TRUMP WAS RIGHT: F,B,I Raids M.uslim Man’s Home, Finds BONE CHILLING Item

TRUMP WAS RIGHT: FBI Raids Muslim Man’s Home, Finds BONE-CHILLING Item

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The threat from Islamic Extremists is real. We have witnessed tragedy in England twice in the past week alone; and now it is even closer to home.

Investigators discovered that a man named Samer ElDebek was giving money as well as material support to a terrorist group. He also received training from terrorists when he was over in Lebanon, according to Dennis Michael Lynch. An FBI raid was executed on his duplex, and an unusual supply of high-powered Shot Grizzly fireworks were discovered hidden in the garage.
FBI Investigators seized a massive amount of information from the home, and it is currently being picked apart and analyzed. As of right now, we know that cell phones, laptops, and identification documents are currently processing. Our big question is: WHERE IS THE OUTRAGE?

You would think that if there were talks of finding someone with terrorist ties owning things he needs to cause explosive damage, the media would be all over this story. Instead, the media is hiding with their head in the sand.

We would bet that the left-wing media knew about this story the SECOND it launched, but chose to ignore it. If they reported on this that would go against their pro-Muslim agenda.

The world we are living in is sick. Instead of admitting that there is a problem with Islamic terrorism, the media coddles these violent people and tells them that we are all “ignorant” for recognizing an obvious truth.

You CANNOT respect an ideology that supports child marriage, abusing women, and KILLING people who do not agree with you. Children, women, and PEOPLE, in general, DO NOT deserve live under these conditions.

If we would, God Forbid, have a terrorist bomb a major event, such as what happened in Manchester, how would the media react? They wouldn’t have a choice but admit the truth.

One thing is clear: ElDebek was planning something big. There is no reason for him to have a stockpile of high-powered fireworks in his garage. The argument could be made that it is close to July, but that does not explain why they were hidden in a garage. They could easily have been ruined, so it would be pointless. There is more to this story than we know.

Personally, we cannot wait for the investigation to come back and prove what we already know. He was planning an attack, but the FBI snatched him off the streets before he had a chance to act. He does not deserve to be here if he is going to endanger the people of this country.

It is odd. All of the terrorists want to come here, but they do not want to respect our values. They all want to get here so that they can bring harm to us, our family, and our friends. We are, after all, the “infidels” in their eyes.

Just because the liberal media is complacent doesn’t mean that the FBI feels that way. The FBI did their jobs like professionals and got another deadly man off the streets.

NSA Leaker Is SCREWED After What She Did With Muslims To Get Back At ‘Piece Of Sh*t’ Trump Comes Out

NSA Leaker Is SCREWED After What She Did With Muslims To Get Back At ‘Piece Of Sh*t’ Trump Comes Out

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Ever since Trump got into office, there’s been an endless amount of traitors close to him leaking classified information to the liberal media. Earlier this week Anti-Trumper Reality Leigh Winner was the most recently discovered traitor, where she was promptly fired from her job as a government contractor and hauled off to jail. Now in the wake of another Obama rat being discovered, we are now learning highly disturbing information about the woman, as her direct ties to Muslim terrorists was just chillingly revealed.
On Monday, the NSA leaker who passed confidential government information to the press appeared in federal court on Monday after being arrested over the weekend. Not only is she part of the violent left wing “Resistance” movement of Obama’s, but this liberal loon is also heavily involved in the Women’s March movement and an avid BLM supporter. But that isn’t even the wort part. She’s also directly tied to Muslim terrorists, having working along side the Islamic Society of North America, and was a blatant supporter for the terrorist regime in Iran. She loves Muslim terrorists so much in fact, that she has a large Arabic script on her back frequently bragged about online. The Conservative Review reported:

Reality Leigh Winner, 25, was arrested by the FBI this weekend in Georgia and appeared in court Monday to face charges. Winner admitted that in early May, according to the Department of Justice affidavit, she “printed and improperly removed classified intelligence reporting” and sent that information to the media.

