stop defending the FBI’s collection of intelligence on the Trump campaign when they refuse to give us the documents to show whether or not they broke the law,” Gaetz continued.

“As you know, I run in the conservative circles of the House. And I have never up to this point heard a single person talk removing Speaker Ryan from the speakership. Today for the first time, I was hearing colleagues say, well if Speaker Ryan won’t stand with us in this fight over the essentials of our democracy, not weaponizing the intelligence community against a presidential campaign, do we need to look at other choices? So I think that remains a lingering question,” Gaetz added.
Paul Ryan is peddling the deep state’s agenda and is directly attempting to sweep the FBI’s corruption under the rug with the help of other key players in Congress. The bottom line here is that the FBI is calling in favors from every corner of the political world from hacks like Ryan.

Oddly enough, both Ryan and Gowdy have defended the FBI’s illegal political surveillance and both men have announced their departure from Congress after their current terms are up. This is more than just coincidence that two of the Republican Party’s heavy hitters are vouching for a corrupt FBI before they leave Congress. In my opinion, that in and of itself wreaks of corruption.
It is beyond disturbing to watch members of Congress who are supposed to be serving the interests of the American people actually serve the interests of an out of control and politicized FBI. This should be a wake-up call to anyone who believes that our government could not be corrupted to such a great extent. Like Matt Gaetz emphasized, the true conservatives in the Republican Party who support Donald Trump are now openly talking about replacing Ryan as Speaker of the House, and hopefully, it isn’t too late for such a move to have the necessary impact.



Democrats in the North Carolina House are pushing a California-style gun roster that opens the door to a microstamping requirement in the Tar Heel State, Breitbart reports.

California has an approved handgun roster, which means licensed dealers in the state are only allowed to sell handguns that meet certain criteria. Part of that criteria is a requirement that pistols sold in California be capable of microstamping.

Microstamping is a ballistics identification technology. Microscopic markings are engraved onto the tip of the firing pin and onto the breech face of a firearm with a laser. When the gun is fired, these etchings are transferred to the primer by the firing pin and to the cartridge case head by the breech face, using the pressure created when a round is fired. After being fired, if the cases are recovered by police, the microscopic markings imprinted on the cartridges can then be examined by forensic ballistics experts to help trace the firearm to the last registered owner. A California law requiring the use of microstamping technology in all new semiautomatic firearms sold in the state has attracted controversy.
Yet North Carolina State Rep. Verla Insko (D-Orange County) and seven of her colleagues are pushing to create a California-style handgun roster in North Carolina. Insko’s bill is called “Ensure Safe Handguns.”

The implementation is another attempt at a federal registry, which is an extreme violation of firearm owners rights. Not to mention the bills have been proven to be complete garbage and waste of taxpayers money.

With microstamping and bullet serialization, we face the latest schemes to evolve from what has previously been referred to as “Ballistic Fingerprinting.” This idea was to create a databank of images of the rifling striae, or marks, on fired test bullets as well as breech face signatures (impressions) and firing-pin impressions on a fired cartridge case for all new semi-auto handguns—and possibly all new guns—sold in the United States. The idea would be to include these images for comparison with crime-scene ammunition evidence entered into the current computer system using the Integrated Ballistic Identification System (IBIS), which is the actual hardware and software system used under the National Integrated Ballistic Identification Network (NIBIN).

With IBIS/NIBIN (as it now stands), the computers do a rough comparison of bullet and breech-face characteristics with those in the crime-evidence database and select images within the general “class characteristic” range, leaving the firearm examiner to look for a potential match of individual characteristics. If there is a probable match, the actual fired evidence is requested for a microscopic comparison to a suspected crime firearm.

What’s wrong with the notion of adding non-crime guns to the mix? The short answer is: just about everything. This plan was actually implemented in New York and Maryland. And after more than five years in operation, neither system has been responsible for a single conviction. ~ NRA-ILA

Obama’s Ego Suffers Crushing Blow After Trump’s Stunning Record Is Released To Public

Obama’s Ego Suffers Crushing Blow After Trump’s Stunning Record Is Released To Public

On November 8, 2016, the liberal snowflake was born. Donald Trump’s victory over the “Butcherer of Benghazi” shattered the lies the media told us for months, which was that Hillary would “win by a landslide.” As the melodrama played out on national television and across social media, with snowflakes being rendered helpless in fetal positions over the news that their crooked queen had lost the election, liberals a year-and-a-half later are still having issues coping with Trump being president. Now a list of Trump’s accomplishments that’s circulating across the internet is making liberals seethe with anger, as our President’s accomplishments are already shattering records, with 82 successes just since the beginning of his presidency.

Here’s the list that’s currently making liberals go into meltdown mode, as grudgingly comprised by Newsweek:

100 percent vote by UN Security Council to sanction North Korea.

41 percent decline in illegal southern border crossings

97,482 illegal immigrant arrests, 70 percent convicted of additional crimes, 52,169 expelled

Adopted a resolute policy on Afghanistan

Advocated for practical tertiary education

Advocated for skills-based immigration policies
American companies now expanding rather than shipping jobs overseas

Announced sanctions targeting Iran’s Revolutionary Guards

Appointed a Transportation Secretary who is modernizing air traffic control

Appointed an Education Secretary who is correcting abuses of Title IX

Appointed an EPA administrator who has rescinded over 30 regulations

Appointed an FDA director who is facilitating generic drug competition

Appointed an Interior Secretary to improve forest management and expand users of public lands

Approved the Keystone pipeline

Called for international support of Iranian protesters

Canceled school lunch program that failed to force children to eat unpopular foods

Constructed test models of the border fence

Convinced Japan and South Korea to increase defense spending

Convinced NATO members to honor minimum financial commitments

Decertified Iranian nuclear treaty and sent it to Senate as constitutionally required

Designated North Korea as a state-sponsor of terrorism

Eliminated prohibition on interstate health insurance sales

Ended abuses of the student loan forgiveness program

Ended forced provision of contraception by Catholic nunneries

Ended requirement for state funding of Planned Parenthood

Ended research into Y2K preparedness

Ended rule requiring employers to report pay data by gender and race

Expanded school-choice efforts

FCC has begun to dismantle unnecessary Internet “Neutrality” regulations

Foreign firms building plants and creating jobs in the U.S.

