Harry’s Had It! Cancels Meghan’s Birthday Bash After Queen Says, ‘This Must Stop’

Harry’s Had It! Cancels Meghan’s Birthday Bash After Queen Says, ‘This Must Stop’

Prince Harry is struggling to get his new bride in line. Meghan Markle, the Duchess of Sussex, has been pushing royal protocol and spouting off about her feminist political views in public, but now she went too far. Harry’s had it, and he just canceled her birthday bash following his grandmother’s advice. Queen Elizabeth II just caught the American actress involved in a huge scandal with royal staffers, and Her Majesty told Harry, “This must stop.”

Meghan, the Duchess of Sussex, is once again causing problems for the Queen at Kensington Palace as her father Thomas Markle gives a nine-hour interview to the Daily Mail. Mr. Markle is livid that he has been “cut off” from Meghan. The former American celebrity went over the Queen’s head, hiring a huge PR team to make her dad look bad.

“‘I’m really hurt that she’s cut me off completely. I used to have a phone number and text number for her personal aides at the Palace, but after I said a few critical words about the Royal Family changing Meghan, they cut me off. Those numbers were disconnected, they no longer work. I have no way of contacting my daughter,” Markle told the Daily Mail.
Reports started to come in around July 11th that the Queen’s own PR team was quitting over Meghan’s antics. The Daily Mail reported, “Sally Osman, the Director of Royal Communications, and Steve Kingstone, the Queen’s Media Secretary, are leaving Buckingham Palace. They were criticized for failing to properly support Meghan’s father, Thomas, who has caused an uproar blaming the palace for his issues with his daughter.”Please visit my another Channel: https://goo.gl/9VC7pZ
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BREAKING NOW: Hero SWAT Officers In Parkland Shooting FIRED

BREAKING NOW: Hero SWAT Officers In Parkland Shooting FIRED

The investigation into how and why the Parkland, Florida school shooting got to the point where 17 innocent people were killed has brought out the absolute worst in people, especially the Broward County Sheriff’s department. There are more unanswered questions than facts, despite being now exactly three weeks into the investigation. We’ve heard more than enough about guns, a tactic that’s clearly being used as a scapegoat to conceal certain details officials didn’t want out.

Two heroic SWAT officers in Florida were warned about revealing what they witnessed but decided the truth needed to be revealed. It was their duty to the American people who they swore to protect and serve, but doing the honest and noble thing has come at a great price. These two heroes who saved countless lives while others waited outside the school for them to die have been suspended from the police force. Their careers and livelihood are now in jeopardy, while cowards remain on duty collecting a check.

Since the February 14 shooting, we’ve heard about the standdown orders to offers that were issued during the height of the attack, preventing officers from entering and rescuing innocent people who relied on them. It’s only part of the scandalous coverup and while shooter Nikolas Cruz’s motive in the attack seems apparent, what less obvious is why authorities intentionally failed these victims and are hiding a lot now.

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BREAKING: Obama Headed To Court Over Who Was Found DEAD!

BREAKING: Obama Headed To Court Over Who Was Found DEAD!

Things are about to heat up for former President Barack Obama! The brother of a slain Border Patrol Agent has taken to Twitter to conjure the attention of President Donald Trump in an informal request to go after Obama for what happened while he was President. His name is Kent Terry, and he’s requesting that President Trump reopens the case that could put Obama in some serious trouble, enough to ruin his legacy for good if that’s what people consider it. Kent’s brother, Brian Terry, was killed back in 2010 when an illegal immigrant wrecked a part of the Fast and Furious Operation. This portion of the program included what was called “gun walking,” and it found Brian Terry on the receiving end of a weapon that ultimately took his life.

His brother Kent is not standing down. He requested that Trump opens the books on Obama and solves the scandal that people have long wanted an answer for. President Trump has been somewhat transparent lately, so there’s an excellent chance this could happen if Trump feels as though it’s worth the effort. When it comes to the opinion of the Americans, then, of course, it’s worth looking into because someone who protected the American border was lost.

Kent Terry is upset that he has no answers as to why his brother Brian, who spent 22 years protecting America’s border, was lost. Kent and many Americans want the answers they’ve been searching for, and they’re starting to demand them again. President Trump has not yet answered.
Fox News Insider reported more on the situation with Barack Obama and Operation Fast and Furious:
“Brian Terry was killed in 2010 by an illegal immigrant with a weapon used in the botched “gun-walking” program Operation Fast and Furious.

His brother, Kent Terry, tweeted at Trump on Saturday, asking him to “reopen the books” and get to the bottom of the scandal that cost his brother his life.

“We need to find out the truth, exactly what happened, how it happened, why it happened. We need Mr. Trump, President Trump, to unseal the documents, reverse executive privilege so that we know what happened, and that we can hold the people accountable that are responsible,” Terry said on “Fox & Friends” Tuesday.

He said people at the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) and the Justice Department need to be held accountable for the government-approved operation that allowed thousands of guns to pour into Mexico.

“Everybody’s still actively working, nobody’s been punished, maybe just a slap on the hand, and that’s about it,” Terry said. “There needs to be justice for my brother. He deserves it. He spent 22 years serving his country as a law enforcement officer, a Marine, and that’s what he deserves.”
He said he never believed President Obama’s Attorney General Eric Holder when he said that those responsible for his brother’s death will be held accountable, but he’s hopeful that Trump will help his family get the answers they’ve been seeking.”

Kent Terry also mentioned that he met Donald Trump while he was campaigning for President in 2016. It appears as though they spoke briefly about the incident with Kent’s brother and Trump seemed very empathetic and apologetic for what happened to Brian Terry. It was mentioned that Trump suggested that Jeff Sessions reopens the case to investigate further for answers and hold people accountable for their actions that lead to the unfortunate passing of Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry.

Jason Chaffetz speaks about Brian Terry in a video below:
Newsmax stated in 2014:
“Fast and Furious” started as a way to capture drug dealers in violent Mexican drug cartels. It ended as part of a scandal involving the Barack Obama presidency that had to be wrapped up following unnecessary deaths. Gun-buyers, many of whom the feds suspected were criminals, were permitted to take firearms purchased in the U.S. and walk into Mexico without interference from agents; the intention was that once the guns were sold to powerful drug cartels, the ATF would later trace the firearms. Whistleblowers and investigators, however, found no attempt to trace the guns.”

What possibly happened is that the guns which were supposed to be traced by the government had ended up being used in other crimes that were not part of the operation. This turned the operation into something that possibly spiraled out of control and became a much bigger problem than expected. It resulted in a shootout with criminals and Border Agent Brian Terry who was lost in the fight.

Americans still want and demand answers and accountability, but will they ever get it?
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