After Donald Pardons Innocent Navy Sailor, He’s Dropping The Hammer On 2 Top Democrats

After Donald Pardons Innocent Navy Sailor, He’s Dropping The Hammer On 2 Top Democrats

There are two sets of laws: one is for Democrats, and one is for everyone else. But now the law really is coming after them

Obama twisted or ignored the law when it didn’t comply with his attempt to transform America.

Fired FBI Director James Comey acted with insubordination to Trump and helped Hillary get off a lot easier than she deserved.

Bill Clinton recently landed in hot water for saying he supported the “Me Too” movement, while he himself has never been held accountable for his own crimes against women.

These top Democrats act like they’re bulletproof and can get away with anything … unfortunately, because it seems like they can.

However, one man is fighting back against this double standard and is taking multiple high ranking liberals to court.

From Fox News:

“A former Navy sailor who is one of five people to receive a pardon from President Donald Trump is planning to file a lawsuit against Obama administration officials, alleging that he was subject to unequal protection of the law.
Specifically, Kristian Saucier, who served a year in federal prison for taking photos of classified sections of the submarine on which he worked, argues that the same officials who meted out punishment to him for his actions chose to be lenient with Hillary Clinton in her use of a private email server and handling of classified information.”

Among those named in the lawsuit are the Department of Justice, former FBI Director James Comey, and Barack Obama.

All of these individuals and institutions were blatantly biased towards Hillary Clinton and failed to hold her accountable.

Saucier is thankful that the President pardoned him and showed support for his case, but lambasted those who prosecuted him as a criminal just for taking photos.

He claims that the prosecutors were using him as a scapegoat for Hillary Clinton’s email scandal:

“My case was usually something handled by military courts,” Saucier told Fox News.

“They used me as an example because of [the backlash over] Hillary Clinton.
They interpreted the law in my case to say it was criminal, but they didn’t prosecute Hillary Clinton. Hillary is still walking free.”

Saucier’s lawyer Ronald Daigle stated that the ultimate goal of this case is to, “highlight the differences in the way Hillary Clinton was prosecuted and how my client was prosecuted.

We’re seeking to cast a light on this to show that there’s a two-tier justice system and we want it to be corrected.”

Saucier was forced to become a garbageman after he was released from prison, and his wife and young daughter lost their home to foreclosure after they were unable to pay their bills.

This is a situation that must be remedied, and we hope Saucier fights the good fight and emerges victorious!

Liberal Con Artist Tries to Defend Melania Rumors, Humiliates All Democrats Instead

Liberal Con Artist Tries to Defend Melania Rumors, Humiliates All Democrats Instead

Liberal pundit Ana Navarro tried to defend the ugly rumors the mainstream media invented about First Lady Melania Trump. She tried to compare them to rumors about Hillary Clinton. In the end, it backfired tremendously.

You probably heard what the left has been trying to say about Melania Trump. After she underwent minor surgery, she was out of the public eye for a few weeks. We can naturally assume she enjoyed some time to recover. Then, she most-likely went about her business. Unlike most glory-obsessed politicians, she was not quick to rush in front of the cameras.

This led to an incredible campaign by the left to smear her. Pathetic, monkey-brained liberals started to invent rumors about her sudden “disappearance.” The wild and completely unsubstantiated rumors ranged from Melania being seriously ill, living overseas, and even being abused by Donald Trump. They were ugly, nasty lies, invented by a media that hates our President and First Lady.

But what else can we expect from an industry that pretends to be impartial but is really the PR arm of the Democratic Party?
Patriots were quick to condemn these vile rumors. Most of us hate the media at this point. Rarely are we surprised over their constant stream of fake news. But this stunt was a new low, and we had to call them out on it. There seems to be no limit to what they’ll say or do to slander our leaders. Even Melania Trump had to address the rumors, making it clear she was hard at work (and even spotted by numerous reporters at the White House — who refused to mention that).

Even though the left was, once again, exposed for their petty dishonesty, they refuse to admit defeat. Known con artist and liberal shill Ana Navarro took to Twitter to actually defend the libelists rumors that her cohorts invented.

As you can imagine, patriots were quick to pounce.