Improved rules of engagement for military in combat situations

Initiated resistance “sue and settle” tactics against EPA

Initiated sanctions on Venezuelan dictatorship

Introduced regulatory budgeting requiring agencies to rescind two rules to issue a new one

ISIS bombing ramped up from about 20 to 500 or more airstrikes per week

ISIS ground campaign intensified; Raqqa captured, its fighters surrendering in large numbers

Issued a National Security Strategy

Kate’s Law passed House now pending in Senate

Leveraged U.S. contribution to UN budget to force 5 percent budget cut and reduce staffs

NLRB reversed rule making indirect employee control sufficient to be “joint employees”

Nominated 60 judges, 21 confirmed, none yet denied

Nominated a new Fed chief

Nominated one Supreme Court judge, who was confirmed

Obtained release of Aya Hijazi after three years in Egyptian prison

Obtained release of Caitlan Coleman and husband from Haqqani

Obtained release of UCLA basketball players from China

Raised awareness of Opioid addiction crisis

Recognized Jerusalem as Israeli capital and announced plan to move U.S. embassy there

Reduced excess size of two national parks in Utah

Reduced permanent staff in all Cabinet agencies except VA, HS and Interior

Reduced White House staff by 110

BOMBSHELL McCain Played Instrumental Role in ‘SETTING UP’ Trump

BOMBSHELL: McCain Played Instrumental Role in ‘SETTING UP’ Trump

A new report out exposes more of McCain’s fingerprints on the “set up” job against Donald Trump.

Not only has McCain PROUDLY announced that he handed off the phony and debunked dossier to the FBI, but now it appears that he played an instrumental role in the “set up” President Trump.
If true, John McCain is one of the biggest traitors of our time and an enemy of “we the people.”

NEW YORK — In recently released testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee, a key participant at the June 2016 meeting at Trump Tower with President Trump’s son Donald Trump Jr. admits to being present at the same security conference in Canada where Sen. John McCain was reportedly first informed about the anti-Trump dossier.

Russian-born Washington lobbyist Rinat Akhmetshin says he might have spoken to McCain and the senator’s assistant David J. Kramer at the Halifax International Security Forum in 2016. However, Akhmetshin claimed that he did not discuss the dossier with McCain or Kramer, and that he didn’t know about the existence of the controversial dossier.

The information raises immediate questions about the possibility of dirty tricks in arranging the infamous Trump Tower meeting. This considering a recent Breitbart News report that email transcripts and other information disclosed in Akhmetshin’s testimony reveal a significant relationship between the lobbyist and the controversial Fusion GPS firm that produced the infamous, largely discredited anti-Trump dossier.

It was at the security conference in Canada in November 2016 that McCain says he was approached by Sir Andrew Wood, a former British ambassador to Moscow and friend of ex-British spy Christopher Steele, the author of the dossier.

Wood briefed McCain and Kramer, a former State Department official and longtime McCain associate who agreed to meet Steele in London for a fuller briefing on the dossier contents.

The Washington Post reported in February that after meeting with Steele, Kramer went to Washington and received the dossier document directly from Fusion GPS. McCain then passed the dossier to FBI Director James Comey.

In a New York Times oped in January, GPS co-founders Glenn Simpson and Peter Fritch wrote that they helped McCain share their anti-Trump dossier with the Obama-era intelligence community via an unnamed “emissary.”

In testimony reviewed in full by this reporter, Akhmetsin describes attending the Halifax security conference in 2016, but claimed he played no role in the contact where Wood connected with McCain and Kramer to inform them of the dossier’s existence. Ahmetshin also claimed he was not aware of the dossier at the time.
Akhmetshin said he “might” have “said hi” to McCain but could not say for sure. In other words, Akhmetshin is claiming he is not certain whether he spoke to one of the most famous American politicians, something that would seemingly be quite memorable to most people.

The Russian lobbyist also said he “might have spoken with” Kramer but would not give a definitive answer.

Here is the section of the transcript in which Akhmetshin discusses his possible interactions with McCain and Kramer at the same conference where McCain was briefed on the dossier claims:

Q. Did you have any contact with Sir Andrew Wood during the 2016 Halifax International?

A. I did not talk to him.

Q. What about Senator McCain?

A. I might have said hi to him. I know him personally.

Q. You know him personally?

A. Yeah.

Q. What about David Kramer?

A. I also know him well. I might have spoken with him.

Q. Did you discuss the dossier with Senator McCain or David Kramer?

A. I wasn’t aware of existence of dossier.

Q. You weren’t aware of –

A. I was not aware of the existence of the dossier at that time

Later in the testimony, Akhmetshin briefly elaborates on his stated previous relationship with McCain.

“I knew Senator McCain when he was running years ago because I had friends who were — did advance work for him,” Akmetshin said, referring to McCain’s 2008 presidential campaign.

Akhmetshin was one of the participants at the June 9, 2016 meeting at Trump Tower with President Trump’s son Donald Trump Jr. and other campaign officials.