BREAKING: Sen. Chuck Grassley Opens Corruption Investigation Into Hillary Clinton

BREAKING: Sen. Chuck Grassley Opens Corruption Investigation Into Hillary Clinton

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Iowa Republican Sen. Chuck Grassley has started an investigation into whether Hillary Clinton acted to prevent a Bangladeshi probe into a Clinton Foundation donor, The Daily Caller reports.

Grassley, the chairman of the Judiciary Committee, sent a letter to the State Department requesting information regarding possible interference into a corruption investigation into Muhammad Yunus, a Bangladeshi banker and economist who is also a close friend of the Clintons.

In May, The Daily Caller reported that during her time at the State Department, Clinton had put pressure on Bangladesh to stop a probe into Yunus and Grameen Bank. The son of Bangladesh Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina even told The Daily Caller he had been threatened with an IRS audit if the investigation was not dropped.

“As I wrote in my August 2016 letter to Department of Justice, federal law requires that executive branch employees be disqualified from matters that have a direct and predictable effect on the employee’s own financial interests or the financial interests of those persons or organizations with which the employee is affiliated, such as those of a spouse, unless the employee first obtains an individual waiver or a regulatory exemption applies,” Grassley said in a letter to Secretary of State Rex Tillerson.
Once again, Secretary Clinton’s actions have raised reasonable suspicions that she violated these rules and undermined the public’s confidence in the integrity of the State Department.”

“If the Secretary of State used her position to intervene in an independent investigation by a sovereign government simply because of a personal and financial relationship stemming from the Clinton Foundation rather than the legitimate foreign policy interests of the United States, then that would be unacceptable,” he added.

“Co-mingling her official position as Secretary of State with her family foundation would be similarly inappropriate. It is vital to determine whether the State Department had any role in the threat of an IRS audit against the son of the Prime Minister in retaliation for this investigation.”

If Grassley continues his look into the Grameen Bank affair, it would be the first major post-election congressional inquiry into either the Democrat presidential nominee or the Clinton Foundation.

While the Trump administration and the Republicans have not had much stomach for an investigation, this could actually be pretty big — and very bad news for Clinton. It could mean she’s spending less times on hikes in the woods and a lot more time in a lawyer’s office.

Army Ranger Puts London’s Muslim Mayor In His Place On Live TV

Army Ranger Puts London’s Muslim Mayor In His Place On Live TV

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The question of the actual threat that Islam presents is on the forefront of many minds following the killing spree that English Muslims have been carrying out in recent weeks. Politicians and private citizens alike are equally sure that they know the answer.

Fox News decided to bring in an expert who’s actually had dealings with the followers of Islam who’ve decided to act on their faith. Army Ranger Sean Parnell took the time to talk about the attacks and what should be done to prevent future loss of innocent life.

In the aftermath of the London attack that killed 7 and injured 48, retired U.S. Army Ranger Sean Parnell joined a number of others, including White House social media director Dan Scavino Jr. and President Donald Trump, and sounded off against London Mayor Sadiq Khan for his failure to call a spade a spade and acknowledge the role of Islam in terrorism.

“This is the guy that said terrorist attacks are just part and parc with living in a big city,” Parnell said during an appearance Sunday morning onFox News, alluding to past statements made by the mayor.
“We are well beyond the point of a conversation with the Muslim community,” he added, which was aimed at the well-documented position held by many “politically correct” leaders and their “building bonds” approach. “Do you think the parents that had children killed during the Ariana Grande concert want to talk about a freakin’ conversation?”

While politicians make their place in the world using their words, the military makes their money by being men and women of action. Yes, there has to be balance, but it’s safe to say that once the killings start, the scales are automatically tipped to the side of action. The politicians need to stop getting in the way of the police and military doing whatever they need to do to put a stop to those who’ve declared war on the citizens of their country.

Just In: Veterans Cheering After Seeing What Trump Got Done On The Senate Floor Today

Just In: Veterans Cheering After Seeing What Trump Got Done On The Senate Floor Today

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The Senate approved bipartisan legislation by voice vote Tuesday to reform civil service protections at the Department of Veterans Affairs.

The legislation, dubbed the “Department of Veterans Affairs Accountability and Whistleblower Protection Act” would make it easier to fire federal employees, including executives.

The legislation follows numerous scandals at the VA in recent years, most notably the manipulation of waiting lists for veterans, with patients dying while waiting for treatment. The bill’s authors, Sens. Marco Rubio, R-Fla., Jon Tester, D-Mont., and Johnny Isakson, R-Ga., argue that a key problem has been the department’s inability to sanction or terminate employees because of existing civil service protections.

