‘The View’ About To Be Canceled After Sexual Thing They Aired On TV About Donald And Melania
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Just when we think Rabid Liberals can’t go any lower. They manage to outdo themselves and prove us wrong.
This time it’s the Yentas from the tv show called “The View” again. Joy Behar who isn’t very joyous at all once again went after our newly elected President Donald Trump. This time she went after him for twitting at night. Saying he does this because our First Lady Melania Trump is living in Manhattan while Barron is finishing out his school year. Adding that since they are apart he isn’t getting any sex and that’s why he turns to tweeting in the middle of the night. Huh?
Town and Country Magazine Reports:
For the first months of Donald Trump’s presidency, his wife Melania has largely kept out of the public eye, so much so that her notable absence from the duties of a modern first lady has prompted speculation regarding both her marriage and her state of mind.
As she and Barron make their move to D.C. this summer, many are left wondering what, if anything, we can expect to see change about her position in the Trump administration.
As of right now, Melania’s staff consists of just a handful of advisers: Chief of Staff Lindsay Reynolds, Social Secretary Anna Cristina Niceta Lloyd, Senior Adviser Stephanie Winston Wolkoff, and Communications Director Stephanie Grisham. There are no requirements for how many federal employees should operate out of the East Wing of the White House, but given the precedent set by Michelle Obama, who had a staff of 24, Laura Bush who had a team of 18, and Hillary Clinton, who had 19, we can expect Melania to hire few more people.
Muslim Allowed In Air Force Just Busted At Airport In Midst Of Disturbing Plan – Makes SICK Demand
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And once again we see a “Peace Loving” Muslim being “peaceful.”
This time a peaceful Islamic scumbag was convicted by a federal jury in 2016, and handed a 35-year sentence this week, on charges of trying to give material support to the Islamic State terrorist group. What is worse about this particular case is that this scumbag is a United States Air Force veteran.
What makes everything even more terrifying is that it’s being reported that back in 2001, while this scumbag worked for American Airlines of all places, one of Tairod Pugh’s co-workers told the FBI that he had expressed sympathy and solidarity with Osama bin Laden. The coworker went on to say that Pugh felt that the 1998 bombings of U.S. embassies overseas and the attack on the USS Cole were justified. Of course, he also expressed rabid anti-American feelings and ideas.
CNN Reports:
(CNN) — A U.S. Air Force veteran convicted for providing material support to the Islamic State group was sentenced to 35 years in prison Wednesday.
Tairod Pugh was convicted by a federal jury in 2016 on charges of trying to give material support to the Islamic State group and of obstruction of justice, according to the U.S. Justice Department indictment.
“The defendant turned his back on his country, and the military he once served, to attempt to join a brutally violent terrorist organization committed to the slaughter of innocent people throughout the world,” stated Acting United States Attorney Bridget Rohde.
Prosecutors allege that investigators discovered a letter on Pugh’s desktop computer saying he wanted to “use the talents and skills given to me by Allah to establish and defend the Islamic States,” and a chart of crossing points between Turkey and Syria, where the Islamic State group controls some territory.
Eric Creizman, Pugh’s lawyer, said at the time of Pugh’s conviction that he believed that there was reasonable doubt in the case.
“Our client maintained his innocence since day one, so we went to trial and put up the best fight we possibly could,” Creizman said. “It was a well tried case, an interesting case, because the whole thing was what they could glean from his state of mind from things he did, on the Internet and on the computer.”
“I think this case is good for the justice system. It’s good for the world to see that in this country, you get a trial by jury,” Creizman said. “In the Islamic State, people accused of crimes don’t get such fair treatment.”
Crossing the Middle East
Pugh, a convert to Islam, served in the Air Force from 1986 to 1990, according to the Justice Department.
Prosecutors presented evidence at the trial that Pugh traveled from Egypt to Turkey in an attempt to cross into Syria to join the Islamic State group for jihad, the news release says.
