Muslims In Indiana Are About To Riot After Seeing What Massive Sign Says That Popped Up Overnight

Muslims In Indiana Are About To Riot After Seeing What Massive Sign Says That Popped Up Overnight

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It’s rather easy to discover what Muslims truly believe, all you have to do is pick up a copy of the Quran and start reading. Contained within Muslims’ holy book you’ll find at least 109 graphic verses that calls on Muslims to go to war with nonbelievers, where followers of Islam are encouraged to chop off of the heads of non-believers, and actively prodded to rape infidel women and take them as slaves. But Muslims always get a little pissy when you point out the truth about their religion, going into rage mode if you happen to mention their holy prophet was actually a war-mongering slave-owning pedophile who took a child as his bride when she was only six-years-old. Now Muslims in Indiana are completely outraged after a billboard was erected by local residents exposing the truth about the man who founded their religion, and they are demanding that it be immediately removed.

Not beating around the bush about the true meaning of Islam, the billboard crafted by the group “Truthophobes” hilariously mocks their prophet Mohammed as “The Perfect Man” where the gigantic billboard then lists out six truth-filled bullet points to describe him. The bullets include: “Married a 6-year-old,” “Slave owner & dealer,” “rapist,” “Beheaded 600 Jews in one day,” “13 wives, 11 at one time” and “Tortured & killed unbelievers.”
Local Muslims instantly got their man dresses and burkas in a collective wad, predictably screaming that the creator of the billboard was a “bigot.”

“I was a little disappointed when I saw that,” Farial Khatri of the Islamic Society of North America told Fox 59. “We do support free speech, but we do realize this is also rooted in bigotry.”
Hilariously, the Muslim Alliance of Indiana plans to raise money to put a billboard up right across the street in order to try counter the billboard’s truth-filled message, where they plan to plaster a propaganda-filled message about Islam being about “peace and kindness.”

According to Fox 59:
A billboard on the east side of Indianapolis is catching the eyes of drivers, along with the ire of local Muslim groups.

You can spot the sign from the southbound lanes of I-465 near the Washington Street exit. It claims to list the “perfect man,” but opponents say it degrades the Muslim prophet Mohammad.

“I was a little disappointed when I saw that,” said Farial Khatri of the Islamic Society of North America.

Opponents say the billboard’s bullet points are meant to disparage the Muslim faith and its primary prophet, Mohammad.

“We’ve seen them in New York and several others cities on billboards as well as other transit ads,” said Kahtri.

There’s no company name or identifying group on the display, but Google “Truthophobes,” a word seen at the bottom of the billboard, and you’ll find a range of websites rife with anti-Muslim messages.

“We do support free speech, but we do realize this is also rooted in bigotry,” said Kahtri.

“Peace and kindness” my ass! We’re just into the second week of Ramadan and already these “peace-loving” idiots are already out in full force, as they continue to rock the globe with increasing acts of terrorism as the promise of extra “benefits” for being a martyr over Muslims’ holy month is driving them to commit more acts of jihad for their depraved religion.

While Muslims in America continue to spew propaganda about their “peaceful” religion down our throats, three separate terror attacks since Ramadan began has already taken the lives of 149 people, with the city of Paris being targeted yet again after a psycho Muslim stormed the Notre Dame Cathedral on Tuesday with a knife. The Daily Caller reported:

NEW SHOW!! Bill O`Reilly Is BACK ON TV! Will You Watch Him Again?

NEW SHOW!! Bill O`Reilly Is BACK ON TV! Will You Watch Him Again?

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Millions of Fox News viewers and fans were shocked not long ago when the executives of the network made the heart-breaking decision to fire their longtime most popular host, Bill O’Reilly, after claims and accusations of sexual harassment resurfaced against him. However, he announced that he’ll continue doing what he loves the most, giving people REAL news – “No Spin News.”

The moment the news hit the internet, people immediately started asking when and would he ever return to television broadcasting, or have they seen the last of him on their screens. Luckily, O’Reilly just announced his new plan to return to television after all the scandals.

Since he left Fox News, the legend has focused solely on his podcast on, and it is there that he revealed he is going to do longer and longer shows, until his podcast is a complete news show. Since departing Fox News, O’Reilly has been focusing on his podcast on On his show, he said that he is going to do longer and longer shows until his podcast is a complete news show.
In his newest episode titled “O’Reilly Lays out Plans for the Future in Last Free Podcast,” he stated that his site will me moving to create a video news show and “maybe go into some other networks as well.” He added, “So, I hope you consider it and sign up because we will be here Monday through Thursday with our audio broadcast, and we are working on making it a video display.”

He continued, “We really appreciate you guys hanging with us the first week on the ‘No Spin News,’ it’s very nice of you to do that. We think we provide a unique perspective on the news, by the way, and as I said in the beginning of this broadcast, we’re going to expand it. So, we’re going to expand it. A lot of people interested, I’m taking my time. There’s a lot of things that I have to clear up, as I mentioned on Monday when I first came on the air. There’s a lot of things in play, and you’ll know what the deal is.”

If you ask us, we are excited to see this new plan show come to action, because we as well as more than half of the American public, are not ready to see this legendary man go down so easy!

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BREAKING : Things Just Went From BAD to WORSE in Wasserman-Schultz’s DNC Lawsuit

BREAKING : Things Just Went From BAD to WORSE in Wasserman-Schultz’s DNC Lawsuit

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The class action lawsuit against Debbie Wasserman-Schultz’s DNC just went from bad to REALLY BAD, thanks to a new claim.

The former disgraced DNC chair Wasserman-Schultz is part of a suit, claiming she and others rigged the primary, trashing Bernie and securing the win for Hillary.

