‘Big Mouth Behar’ Calls Trump An Idiot, Newt Makes Her Regret It… Big Time

‘Big Mouth Behar’ Calls Trump An Idiot, Newt Makes Her Regret It… Big Time

SOURCE : https://goo.gl/JtuRpW
On Tuesday’s episode of “The View,” Joy ‘Big Mouth’ Behar, along with the panel of cackling co-hosts, tried to insinuate that President Donald Trump is some kind of idiot. However, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich promptly made Joy and her cronies regret it — big time.

Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich appeared on “The View” on Tuesday, where co-host Meghan McCain asked him what he believes to be the most misunderstood thing about President Donald Trump. Gingrich was on the show to promote his latest book, Trump’s America: The Truth about Our Nation’s Great Comeback.

“The most misunderstood thing is that he’s extraordinarily smart,” said Gingrich. “This is a guy who made billions of dollars, beat 16 people for the nomination, beat Hillary Clinton on a billion-dollar campaign. This is a guy who has enormous intelligence, and the biggest part of that is, on little things, he’s totally unpredictable, sometimes self-destructive,” he added.

“On big things, he’s very consistent. He does what he says. He sticks at it month after month. And, I think we get confused in part because the news media picks up all the small things,” said Gingrich. “Frankly, part of the purpose I think every morning of his tweets is to remind liberals, he’s still here. He knows it drives them crazy. They wake up in the morning, the first thing they see is a tweet by Trump, they go, ‘Oh, my God, he’s still president.’”
Liberals love to peg Trump as an idiot, much the same way they did when George W. Bush was in office. Indeed, it seems to be a reoccurring page from their playbook. However, nothing could be further from the truth. If Trump were an idiot, we wouldn’t have the lowest unemployment rate on record. If Trump were an idiot, foreign companies would not be investing in America once again.

According to The Daily Caller, earlier in the segment, Gingrich praised Trump for boosting the economy and for the record-low black unemployment numbers, saying, “I think the best thing is the economy, I think the fact that we have the lowest black unemployment in history…”

Host Sunny Hostin took issue with this, interjecting to ask, “Can he take credit for that? Isn’t that Obama’s doing?”
Gingrich, however, came prepared to back his statement up with facts. “I think this quarter we will have more than twice the economic growth rate of any quarter in 8 years of Obama,” he responded.

But, Hostin wasn’t letting it go. “Because he’s been set up! He was given a gift, Newt!” she protested.

“It’s true!” echoed Joy Behar.

“So, Obama gets it both ways: He got a terrible gift from George W. Bush. He gave Trump a good gift. Anything good that happens under Trump is actually Obama,” said Gingrich, pointing out their glaring hypocrisy.

“It’s true!” Hostin responded.
“Well, that’s one way to look at the world,” said Gingrich.

“Obama inherited a deficit. Trump inheriting a surplus,” Behar claimed.

“And, is accelerating it!” explained Gingrich. “He inherited a gradually growing economy, and he’s doubling the speed of growth.”
If there’s anyone who doesn’t have the knowledge, authority, or experience to be discussing politics on television, it’s these women. Yet, day after day, they position themselves as the leading authorities on everything from gun laws to the economy.

President Donald Trump is the best thing to happen to this country in years. You won’t see the women on “The View” admitting as much, though.

Trump’s Celebrating As Comey Panics, IG Report Puts Fired FBI Boss Behind Bars

Trump’s Celebrating As Comey Panics, IG Report Puts Fired FBI Boss Behind Bars

SOURCE : https://goo.gl/Xmg83j
President Donald Trump, along with many Americans, has been waiting for the day that fired FBI boss James Comey is held accountable. Well-sourced outlets are citing the Inspector General’s final report, and it’s pretty clear that Comey better come off his book tour and lawyer up, pronto. Finally, one swamp rat is staring at doing time behind bars. Don’t miss this.

For 18-months, President Trump and Americans across the country have heard account after account of the swamp rats and their crimes. For 18-months, we have waited as Inspector General Michael Horowitz investigated the Hillary Clinton email scandal and the FISA abuse scandal. Now, we are getting the first inklings of what Horowitz found and who is going to be facing criminal charges, and it’s really bad news for James Comey.