She knows that questions and conspiracy theories about Melania Trump’s health shared by the blue-check mob are not the same as legitimate concerns about the health of Hillary Clinton who was literally seen collapsing and getting thrown into a van? Please tell us she knows that a First Lady is in no way the same as questioning the health of the person who can launch nukes:
Just wow. [Source: Twitchy]

I don’t know how someone could be that stupid. But we shouldn’t be surprised, this is a liberal we’re talking about.
First of all, I find it very hilarious that after all this time, they’re still talking about Hillary Clinton. Way to stay stuck in the past, guys. Secondly, how is worrying about Clinton’s health — after numerous red flags — the same as the media inventing rumors about Melania Trump?

It’s clear the left was trying to attack Melania over nothing. Liberals — especially feminists — hate Melania Trump. She’s everything they wished they could be: smart, successful, powerful, and (this is the big one) beautiful. And she’s a conservative. That really makes them mad. Liberals expose their true nature when they spew sexist and racist attacks at our First Lady.

When we discussed Hillary Clinton’s health, it was out of legitimate concern. She frequently had trouble speaking, coughing and hacking like a dying smoker during speeches. Then there were the many times she needed help climbing a few stairs. And we can’t forget this:
Yeah. Americans had the right to know if the woman trying to become president had health issues. That’s pretty legitimate, Navarro.

Patriots took to Twitter to put this liberal shill in her place.

Many people still speculate about Hillary’s health. Recent appearances have shown some troubling things, like her wearing what seems to be a back brace. America really dodged a bullet when we elected Donald Trump.

This is yet more proof of the left’s double standard. They can’t stand the reasonable scrutiny of their people. But liberals can slander, trash, and lie about conservatives all they want. Perhaps that’s why they keep losing…

BREAKING Roseanne Just Got Incredible Revenge On Valerie Jarrett After Tweet That Destroyed Her Car

BREAKING: Roseanne Just Got Incredible Revenge On Valerie Jarrett After Tweet That Destroyed Her Career

Roseanne Barr is at it again. After going back and forth with trying to stay off Twitter, apologizing, saying she’ll make restitution for people she’s hurt with words, and then coming back in a hailstorm of iced out Tweets. She lost her show over a Tweet that wasn’t anymore offensive than anything Samantha Bee or Kathy Griffin would say and she still lost her show, even though she’s much more talented than the other two and had a top-rated show.

Either way, didn’t work. Roseanne popped back on Twitter to make a few statements about restitution, apologies, and then something else happened where she brought up Valerie Jarrett again. Before mentioning what she posted about Jarrett this time, we should probably point out that a lot of people had no idea who Valerie Jarrett was before Roseanne shocked her with a Tweet. Roseanne has made Valerie Jarrett a famous name. She also just made her famous again after retweeting something very harsh about Jarrett.

Roseanne mentioned making restitution for the pain she caused, then someone chimed in with a nasty message about Jarrett.
Then Roseanne retweeted it to her audience of 882,000 followers (at the time). Goodness gracious, great balls of fire! That retweet surely will spark a controversy that lights up the town like the 4th of July fireworks. If you thought Roseanne went full force before, now check her out in her final form. This was brutal and Jarrett is going to have a lot to say about it.

The Daily Mail covered this story as well. They wrote:
“Barr, whose eponymous show was cancelled after she compared Jarrett, who is African American, to an ape on Twitter last month, was raised Jewish and has previously said that she felt like Israel was home.
In fact, Jarrett has spoken about her own Jewish ancestry in the past, revealing that her great-grandfather was Jewish and that she had attended Passover Seder as a child.

On Tuesday, Barr also shared a tweet from another Twitter user who insisted that the 65-year-old hadn’t been ‘bullying’ Jarrett.

‘Do you not know what VJ has done?’ wrote the user, referencing Jarrett. ‘Her tweet is nothing in comparison. And her tweet wasn’t bullying.’
Barr shared the tweet and replied: ‘They know not.’

After initially saying she was taking a break from Twitter, the disgraced TV star returned late Tuesday with her initial cryptic tweet: ‘I’m making restitution for the pain I have caused.’

It is not exactly clear what Barr is referring to and she did not elaborate in further tweets.

She had earlier posted: ‘Deplatforming-read about it’.

The comedian has been widely condemned ever since she compared former Barack Obama adviser Valerie Jarrett to an ape on Twitter last month.