One piece of evidence was a letter Pugh wrote just before leaving for Turkey.
“I am a Mujahid. I am a sword against the oppressor and a shield for the oppressed. I will use the talents and skills given to me by Allah to establish and defend the Islamic State. There is only 2 possible outcomes for me. Victory or Martyr,” Pugh wrote in the note, prosecutors say….
In 2001, while working for American Airlines, one of Pugh’s coworkers told the FBI that Pugh “sympathized with Osama bin Laden, felt that the 1998 bombings of U.S. embassies overseas was justified and expressed anti-American sentiment,” according to his criminal complaint.
Because we live in a society where people’s feelings are more important than their very lives. Not even his co-worker at American Airlines dared to question him about his anti-American rants or about his affinity to Islam and their God awful jihad they have going on against the civilized world. If he would have he would have been branded as “Islamophobic,” which is a word that doesn’t even exist in the English dictionary but was actually a word created by leftist fascists who hate American and the civilized world as much as the Muslims do.
All we have to do is look at our colleges and we can see we are in serious trouble. Whites are so terrified of being branded whatever new name the left comes up with that particular week that they ignore what’s right in front of their noses. This wasn’t what Martin Luther King Jr. had in mind!
Seriously. How much longer will us in the civilized world put up with this crap? When will we finally say “Who cares if I get called an Islamaphobe, bigot, racist, or whatever other “phobe” the left wants to make up to call us freedom loving American Patriots before we snap out of this phobia of calling a duck, a duck?
If you are sick of Political Correctness please share….
You Won’t Believe Who Liberals Are Insisting That Melania Is Having An Affair With – This Is Truly Sick
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The disdain for our President is a peek into the psyche of the American liberal. Their hatred that they spout is very revealing of how their twisted little emotionally driven minds work. The obsession with needing to make sense of the President and First Lady’s relationship has caused some pretty far fetched social media campaigns, such as the one that was focused around “freeing” Melania. They idea was that President Trump had somehow captured her and she wasn’t allowed to be away from him. Somehow the security that the President had was backing up their rumor and fueling the ridiculous fire.
There’s, of course, the theory that she’s only with the President because of his money. Admittedly, he does have quite a bit, however, Melania wasn’t exactly hurting for cash when they met. She was quite the supermodel before her life as Mrs. Donald J. Trump. She’s also shown many signs that they are a pretty normal couple, with good times and bad times. It’s possible that Melania Trump is somewhat less hung up on how she and her husband look than the rest of the world is. There’s the distinct possibility that she wanted to marry a man’s man, and there’s no doubt that’s what she got in the President.
The critics won’t be appeased though. They’ve come up with a particularly nasty new rumor, that seems to have originated from just one disturbed author with a bone to pick with the first couple. There’s been no actual evidence to support their claims, but still, the rumors persist. Their claim is that the First Lady is having an affair with one of the heads of security that works for the Trump family in New York, and that’s what has prompted her to stay away from D.C.
Via Inquisitr:
A rumor that Melania Trump is in an affair erupted on Twitter when a novelist claimed that the first lady is cheating on her husband with someone who works in Trump Tower. The strong allegation surfaced on June 1, after a woman by the name of Monica Byrne wrote a series of tweets about information she received from a source she views as reliable.
Perez Hilton picked up the story on Friday about the alleged Melania Trump affair, publishing the string of tweets written by Byrne — who’s profile on Twitter reads that she’s a ‘novelist, playwright, artist, activist, traveler, futurist, feminist, TED speaker.’
According to the report, Byrne shared information she received from a source she refuses to name so that she can ‘accelerate [Trump’s] rate of self-destruction.’ She repeated a rumor that former White House staffer, Claude Taylor, tweeted a few weeks ago about getting information from well-known sources that Donald and Melania Trump signed divorce papers, but never filed because of the surprise win in the election. The White House has denounced all negative reports written about them, with a spokesperson insisting that the reports are false about Melania being ‘miserable’ in her marriage.
