Obama Jokes About Queen’s ‘Bling’ & Reveals Palace Secrets, He Gets Nasty Surprise

Obama Jokes About Queen’s ‘Bling’ & Reveals Palace Secrets, He Gets Nasty Surprise

SOURCE : https://goo.gl/zMrg1a
Now that Barack Obama is out of office, one way the Obamas are making the big bucks is through their tell-all books. Instead of respecting the British Monarch’s trust extended to those who are her guests at Buckingham Palace, Barack was caught joking about the Queen’s “bling” and revealing unflattering secrets about their overnight stay. Well, the Queen and her country are outraged as they pay him back with a nasty surprise.

The Queen of England is a gracious host, and for the Obamas to use their state visit in which they had the honor of staying the night at Buckingham Palace as gossip for their tell-all books is a disgrace. But this shouldn’t come to a surprise for those who remember Barack Obama’s hatred toward the British as he took office.

In fact, Obama loathes anything associated with the British monarchy. It stems from Barack’s leftist education that taught him Britain was basically a racist country that subjugated millions of blacks in their imperialistic quest to rule the world. Who can forget when he disrespected our UK ally and returned the Winston Churchill bust to the British Embassy?

Sure, at one point during their history, Britain was an imperialistic power. As Americans, we know that better than most nations, but that was over 200 years ago, and the United Kingdom left those ways behind for good after they left India. Not all colonization was evil, it brought many good things to undiscovered parts of the world.
But I digress. The British Monarchy today, and specifically Queen Elizabeth II, is someone heads of state show respect to when they visit Great Britain. In 2011, the Obamas were honored by the Queen with an invitation to stay overnight at Buckingham Palace in the Belgian suite, which encompasses six magnificent rooms.

In a preview of the how the crass Obama administration is cashing in, Ben Rhodes, the anti-Trump former national security advisor, just published a tell-all book, and with Barack’s approval, he revealed secrets about the 2011 Buckingham Palace visit.

According to People Magazine, “When Rhodes jokingly told Obama that maybe the monarchy ‘really is a dying empire,’ Obama didn’t disagree. Instead, he laughed. ‘No, they’ve still got a lot going on,’ Obama said. ‘Did you see the bling on the queen?‘”

Rhodes, a big sycophant, saying the United Kingdom is a “dying empire” is definitely reflecting Obama’s true feelings, as the former president laughs and sarcastically quips back about the “Queen’s bling.” Nigel Farage, a British conservative politician, described US President Barack Obama as a “loathsome individual and creature” who “couldn’t stand our country,” reported the BBC.

But that’s not all. You can bet Barack Obama’s long-awaited tell-all will include his own unflattering stories about the British monarchy. Why Obama would allow Rhodes to include his crass remark about the “Queen’s bling” proves he has no qualms about causing the Monarch embarrassment.
Of course, Obama knows Elizabeth II will be asked to comment on the statement, and palace insiders say she is also livid about the other anecdote Rhodes and Obama included in the book.

People reports, “The Obamas’ visit to Buckingham Palace was a jovial time for the couple, even if it did include some odd rodent drama. According to the book, the president was in his room going over his speech with his aides as the first lady was getting ready to sleep in another room when, suddenly, a butler appeared.”

“Mr. President, pardon me,” the butler reportedly said. “There’s a mouse.” Obama replied, “Don’t tell the first lady.” Mortified, the butler stated,“We’ll try to catch it, sir.” Obama repeated, “Just don’t tell the first lady.”

Out of all the incredible stories Rhodes could have included about their visit with the Queen, who graciously went out of her way to give the Obamas a tour of Westminster Abbey and brought out rare documents from the American colonies at the Palace, Rhodes and Obama decided to talk about “bling” and a mouse?
Maybe it was a way of Obama getting “payback” on the Queen. During that 2011 trip, the Queen gave a cold shoulder to the former president for breaking royal protocol offering a toast while they are playing HER SONG: “God Save the Queen”:

Well, this wasn’t the first time Obama showed his disrespect. The Washington Examiner reports, “While visiting the Queen, the Obama family gave her an iPod, prompting raised eyebrows from the British Press. The MP3 player came pre-loaded with photos from President Obama’s inauguration and audio files of the president’s speech as a senator to the 2004 Democratic National Convention and his 2009 inauguration address.

BREAKING Fox News Anchor Releases Statement From De ath Bed… ”2 WEEKS TO LIVE”

BREAKING: Fox News Anchor Releases Statement From Death Bed….”2 WEEKS TO LIVE”

SOURCE : https://goo.gl/epxYu5
Charles Krauthammer, the beloved and brilliant Fox News Channel personality who gave up a pioneering career in psychiatry to become a Pulitzer Prize-winning political analyst, on Friday revealed the heartbreaking news that he is in the final stages of a losing battle with cancer.