Following the fallout, Barr apologized for the tweet about Jarrett and to her colleagues but has repeatedly insisted she is not racist.

She then retreated to Utah where she has been pictured in recent days looking disheveled.”

Roseanne is having a tough time after losing her show and costing many others their job since ABC decided to cut them off over a possibly misinterpreted Tweet. Roseanne seemed to be convinced that Valerie Jarrett is white, which was actually a very possible situation since she has a very light skin tone. Regardless of Roseanne’s intent, the damage is done and now she’s either going to recover somehow or go into full blast mode where she lets loose and goes wild.

Of course, it makes sense that all of this nonsense is happening on Twitter. That platform is full of people arguing and it’s very toxic at times. Perhaps it’s best if people turn it off entirely.

Maybe we should deplatform ourselves from Twitter so we don’t have to witness the toxic side of social media as it takes people’s jobs away.

What should Roseanne do now? Write your thoughts below and share this with a fan of hers.

Soros Just Got Kicked Out Of California After What His Liberal Evil Empire Against Trump Tried To Do

Soros Just Got Kicked Out Of California After What His Liberal Evil Empire Against Trump Tried To Do

New York billionaire George Soros did not count on the people of California to rise up against his regime to say “NO MORE!” Despite George Soros’ multimillion-dollar effort to reshape the criminal justice system in California by propping up progressive district attorney candidates, that plan backfired in epic fashion this week as a significant amount of Soros backed candidates suffered major defeats.

Soros spent millions to influence the elections in an attempt to buy the elections for potential prosecutors who favor lower incarceration rates along with significant crackdowns on police misconduct. These Soros backed candidates also favored significant changes in the current bail system that they claim unfairly discriminates against minorities and the poor.

However, it seems that most of the millions went to waste as a significant number of Soros-backed candidates lost to more traditional law-and-order prosecutors that did not favor progressive policies but instead favor accountability for wrongdoing and have a much more positive attitude towards law enforcement.
Fox News reports of the outcome of the recent California elections:

“In Sacramento County, District Attorney Anne Marie Schubert defeated Noah Phillips by a nearly 2-to-1 margin, getting 65 percent of the vote. Phillips led an insurgent campaign, attacking Schubert for failing to prosecute a police officer who shot a civilian.

He reportedly received around $400,000 from Soros and admitted Soros’ team scripted and paid for a TV ad during the campaign, the Los Angeles Times reported. His fundraising efforts received help from Cari Tuna, wife of Facebook co-founder Dustin Moskovitz, who contributed more than $650,000 to a political action committee led by Black Lives Matter activist Shaun King.

“This is a good day for the people,” Schubert told to a crowd of about 100 supporters after she won the election, the Sacramento Bee reported. “You can’t buy an election in the county of Sacramento. Here’s to four more years.”

Geneviéve Jones-Wright, the Soros-favored candidate in San Diego County, also suffered a major defeat Tuesday. She got only 36 percent of the vote while her opponent, District Attorney Summer Stephan, received more than 60 percent.

Soros spent more than $1.5 million in the race, funneling the money to a political action committee that propped up Jones-Wright’s candidacy as she pledged to form a police-misconduct unit and supported progressive reform of the criminal justice system.

Stephan fought back against the influence of outside money in the race, declaring Soros’ backing a public safety threat. Jones-Wright, meanwhile, insisted the money merely gave a voice to minorities and poor people.

In Alameda County, in the San Francisco Bay Area, District Attorney Nancy O’Malley fended off a challenge from Pamela Price, reportedly receiving more than 60 percent of the vote.

O’Malley said she was surprised the outside donors tried to oust her, given that she’s a registered Democrat and was endorsed by U.S. Sen. Kamala Harris, D-Calif., organized labor and other Democratic groups.

Soros’ PAC accused O’Malley during the campaign of implementing “racist” stop-and-frisk policies and Price criticized her for being cozy with law enforcement groups.

But there was one victory for the wealthy liberals Tuesday. Progressive DA candidate Diana Becton received a majority of the votes in Contra Costa County, also in the Bay Area, though not enough to secure an outright victory.