The latest twist is that a Wasserman-Schultz staffer used a “voice changing” device to call attorney’s handling the case with “info” from the actual office of Wasserman-Schultz.

From Washington Examiner

An ongoing class-action lawsuit against the Democratic National Committee related to last year’s presidential election just took a turn for the weird and now involves the Capitol Police.

Since the summer of last year, a group of people who supported the campaign for Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., have been waging a legal battle against the DNC for alleged fraud, claiming the DNC and then-chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz worked to undermine Sanders in favor of Hillary Clinton.

A court document filed this week with the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Florida by their attorneys said that they received a call for information about the case from the office of Wasserman Schultz, a Democratic congresswoman from Florida, and claimed that it sounded like the caller used a voice changer.
According to attorney Elizabeth Lee Beck: “At 4:54 p.m. today [June 1], an individual called our law office from ‘305-936-5724.’” That number is the contact phone number for Wasserman Schultz’s Aventura office in Florida.

“My secretary stated that it sounded like the caller was using a voice changer, because the voice sounded robotic and genderless — along the lines of the voice changers used when television show interviews are kept anonymous,” Beck continued.

“The caller concluded with ‘Okey dokey,’ after my secretary gave the caller public information about the case. After the call ended, a simple Google search of the phone number ‘305-936-5724′ shows that it is the phone number for Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz’ Aventura office …

What just occurred is highly irregular and we will be filing the instant e-mail with the court forthwith.”

Beck also included a screen shot of the caller ID information.

Lawyers representing the defendants claim that no one in Wasserman Schultz’s office, including the congresswoman herself, has any knowledge of the call. They also contend that there is no one working in Wasserman Schultz’s Aventura office currently “due to ongoing repairs.”

Because the incident is related to congressional phone lines it was reported to Capitol Police, the document added.

Pope Francis Delivers A Stern Warning To Every Republican Who Supports Trump

Pope Francis Delivers A Stern Warning To Every Republican Who Supports Trump

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Pope Francis, leader of the global Catholic church, has been telling his followers that they must reject Trump’s position on immigrants and refugees. According to Pope Francis, Christians have a duty to embrace immigrants and refugees – that’s exactly the opposite of what Trump and modern day Republicans are trying to do.

This is an important reminder for all Americans who call themselves Christians.

“It’s hypocrisy to call yourself a Christian and chase away a refugee or someone seeking help, someone who is hungry or thirsty, toss out someone who is in need of my help,” Pope Francis reportedly said.

Bipartisan Report reports:

Pope Francis has probably been the most politically involved Pope ever, and his latest statements about President Trump’s new ban on Muslims is likely to leave The Donald in quite a tizzy.

It’s only been a matter of days since the ban on Muslims was enforced, and already its effects are being felt around the world. From angry Atheists who believe that all religious people are equally evil, to the devout Christians who actually try to practice what they preach, everyone is up in arms about the blatant discrimination of this very large group of people.
Finally, the Pope is reaching out to President Trump to say what every logical person is thinking. You can’t be a true Christian while rejecting refugees, Donnie.

Pope Francis condemned President Trump while addressing a crowd of German Catholics and Lutherans:

“the contradiction of those who want to defend Christianity in the West, and, on the other hand, are against refugees and other religions.”

“This is not something I’ve read in books, but I see in the newspapers and on television every day.”

“The sickness or, you can say the sin, that Jesus condemns most is hypocrisy, which is precisely what is happening when someone claims to be a Christian but does not live according to the teaching of Christ. You cannot be a Christian without living like a Christian,”

“You cannot be a Christian without practicing the Beatitudes. You cannot be a Christian without doing what Jesus teaches us in Matthew 25.”

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BREAKING: Smoking Gun FOUND In Huma Emails, Clintons PANIC

BREAKING: Smoking Gun FOUND In Huma Emails, Clintons PANIC

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Just when you think that everything about Hillary Clinton’s slimy email scandal is out, MORE information surfaces. Time for the Clintons to hide!

A new batch of emails from Hillary associates on Anthony Weiner’s computer was picked over, and new information was discovered. Clinton, WHILE acting as Secretary of State, was helping out people who supported the Clinton Foundation through donations, per Breitbart.

It looks like someone better get used to wearing an orange jumpsuit!

According to the emails, c — Clinton’s aide and Weiner’s soon-to-be ex-wife — was funneling State Department officials to a Russian cultural group, based on an inquiry from a man who made generous donations to the Clinton Foundation named Eddie Trump (NO RELATION to our president).

The email explicitly told Bill Clinton aide, Doug Band, that they liked to “hook up” people who mentioned Eddie to all the “right people” at our State Department. Eddie was going around suggesting that Rina Kirshner, the Vice President of a Russian-American Foundation, was “the right people”.

So let’s backtrack a little bit and get back to this big RUSSIAN scandal. Remember when Hillary blamed the Russians for hacking the election? This information means one of two things.
Hillary likely had ties to the right people to make it “appear” as if a Russian hack occurred in a PATHETIC attempt to steal the presidency back from President Trump. The other option is that she betrayed all of her Russian buddies when push came to shove — as she is known to do.

It doesn’t matter how you look at it, one thing is clear: Hillary had direct ties to Russians and these emails PROVE IT.

Let this be a valuable lesson to the Left. Information like this is known as FACT. We know that most liberals are unfamiliar with the term, but maybe they should start learning.

Now that we know the truth, action needs to be taken against this criminal. More digging is going to need to be done before Hillary can be arrested and put on trial. HOWEVER, we know that there IS enough evidence to arrest her.

All of the money and power in the world can’t save her from the wrath of a country that she betrayed. We hope she has more book ideas. While she is in prison, maybe she can write up some new best sellers. Bookstores better get prepared to put them in the fiction section.

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