The 68-year-old’s incisive takes on politics of the day have been missing from Fox News Channel’s “Special Report” for nearly a year as he battled an abdominal tumor and subsequent complications, but colleagues and viewers alike had held out hope that he would return to the evening show he helped establish as must-viewing. But in an eloquent, yet unblinking letter to co-workers, friends and Fox News Channel viewers, Krauthammer disclosed that he has just weeks to live.

Here is his letter in it’s entirety:

June 8, 2018

“I have been uncharacteristically silent these past ten months. I had thought that silence would soon be coming to an end, but I’m afraid I must tell you now that fate has decided on a different course for me. In August of last year, I underwent surgery to remove a cancerous tumor in my abdomen.

That operation was thought to have been a success, but it caused a cascade of secondary complication which I have been fighting in hospital ever since. It was along and hard fight with many setbacks, but I was steadily, if slowly, overcoming each obstacle along the way and gradually making my way back to health.However, recent tests have revealed that the cancer has returned.

There was no sign of it as recently as a month ago, which means it is aggressive and spreading rapidly.

My doctors tell me their best estimate is that I have only a few weeks left to live. This is the final verdict. My fight is over.I wish to thank my doctors and caregivers, whose efforts have been magnificent.

My dear friends, who have given me a lifetime of memories and whose support has sustained me through these difficult months. And all of my partners at The Washington Post, Fox News, and Crown Publishing.

Lastly, I thank my colleagues, my readers, and my viewers, who have made my career possible and given consequence to my life’s work. I believe that the pursuit of truth and right ideas through honest debate and rigorous argument is a noble undertaking. I am grateful to have played a small role in the conversations that have helped guide this extraordinary nation’s destiny.
I leave this life with no regrets. It was a wonderful life full and complete with the great loves and great endeavors that make it worth living. I am sad to leave, but I leave with the knowledge that I lived the life that I intended.”

So sad. He is a brilliant man who beat the odds and will live on forever in our hearts.

Trump Just Made STUNNING Offer to NFL Kneelers That They CAN’T REFUSE

Trump Just Made STUNNING Offer to NFL Kneelers That They CAN’T REFUSE

SOURCE : https://goo.gl/X7468m
The best deal-maker in the world just made a stunning offer to anti-anthem NFL kneelers that they can’t refuse.

They simply CAN’T refuse.

Because if they do, it will prove what we’ve known all along – they’re nothing but clueless “stunt artists.”

President Trump has asked all “kneelers” to put together a list of people they believe were treated unfairly by the justice system, and Trump and his committee will take a look at every application, and if it’s found that they were treated unfairly, they will be pardoned or released.
President Donald Trump made an offer to NFL protesters Friday saying he will be asking them to provide a list of people they believe should be pardoned, and he will consider it.

“What I’m going to do is I’m going to say to them instead of talk…I am going to ask all of those people to recommend to me — because that’s what their protesting. People that they think were unfairly treated by the justice system … I understand that. I’m going to ask them to recommend to me people that were unfairly treated. Friends of theirs or people they know about and I’m going to take a look at those applications. If I find — if my committee finds they’re unfairly treated, we will pardon them or at least let them out,” Trump said.

Trump’s offer is the first conciliatory offer he has made to the NFL protestors he has derided for kneeling during the national anthem and comes while he is considering pardons increasingly in the early phases of his presidency. Trump also said that he has a list of approximately 3000 people he is considering pardoning who he believes have been unfairly treated by the criminal justice system.

Trump took care to note during his answer that he is still not satisfied the changes to NFL rules which bar players from kneeling during the national anthem because it allows them to remain in the locker room while it is being played.

Soldier Who Disgraced Country With “Communism” Post Finally Faces the Music

Soldier Who Disgraced Country With “Communism” Post Finally Faces the Music

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SOURCE : https://goo.gl/usXdyx
A West Point graduate shocked the nation when he displayed a post in support of communism. Months after the outrage, the military finally weighs in. Things aren’t looking good for this comrade.

Even though it’s been thirty years since the end of the Cold War, the U.S. is still dealing with commies. Worse still, we’re dealing with commies in our own country. You’d think that watching the fall of the Soviet Union would have been enough for these dummies to learn. Apparently not.

Toxic rhetoric from politicians like Bernie Sanders has convinced scores of young people that socialism (the economic/political system behind communism) is a good idea. They are brainwashed into thinking that the only way for our nation to thrive is for the government to control everything. And I mean everything. Under communism, there is no private ownership of wealth, land, or business. The government is in charge of everything.
And, as an added bonus: they outlaw free speech, freedom of religion, and the right to bear arms. How convenient! The people have no power to fight back.

