BREAKING: Trump Just BLINDSIDED The Liberal 9th Circuit…Conservatives Are CHEERING!

BREAKING: Trump Just BLINDSIDED The Liberal 9th Circuit…Conservatives Are CHEERING!

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While Obama was in office, he plotted for ways he could make his influence felt for years to come.

His surest way of doing so was to stack America’s courts with liberal judges. They will continue to execute his will even after his removal from office.

He has already conspired with certain judges whom he appointed to ensure that Trump’s measures won’t succeed.

Last month Obama held a meeting with his Harvard pal Judge Derrick Kahala Watson in Hawaii. Watson proceeded to block Trump’s travel ban.

Another court that is trying to stymie President Trump’s every move is the 9th Circuit. When Trump was asked if he had considered breaking up the court, he did not mince words.

From The Daily Wire:

“Absolutely, I have. There are many people that want to break up the 9th Circuit. It’s outrageous. Everybody immediately runs to the 9th Circuit. And we have a big country. We have lots of other locations.

“But they immediately run to the 9th Circuit. Because they know that’s like, semi-automatic. You see judge shopping, or what’s gone on with these people, they immediately run to the 9th Circuit. It’s got close to an 80 percent reversal period, and what’s going on in the 9th Circuit is a shame.”
On Tuesday, U.S. District Judge William Orrick temporarily blocked Trump’s order to the Justice Department in January to put immigration-related conditions on grants for “sanctuary cities” that may not be directly related to law enforcement.

In February, a 9th Circuit panel ruled that Trump’s immigration executive order was likely unconstitutional. That prompted Trump to substitute another order, which was challenged; but the panel decision remained on the books as binding law within the 9th Circuit.

It’s unsurprising that the judicial branch is giving Trump so much difficulty. The 9th Circuit court has the highest percentage of sitting judges appointed by Democratic presidents.

Judge Orrick is notably biased, having been a former DNC bundler who raised $200,000 for Obama.

These judges lost their impartiality long ago. Justice is trampled on when the 9th Circuit functions as nothing more than a rubber stamp for leftist activism. The 9th Circuit care nothing about constitutional law—they are focused solely on executing their liberal agenda.

Trump is right to try to stop this, because there is nothing to be gained by trying to bargain.

The 9th Circuit is a mockery to democracy everywhere. They are practically legislating at this point, and they are nearly untouchable.

One way to remedy this miscarriage of justice would be for Congress to impeach these overtly left-wing judges. Laws will be enforced again once they are ejected.

FIRED! You Won’t Believe Who Trump Just Let Go…Democrats Are Panicking!

FIRED! You Won’t Believe Who Trump Just Let Go…Democrats Are Panicking!

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Anyone who has ever had their home infested by vermin knows what an arduous experience it can be to remove them.

Removing government employees is a similar struggle.

Because government entities are allowed to unionize, firing the useless, corrupt, or lawless employees infesting our systems is nearly impossible.

The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs is a prime example of this.

Their employees have been caught multiple times in multiple states abusing the system at the expense of our veterans, providing patients with low-quality care all while knowing their own employment is assured.

Instead of addressing their responsibilities, many VA employees act like parasites and treat their jobs like a luxury welfare system, where incompetent and lazy people can sit in a seat until they get their hefty retirements benefits.

Luckily for the American people, President Trump came to Washington to fumigate.

From The Daily Caller:

President Donald Trump is expected to sign an executive order Thursday establishing an office at the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) to discipline or fire incompetent employees or managers.
The executive order, likely to be signed Thursday according to a source with direct knowledge, will create an Office of Accountability and Whistleblower Protection.

This legislation is a long time coming. Whistleblowers across America have been demanding action be taken for years.

Brandon Coleman, a VA whistleblower in Phoenix, is extremely pleased with Trump’s measure. “I smiled when I heard this was happening Thursday. I applaud President Trump for not waiting to take action but instead continuing his push for accountability at the VA with this executive order.”

VA Secretary David Shulkin has been trying to fire an employee that was caught viewing pornography while taking care of a patient, but hasn’t been able to yet because of how long the process takes.

He believes Trump’s measure in a step in the right direction towards giving him more firing authority.

While VA reform remains an uphill battle, it’s encouraging to know that something will now be done to remove these leeches from the system.

CAREER OVER: Kathy Griffin Is ANGRY That Nobody Wants Her. What’s Your Response?

CAREER OVER: Kathy Griffin Is ANGRY That Nobody Wants Her. What’s Your Response?

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Kathy Griffin recently decided to be “edgy” and “cool” by taking pictures of herself holding up a severed, bloody head that represented President Trump. NOW, Griffin is getting what she deserves!