She will now face off against Senior Deputy District Attorney Paul Graves – who came second – in a run-off election. Graves criticized the influence of wealthy outsiders, describing them as “billionaires who apparently think Contra Costa’s public safety is for sale.”

In other counties – such as Yolo County, Riverside County, and San Bernardino County – where wealthy donors also spent money, albeit on a significantly smaller scale, most progressives candidates suffered defeats. One exception: reform-minded defense attorney Jason Anderson, who managed to win in San Bernardino County against four-term DA Michael Ramos.”

Despite a few victories for Soros’ backed candidates, the citizens of California sent a very clear message. They are clearly sick and tired of being expected to fund a government run amok that merely views the citizenry as mere tax cattle. California Governor Jerry Brown is the highest paid governor in the nation, yet Californians have little to show for it except more regulations and more taxes.

Reagan’s Daughter Just Spoke Up About What Her Dad Would Say About Trump, Shocks All Of America

Reagan’s Daughter Just Spoke Up About What Her Dad Would Say About Trump, Shocks All Of America

The legendary former President Ronald Reagan might have a mixed opinion about what his daughter just said. Patti Davis is the daughter of Nancy and Ronald Reagan and often spends her time writing as she claims to be an author. One of the most recent things that she wrote was penned for (or simply published on) the Washington Post and it was somewhat shocking what she said. She talked about what her father, Ronald, would probably say about President Donald Trump. The question that remains is this – is she serious? Did she know her father well enough that she would think this is what he would say?

Let’s dive into her words and see what we can make of them because some people weren’t sure that they agreed with the daughter of one of the greatest Presidents we’ve ever had. Perhaps she didn’t think this through, or maybe she did. Either way, we have quoted her parts and provided some feedback after. It’s OK for you to agree or disagree and everyone’s opinion is welcome at the end. This is simply for discussion and debate, nothing more.

“He had a reverence and a love for America that burned in his eyes when he looked at the flag, that bled into his words when he spoke to the country. Selfishly, I used to feel slighted by that love. I referred sometimes to my “sibling rivalry” with America. My strident protests against some of my father’s policies definitely got his attention, which was what I intended — but they also wounded him, which was not my intention. In his last years of life, when Alzheimer’s disease had stolen many things but not love, I was able to sit with him and tell him my regrets. I miss my father in deeply personal ways. I also miss the dignity that he brought to the task of leading this country, the deep respect he had for our democracy, and now, after so much time has passed, I miss how much he loved America.”

Donald Trump has the same love for America.
“People often ask me what he would say if he were here now. Sometimes I’m a bit glib in response, pointing out that he’d be 107 years old. Other times, I simply say he’d be pretty horrified at where we’ve come to. But as the June 5 anniversary of his d***h has drawn near, I’ve let myself imagine what he would say to the country he loved so much.”

Mr. Reagan would probably be very excited to see the economy booming, unemployment numbers low, record numbers in the stock market, and the possibility of peace between North and South Korea. It’s hard to say what any former President would dislike about those accomplishments.

“I think he would remind us that America began as a dream in the minds of men who dared to envision a land that was free of tyranny, with a government designed and structured so that no one branch of government could dominate the others. It was a bold and brave dream. But, he would caution, no government is infallible. Our democracy, because it is founded on the authority of “We the people,” puts the burden of vigilance on all American citizens.”

With the unemployment rate doing so well, the country is still a land of dreams. Anyone can be anything nowadays. Everyone has the same equal rights and men and women of all races and religions are starting businesses and living the dream they’ve always wanted. Poeple are living the dream every day.

“Countries can be splintered from within, he would say. It’s a sinister form of destruction that can happen gradually if people don’t realize that our Constitution will protect us only if the principles of that document are adhered to and defended. He would be appalled and heartbroken at a Congress that refuses to stand up to a president who not only seems ignorant of the Constitution but who also attempts at every turn to dismantle and mock our system of checks and balances.”

There are people trying to take away the rights at protests (March for our Lives). There are also people protesting for rights they already have (Women’s March). The modern day American wishes to keep all of their constitutional rights and wishes that men and women of all races and religions live a prosperous life. However, there are some people who persistently protest for things that they can already do, or rights they already have, or to even challenge the constitution and take rights away. They don’t make much sense and they cause the majority of any splintering that might happen. Mr. Reagan would be highly critical of those types of people.