“This is a change in the laws of our country that will bring accountability to one of the most important functions that our government provides to the men and women who serve us in uniform,” Rubio said. “This spring marks three years since light was shed on the veterans who died — died — while they were stuck on secret waiting lists at the Department of Veterans Affairs.”
The bipartisan legislation, which has 31 co-sponsors, sailed out of committee last month with unanimous support. In addition to making it easier to fire agency employees, the bill would remove the workers from the payroll should they contest their dismissal. Employees found guilty of wrongdoing would be prohibited from receiving bonuses or being compensated for being relocated. The legislation also would require the VA to evaluate supervisors on their ability to protect whistleblowers.

Public service employee unions opposed the legislation. American Federation of Government Employees National President J. David Cox Sr. accused the lawmakers of subjecting VA employees to a “witch hunt.”

BREAKING: Someone From Comey’s Past Just Came Forward With Some BAD NEWS

BREAKING: Someone From Comey’s Past Just Came Forward With Some BAD NEWS

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The Obama spying scandal continues to grow in scope. Now, the FBI under its former director, James Comey, are accused of aiding Obama.

Late last month, the investigative website Circa released declassified documents revealing that the FBI illegally spied on American citizens. Now, a former employee is SUING James Comey for allegedly allowing that illegal activity to take place. (via Circa)

Dennis Montgomery, a former intelligence contractor, has filed a lawsuit against former FBI Director James Comey and other top-level government officials.

The spying scandal, which originated when President Trump accused Obama of spying on his political campaign, is shaping up to be larger than the Edward Snowden leaks.

In 2013, Edward Snowden, who was also an intelligence contractor, illegally copied and leaked classified information to British journalist Glenn Greenwald.

Snowden worked was a contractor for the National Security Agency (NSA) and revealed the chilling details of the NSA’s global spying apparatus, including the program known as PRISM.

Under PRISM, the NSA compelled seven major telecommunications companies to monitor and store information on their customers, including American citizens, in clear violation of American law.

Now, Dennis Montgomery is revealing that the FBI has similar programs that may be larger in scope. Snowden revealed that the NSA was collecting data indiscriminately on American citizens while the FBI’s efforts are targeted.

According to Montgomery’s allegations, the FBI was illegally targeting and spying on American citizens for political purposes, including judges, members of Congress, and major businessmen such as Donald Trump. This illegally obtained information was sometimes shared with third parties lacking security clearance.

Montgomery is now suing former FBI director James Comey for covering up evidence of the widespread and illegal spying. Montgomery claims he approached Comey and provided him with overwhelming proof of the illegal activity and that Comey refused to acknowledge the crimes and attempted to cover up the evidence.

Montgomery has been offered limited immunity so he can explain how he was able to smuggle 47 hard drives of highly classified information from multiple intelligence agencies.

Montgomery is proving himself to be a true patriot. He is risking everything to expose the extent of Obama’s crimes, and he is using the proper channels to do it — instead of illegally leaking documents to the press.

What do you think will happen when the trial begins this summer? Please share the story on Facebook and tell us what you think because we want to hear YOUR voice!

IT’S PENCE’S BIRTHDAY TODAY – Look How He Celebrated This SPECIAL Day!

IT’S PENCE’S BIRTHDAY TODAY – Look How He Celebrated This SPECIAL Day!

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Vice President Pence, who turned 58 onWednesday, did his best to look surprised when greeted by balloons, streamers and a weak rendition of “Happy Birthday” as he boarded Air Force 2.

“What are you all doing?” Pence asked, according to a reporter on the plane. “This is out of control.”

Pence was traveling to Houston to participate in NASA’s announcement of its newest class of astronauts.

Texas Sen. Ted Cruz, as well as Reps. Brian Babin and Lamar Smith, joined him on the flight.

Before Pence arrived, an aide passed out brightly colored party hats. The middle section of the plane had been decorated with balloons and red, white and blue streamers. Federal regulations apparently prohibited any birthday candles.

The pool reporter covering the trip described Pence as responding to the scene in a combination of faux-surprise and subdued delight.
“I feel 58 years young,” Pence said as he posed for a photo with Cruz.

Share this post on Facebook and Twitter to wish him a Happy Birthday.

What do you think about the big event? Do you think Mike Pence enjoy it?