Also on Monday, The Intercept published a top-secret National Security Agency document related to Russian hacking efforts concerning the 2016 election. According to NBC News, Winner was the source of information for The Intercept, a far-left publication that supports American traitor Edward Snowden.

Why Winner had access to a top-secret document on Russian hacking initiatives remains a complete mystery. The DOJ affidavit did not specify how she accessed the information.

Winner wasn’t shy at all about making her sentiments towards our president known, where she called a “piece of sh*t” before deciding to go completely rogue on Trump. But Winner isn’t laughing now. In the criminal complaint handed down in U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Georgia, the terrorist sympathizer was hit with a plethora of charges, including “Gathering, transmitting or losing defense information” in relation to an alleged scheme to leak a May NSA report to the media. Winner’s antics were so devastating to our national security secrets, that our nation’s number two law enforcement official, Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, felt it necessary to weigh in on the situation. In the press release announcing Winner’s arrest and charges, Rosenstein wrote:

“Exceptional law enforcement efforts allowed us quickly to identify and arrest the defendant. Releasing classified material without authorization threatens our nation’s security and undermines public faith in government. People who are trusted with classified information and pledge to protect it must be held accountable when they violate that obligation.”

The Department of Justice is also involved now, stating on their website in a public statement just exactly what’s at stake for this woman committing treason:

“A criminal complaint was filed in the Southern District of Georgia today charging Reality Leigh Winner, 25, a federal contractor from Augusta, Georgia, with removing classified material from a government facility and mailing it to a news outlet, in violation of 18 U.S.C. Section 793(e),” a statement from the Department of Justice read.

“On or about May 9, Winner printed and improperly removed classified intelligence reporting, which contained classified national defense information from an intelligence community agency, and unlawfully retained it,” the statement continued. “Approximately a few days later, Winner unlawfully transmitted by mail the intelligence reporting to an online news outlet.”

In the day and age we live in where every thing you do online leaves a digital footprint, it’s pretty hilarious that this idiot truly thought she could steal classified information from the United States government and never be caught. I guess liberalism truly is a mental disorder. How else can you explain this woman’s reckless disregard for our nation’s laws?

BREAKING: Terror Strikes Paris Again – State Department Issues Emergency Advisement To Americans

BREAKING: Terror Strikes Paris Again – State Department Issues Emergency Advisement To Americans

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Ever since Ramadan kicked off on May 26, significant terror attacks have sprung up across the globe, with current counts confirming three separate attacks that’s taken the lives of 149 people. While the world is still reeling after the London Bridge attack, now another terror attack is rocking the city of Paris yet again, as the promise of extra “benefits” for being a martyr over Muslims’ holy month is driving them to commit more acts of jihad for their depraved religion.

Breaking reports out of France report that 900 people inside the Notre Dame Cathedral have been barricaded inside and that the church is now on an emergency lockdown after a Muslim psychopath began trying to massacre tourists with a knife and a hammer. Authorities and counter terrorism officers have since flooded the scene, where Paris Police confirm that one of their officers have been wounded by a hammer blow to the head. The attacker is still alive at this point, but is now being treated at a local hospital after being shot by police in the throat.
Visitors inside the cathedral are frantically trying to get a hold of their families, using social media to relay the message that they are currently trapped inside the building. Scenes of complete pandemonium could be seen, as a couple of thousand people were frantically trying to escape the knife-wielding Muslim, crouching down between pews, a British witness said.
Police are now actively investigating the scene where they have cordoned off the area and are searching people in the cathedral for weapons. But what is highly alarming at this point is that people are reporting that there was an explosion close to the cathedral, leading many people to believe that this could be just the beginning of the attack.
A witness outside the cathedral, said: “I heard two explosions.”Paris police, tweeted: “A police intervention is in progress in the square in front of Our Lady Intervention, avoid the area.”“So we are trapped in Notre Dame Cathedral,” one man wrote on Twitter. “Something is happening outside we don’t know what it is. Police sirens can be heard #NotreDame.”“Needless to say my family and I are a little on edge. We were in London when the London Bridge attacks happened.”Express.Uk has more:
France has been on high alert since the January 2015 attacks on the Charlie Hebdo offices and a Jewish supermarket in Paris which killed 17 people and wounded 22.