The Inspector General is like the internal affairs division in a police department. He is the guy who investigates the top law-dogs at the FBI and DOJ. Horowitz was first tasked by the Democrats to look into Comey and how he handled the Hillary email scandal, which is pretty rich considering that, right after the Democrats gave him that investigatory power, Trump was elected president.
Trump tweeted last night, “What is taking so long with the Inspector General’s Report on Crooked Hillary and Slippery James Comey. Numerous delays. Hope Report is not being changed and made weaker! There are so many horrible things to tell, the public has the right to know. Transparency!”

Remember, the Democrats were pissed off at Comey for bringing up the email scandal once again right before the election. Since then, the Republicans took control of Congress, and Horowitz’s investigation morphed to include the FISA abuse scandal. This became a thorn in the Democrats’ collective side, to say the least.

We were told his final report would be out any day, and although it is not “officially out,” as the Democrats maneuver to hold it back as long as possible, a key part of it has been leaked. We can now say good riddance to James Comey. He’s the main focus, and it’s looking bleak for the arrogant former FBI boss.
ABC reports, “The Justice Department’s internal watchdog [IG Horowitz] has concluded that James Comey defied authority at times during his tenure as FBI director, according to sources familiar with a draft report on the matter.” Their report added, “One source told ABC News that the draft report explicitly used the word ‘insubordinate‘ to describe Comey’s behavior. Another source agreed with that characterization but could not confirm the use of the term.”

They continued, “In the draft report, Inspector General Michael Horowitz also rebuked former Attorney General Loretta Lynch for her handling of the federal investigation into Hillary Clinton’s personal email server, the sources said.”

CNN Reporter Calls Sarah A Liar, She Embarrasses Him With Perfect Comeback

CNN Reporter Calls Sarah A Liar, She Embarrasses Him With Perfect Comeback

SOURCE : https://goo.gl/xc4wnJ
On Tuesday, a reporter from CNN had the audacity to call White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders a liar. She had the perfect comeback, though, embarrassing the insolent “journalist” in front of all his colleagues.

On Tuesday, for the second consecutive day, White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders was pestered with questions about her credibility. This, from the same reporters who falsely told us all that President Donald Trump called illegal immigrants “animals” and that Hillary Clinton would win the White House.

Sanders said last August that President Donald Trump did not dictate his oldest son’s statement on the infamous Trump Tower meeting, but a letter to special counsel Robert Mueller from Trump’s outside lawyers said the president did dictate the statement.
The 2016 Trump Tower meeting, as well as the statement explaining it, is under scrutiny by Mueller, who is probing whether the president obstructed his investigation into Russia’s interference in the election. Donald Trump Jr. and other Trump campaign officials met in New York with a Russian lawyer they’d been told could offer dirt on Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton, though they later said such damaging material was never discussed. [Source: The Hill]

In light of the letter from Trump’s lawyers, reporters asked Sanders why they should trust her claims now after she was wrong about Trump Jr.’s statement. This prompted the president’s spokeswoman to defend herself as an “honest person” whose “credibility is probably higher than the media’s.”
“I think you all know I’m an honest person who works extremely hard to provide you with accurate information at all times,” Sanders told reporters at her daily press briefing. “Frankly, I think my credibility is probably higher than the media’s, and I think in large part that’s because you guys spend more of your time focused on attacking the president than reporting the news,” she said.

Sanders added that she did not want to “get into a back-and-forth” about her initial comments about the Trump Tower meeting and again referred reporters to the president’s team of private attorneys.
Even Rudy Giuliani, President Trump’s own lawyer, said that no one had lied about the information and that the original denial from Sanders was a simple “mistake” on the White House’s part. “I don’t think anybody’s lying,” Giuliani said on CNN. “I think a mistake was made.”

The former mayor of New York told CNN that those kinds of mistakes happen “all the time” in the early stages of an investigation. No one testified falsely under oath, Giuliani also noted.

Giuliani was brought onto the Trump legal team in late April to represent him throughout the Justice Department’s investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election. Giuliani said Monday that he only agreed with “70, 80 percent” of the January letter. [Source: The Hill]

To any rational person, it would seem clear that Sanders’ statement was the result of a miscommunication. That can easily happen when you are singularly responsible to be the one spokesperson for the leader of the free world; obviously, there’s a lot going on and discrepancies can occur.
To that end, it’s amazing that Sarah Sanders is as spot-on as she is on a regular basis. The malicious mainstream media is constantly looking for a way to discredit her, and in her entire tenure as press secretary, this was the best that they could do. Frankly, that suggests that she is a very honest person, not a liar. But, leave it to a “journalist” from CNN to insinuate otherwise.