Radical Students Holding School Admins Hostage – One Just Emerged With Shock Announcement About What’s Going Down Inside
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It is, of course, every generation wish to make things better for those who come after them, to make life less of a struggle for their kids and grandkids. We’re running into a problem with this current generation of would-be-adults though, where they think that everything should be handed to them. They’re so used to having everything they want, when they want it that they’re entering adult life with their hand stuck out and their mouth spewing whatever disrespectful and aggressive rhetoric that happens to cross their minds and calling it free expression.
The big problems arise when these entitled brats run up against someone or something that won’t give them what they want when they want it. And considering that it’s possible for the generations of entitlement to want conflicting things at the same time, this isn’t even a generational conflict issue, it’s just an entitlement issue. Unfortunately, these issues have progressed to the point that the believers in this misguided method of living are willing to take drastic and harmful lengths to get what they want, even if that means hurting those who they’ve hired to teach them.
One Washington College has been experiencing this first hand, and that’s when things got out of hand.
Via US Herald:
On what should be an idyllic site for a college campus – with Portland to the south, and Tacoma and Seattle to the northeast, surrounded by forests with the Pacific Ocean to the west, some students at Evergreen State College are anything but happy.
Putin OBLITERATES Megyn Kelly For Dumb Question – This is Her Worst Nightmare
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Putin articulately conveyed his complete lack of involvement in our most recent presidential election. To him, having to deny this so many times is almost laughable.
Megyn Kelly was persistent in trying to get Vladimir Putin to admit to the hacking allegations that are continuously being spewed out of the mouths of the Left. This rhetoric is getting old, and it’s now being pushed by Megyn Kelly herself. Putin took Kelly to school and mocked her for mindlessly pushing this nonsensical theory. He stated that she doesn’t know what she’s talking about, and she also doesn’t realize how easy it is to fake something like this.
The St. Petersburg International Economic Forum was a panel-like discussion, and it was hosted by Megyn Kelly. She went head to head with Putin during the sit-down interview. It will be shown on “Sunday Night with Megyn Kelly” tomorrow at 7PM ET.
Megyn Kelly questioned Putin for Russia’s alleged involvement in our most recent presidential election. It was clear that Putin has had enough. He was obviously tired of being accused of this ridiculous claim. He perceived Kelly as a joke as she continued to beat a dead horse.
Putin replied, “IP addresses can be invented — a child can do that! Your underage daughter could do that. That is not proof. He further went on to say, “We didn’t do this. Stop this! There is no specific evidence, no facts, just assumptions, allegations, and conclusions based on those allegations, nothing more.”
Putin is correct when he acknowledges how truly easy it is for someone to fake an IP address. Computer savvy children are able to do this without any difficulty. It is obvious that Putin is entertained at how gullible Liberal Americans are. Believing this lie is truly embarrassing.
Anyone who tunes into this clip can see that Megyn Kelly might actually be convinced by the overly-perpetuated Leftist rhetoric. There is no hard evidence to officiate Russian involvement.
People who believe the conspiracy are not basing their perspectives off of facts, but simply off of the Liberal narrative alone. Megyn Kelly got what was coming to her. Challenging the Russian president with opinions, rather than facts, was not a smart move.
Putin used the forum to deny any Russian interference in the 2016 Presidential Election. He dismantled the theory by explaining how easy it is for hackers to blame Russia. The question and answer session allowed Putin to go on record about his denial of involvement.
Idiot Liberals will most likely continue to believe their own lies. This is the party of brainwashed zombies. They travel in packs, and mindlessly follow anyone who represents their Godless ideology.
Democrats have always relied on narrative to shape their worldview. They simply don’t care that there’s no truth whatsoever to their Russian collusion conspiracy.
If the lie sounds right, then they’ll hop on board. It’s a liberal bandwagon of lies. We can only hope that Megyn Kelly isn’t jumping aboard, headfirst, along with them.