In November 2015 during a series of coordinated terror attacks 130 people were killed by seven attackers.

Three suicide bombers struck outside the Stade de France during a football match.

There were then several mass shootings and a suicide bombing at cafes and restaurants.

Gunmen carried out another mass shooting and took hostages at an Eagles of Death Metal concert in the Bataclan threatre, killing 89 people.

BREAKING: Trump Just EXPOSED The Terrifying Truth About Obama’s Deep State Leakers, It’s BAD

BREAKING: Trump Just EXPOSED The Terrifying Truth About Obama’s Deep State Leakers, It’s BAD.

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President Trump has cracked into the deep state network and exposed traitor leakers.

Deep state actors have hindered the ability of President Trump to govern by constantly leaking classified information to the press. The White House has started to crack down on the leakers and the first traitor, Reality Leigh Winner, was arrested last night.
Reality Winner, a 25-year-old defense contractor for Pluribus International Corporation, was arrested late last night for disseminating classified information to the left-wing website The Intercept.

According to the criminal complaint filed in a U.S. District Court in Georgia, Reality Winner has been charged with transmitting defense information and faces up to 10 years in prison per count.
Reality Winner transmitted a classified National Security Agency (NSA) document investigating a failed attempt by the Russian government to hack a voting system. The leak was the basis of an Intercept article published last week.

The government became aware of the leak after reporters at The Intercept attempted to verify the authenticity of the classified material. The NSA asked the FBI for assistance and quickly found Winner.

The leaked document was tracked back to Winner, who apparently printed the document out at work and was able to sneak it out of the office by folding it into her pocket.

Winner was the only one with access to the document who was also in communication with reporters at The Intercept. Winner was not considered “need to know” and had no reason to access the sensitive material.

Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein weighed in on the important arrest, stating, “Releasing classified material without authorization threatens our nation’s security and undermines public faith in government. People who are trusted with classified information and pledge to protect it must be held accountable when they violate that obligation.”

Chairman of the House Oversight Committee Jason Chaffetz condemned the leak, saying, “Just because you see something that is classified, you can’t just hand that out like it’s candy.” Representative Chaffetz explained that there is a right and wrong way to expose illegal government activity.

However, Reality Winner was clearly not attempting to draw attention to government malfeasance and was purely hoping to damage the reputation of President Trump.

We should expect to see more arrests in the coming days as the FBI hones in on additional sources of illegal leaks. GOOD. Let’s get that swamp drained!

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Bats on ‘The View’ Get DEVASTATING News After Slandering President Trump

Bats on ‘The View’ Get DEVASTATING News After Slandering President Trump

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The women on The View have spent the last few months relentlessly attacking Donald Trump and his family in as many ways as they can. However, they recently took things way too far, and they might pay the ultimate price for it.

The female hosts just descended into unsubstantiated speculation when they made outrageous claims about the mental faculties of President Trump and his sex life with Melania to explain what they saw as bizarre behavior.

“He’s losing it,” Joy Behar said, “and we’ll all see soon, it’s going to all be over.”

“You’re not being funny about that, you actually do think he’s losing it?” Jedediah Bila asked.

“I think he’s losing it,” Behar agreed. “I think he has short-term memory loss, I think he maybe has a touch of dementia maybe, I don’t know. Something’s wrong with him. Something’s wrong, I don’t know what it is.”
“It could be the sleep and also, that he didn’t realize this job was going to be what it was,” Bila explained. “I always say that he didn’t want this job. He didn’t want this job.”

“He wanted the fame. He wanted the fame that came with it,” she added, “he thought it would boost his popularity but he was not prepared for this.”

“It’s also possible that Melania is living in New York most of the time,” Behar speculated. “And he’s in Mar-a-Lago, and you know sometimes sex puts you to sleep. He ain’t getting any of that.”

“He’s getting nothing – and that’s a problem,” she concluded, as the liberal audience laughter.
Viewers were rightfully offended by this ridiculous segment, and a movement has now started calling for ABC to cancel The View.

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