Donald Slaps Nancy Pelosi With A New Nickname, And It’s Right On The Money

Donald Slaps Nancy Pelosi With A New Nickname, And It’s Right On The Money

SOURCE : https://goo.gl/bGwTPz
The Democratic National Party is in shambles.

After losing the presidential election in 2016, the “Party of the People” has literally fallen apart. They’re losing funding at an alarming rate, and they also continue to lose crucial voting groups.

But perhaps most glaring of all, they have no legitimate leaders.

The ones who do claim to lead are so corrupt (or crazy) that they’re virtually un-electable. Some are just plain criminals.

And like supposed Democrat leader Nancy Pelosi, just about all of them are also morally bankrupt and completely backwards when it comes to priorities.
Recently, Pelosi defended murderous MS-13 gang members after President Trump labeled them “animals;” after which, Trump called Pelosi an “MS-13” lover.

That nickname stuck for a little while but Trump has come up with a better one, and it’s disturbingly accurate:
It’s spot on.

Democrats are in fact the leaders of high taxes and high crime; their goal is to send an entire country into a tailspin. They want regression, not progression.

The only answer leftists have for every problem is to throw more money at it … your money. The “everyone needs to pay for everyone” concept has never worked, and will never work.

But they don’t care. It’s much easier to push a rhetoric that allows their constituents to be lazy, immature, and unproductive.

And the result, of course, is higher and higher taxes with no improvement on any front, and citizens who are increasingly worthless.

And as people do less and less, sloth and lawlessness begin to rise, leading to much higher crime rates.

So, in this way, Trump’s assessment of “High Tax, High Crime Pelosi” is just perfect. This moniker should be given to every Democrat “leader,” in truth.

Can you think of an even better nickname for Pelosi or the Democrats, though…?

Trump Announces Big Changes At The VA, Finally Does What Congress Wouldn’t

Trump Announces Big Changes At The VA, Finally Does What Congress Wouldn’t

SOURCE : https://goo.gl/Sy7Z6E
Perhaps the biggest crime by our government has been its treatment of our veterans. The men and women who risked their lives to protect us are often neglected. In some cases, they have been abused.

The Department of Veterans’ Affairs has been a disgrace for a long time. Hospitals that are supposed to provide care for our veterans are rank with corruption. Doctors and staff lie about patients, putting them on incredibly long waiting lists. They steal medicine and supplies. Often veterans are denied care outright, able to receive life-saving treatment.

Yet, for some reason, Congress has refused to act. Our lawmakers prioritized other issues, some worthless, while neglecting our veterans. Can someone explain to me how Planned Parenthood gets billions of our dollars, but veterans can’t even see a doctor? Something is very wrong.

But perhaps that’s about to change. President Trump is signing into a law an act that should radically change the VA.

From The Hill:
Today, President Trump prepares to sign the long awaited VA MISSION Act. The plot leading up to this legislation reminds us not just of the need to improve VA’s ability to coordinate healthcare for veterans outside of its own facilities, but also that in order to do so successfully, VA must re-focus on its mission.

Tucked away in Section 152 of the act is language that has helped to successfully reform the nation’s two largest government healthcare programs, Medicare and Medicaid — language that creates a center for health-care innovations.

Ideas piloted through a VA innovations center, like managed care, have the ability to truly transform VA’s ability to provide timely care to veterans and allow VA to refocus on its mission. They also provide a long-overdue opportunity for taxpayers to see a return on the investment they have made in caring for those “who have borne the battle.”

Managed care has been proven to work for Medicare. Seniors don’t have to jump through hoops just to see a doctor. The policy lets them choose a health plan and provider, with government benefits lowering the cost. That’s a damn sight better than sitting in government waiting room for hours or even days.

This new act will bring that concept to the VA. Veterans can use their benefits to choose a private doctor or medical provider. They don’t have to suffer through the pain and process of a VA—which might be run by incompetent or corrupt staff. They can receive the support they earned from the government, while enjoying a doctor who actually wants to help them.

What an idea!

That fact remains that our servicemen and women endured unspeakable challenges while in the field. They’ve seen things we can’t even process. Some have been hurt physically, some mentally. There’s no question they deserve the best care they can get.

With the MISSION ACT, they are a step closer to getting that help. And over time, the VA will be transformed into an agency that supports our troops in a way they deserve.