NO ONE wants Kathy anymore. All of her gigs are canceled, every single one, per the Daily Wire. Not only did Griffin lose her gigs, but she lost her ONLY sponsor, Squatty Potty, a little plastic stool that you use while you are in the restroom. WOW, looks like Kathy “be-headed” to the unemployment office!

We are SO happy to see Kathy getting what she deserves. You cannot recklessly go around showing pictures of yourself looking like a terrorist and NOT expect consequences. If you worked at a McDonald’s and they found pictures of you holding a fake, bloody head of the manager, do you know what would happen? YOU WOULD GET CANNED!

Now, Kathy is not going to be working with CNN for her annual New Year’s Eve gig. Honestly, it is shocking that CNN dropped Griffin. If you watch any content from this liberal propaganda machine, you will notice that they are doing EVERYTHING but begging for Trump’s head. I guess now we know the one line they won’t cross!

Kathy also had a little “comedy” tour set up where she was going to try to make people laugh — doubtful. At any rate, all eight of those gigs were canceled individually.
She is finished, that is all there is to it. It is funny to watch Kathy speak about it now. At first, she said it was ART and she can do whatever she wants.

After Griffin realized how much trouble she was in, she came out and apologized and shed some crocodile tears for everyone. Most people thought that was going to be the end of it, but nope.

Now, she is coming out and throwing a temper tantrum talking about how President Trump “BROKE HER.” Seriously? She threatened him, threatened little Barron before Trump was even elected, and she cannot fathom why she made a huge mistake? Quit being an idiot and you will keep your job, Kathy, it’s THAT simple.

Griffin thought she was funny by imitating an ISIS-style beheading. Can anyone tell us what is humorous about that? It is insulting to our president, family who had people close to them MURDERED by ISIS, and our country. In a way, it was almost like an act of war. Kathy was trying to get people all fired up to take down Donald Trump.

Instead, her plan backfired, and now she can’t figure out why. Get a grip on reality, Kathy. You were already barreling down the path of being a washed-up and pathetic “comedian” that no one cares about anymore. Now, the process just got kicked up a notch.

When you see Kathy working at McDonald’s, don’t forget to ask her if you can get some extra ketchup.

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Revealed: The Real Reason Trump Pulled Out Of Paris…

Revealed: The Real Reason Trump Pulled Out Of Paris…

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Is because he has a very powerful bullshit detector. We know this thanks to a fascinating and unwittingly revelatory article in the German newspaper Der Spiegel.

The paper reveals how, in the days running up to President Trump’s decision to quit the UN Paris accord, he received a series of deputations from EU leaders urging him to change his mind.

“For me it’s easier to stay in than step out,” Trump told them.

This is perfectly true. Since his momentous Rose Garden speech announcing his plans to pull out of Paris, Trump has taken more flak than a thousand-bomber raid over Berlin in ’44.

He has upset his daughter Ivanka, his Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, his financial advisor Gary Cohn. On top of that, he has given the entire liberal half of the planet, plus sundry conservative squishes, the perfect excuse they needed to dismiss him as a science-denying loon in thrall to Big Oil, Big Coal, Big Evil, etc…
So what was it that tipped Trump over the edge?

Well sure, as he made clear in his brilliant White House speech, it was about American jobs.

But while I’ve no doubt that that fact provided the rational basis for his bold, principled decision, I think we can look elsewhere for the tipping point.

And here it is, in black and white, in Der Spiegel‘s account of how the G7 leaders tried to badger Trump at the summit in Taormina, Sicily.

Leaders of the world’s seven most powerful economies were gathered around the table and the issues under discussion were the global economy and sustainable development.

The newly elected French president, Emmanuel Macron, went first. It makes sense that the Frenchman would defend the international treaty that bears the name of France’s capital: The Paris Agreement. “Climate change is real and it affects the poorest countries,” Macron said.

BREATH-TAKING! Everyone Is Talking About Melania’s Outfit At Ford’s Theatre Gala

BREATH-TAKING! Everyone Is Talking About Melania’s Outfit At Ford’s Theatre Gala

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The presidential power couples were dressed up and ready for a night out as Trump and Melania prepared for their first social gathering in the capital.

Melania Trump looked stunning as she stepped out of her home Sunday evening on his way to the evening’s Ford’s Theatre Gala.

The First Lady wore a light pink floor length dress that is sure to turn heads due to its silky and shimmery fabric. She paired the ensemble with minimal jewelry and matching rose colored pumps.

The Sunday night black-tie event raises money for Ford’s Theatre, the historic venue where President Abraham Lincoln was assassinated.

The reception is the President’s first big outing amid the city’s social and philanthropic crowd and marks the return of a tradition dating back to the Carter administration, so he and Melania made sure to dress for the occasion.

The President was pictured behind in his traditional and customary black tuxedo.

Generally, the president hosts the black-tie gathering and invites a crowd of CEOs and lawmakers from around the city.
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