We’ve seen this terrible system fail time and again around the world. Even European countries with heavy socialist policies flounder. Yet young Americans embrace it as a social justice solution.

One young American shocked the nation with his support of communism. He served in Afghanistan, then went to West Point to become an officer. Surely someone who is willing to risk his life for our democracy would understand how bad communism is.

Nope. At his West Point graduation, he posted a photo of himself with the sign that said, “Communism Will Win.” He kept the message under his hat. As you can imagine, Americans were outraged. How can someone who wants to serve our country actually think communism is good? Not only that, but to brashly post this kind of message, while receiving honors from West Point?
Clearly, this man has no place in our Armed Forces. And thankfully, after a lengthy investigation, our military agrees.

Spenser Rapone — the Army soldier who became notorious after a picture of him in his West Point uniform holding a “Communism Will Win” sign went viral — was discharged from the Army this month, according to social media postings…

Rapone first gained widespread attention in September after he tweeted the picture of himself at his 2016 West Point graduation holding the “Communism Will Win” sign under his cover, or hat, along with the hashtag #VeteransforKaepernick, in support of former San Francisco 49er quarterback Colin Kaepernick. Members of the military are prohibited from expressing political views while in uniform.

West Point and the Army subsequently launched an investigation, and Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL), a staunch anti-Communist, demanded answers from Army leadership. [Source: Breitbart]

The news came out in a post advertising a pro-communism event: “Socialism 2018: A War Resister in the Ranks.” Apparently, there are enough American-hating citizens to host an event.
Oh, of course, he supports Kaepernick! This just keeps getting better. A man who wore a Che Guevara t-shirt under his uniform would naturally support an entitled ex-football player who disgraced our nation!

I’m actually worried about the education of our West Point graduates. Do they not explain to these future officers how terrible communism is? Or that Che Guevara was a self-serving tyrant who, in addition to destroying a nation, murder hundreds of gays? So much for equality.

All the heroes of communism were murderous monsters. But not only do modern socialists (including “Democratic” Socialist Bernie Sanders) praise these people, they want America to adopt the same evil policies that destroyed their nations.

Soldiers deserve the right to free expression, same as everyone else. But when you make a commitment to the U.S. Army, there are certain things you must give up. That includes showing support to a destructive political system that defies everything we stand for. Really, that should go without saying.

But people like Rapone continue to disgrace our country with their toxic, far left views. They will not be happy until we live under a flag of commie red — not the red, white, and blue.
In this case, Rapone got the punishment he deserved. He can no longer enjoy his commie views while serving in the Armed Forces. But how many more people his age embrace this toxic thinking? How many more Millennials think Stalin is a better role model than Washington? No matter the number, it’s far too many.

Liberal Professor in Trouble for Racist Facebook Post About Harlem Restaurant

Liberal Professor in Trouble for Racist Facebook Post About Harlem Restaurant

SOURCE : https://goo.gl/Q6acDf
A Rutgers University professor is in hot water after posting a racist rant online. He was infuriated that a group of children was eating at the same Harlem restaurant as him. This reveals what liberals truly think about race.

It’s no secret our society has a problem with race relations. While most Americans try very hard to get along, there are still people who judge us by our skin color. Despite the progress made by leaders like Martin Luther King, people are still often labeled by their race.

Entire groups are judged by the color of their skin. Assumptions are made about their values, behavior, and character. These stereotypes are perpetuated by the media. From books to movies to the news, we are told people should be judged by their race.

Believe it or not, much of this racism is perpetuated by the left. Liberals — desperate to pander to minority groups — reinforce stereotypes about people based on race. They continue to label black Americans as victims. Democrats frequently promise better lives for black voters, but they rarely make good on their word.
Worse still is the left’s growing hate for white Americans. A campaign to cast all white people as racist, bigoted, and hateful continues to gain steam among liberals. Some have even said that white people are born racist — one of the most shockingly racist comments ever made.

So, it should come as no surprise that a Rutgers University professor — a liberal — ranted about race on Facebook. He visited a restaurant in Harlem and was infuriated at the many children eating there. He took to Facebook to complain. His anger was entirely because of their race. They were white.

A white professor at Rutgers University is being investigated by the school for a Facebook post captured by The Daily Caller that railed against white children eating in a Harlem restaurant while he was there.

“OK, officially, I now hate white people,” history professor James Livingston wrote in the post removed by Facebook for violating community standards. “I am a white people, for God’s sake, but can we keep them—us—us out of my neighborhood?”

Livingston complained about going to Harlem Shake, a restaurant known for its burgers and shakes, saying it was “overrun with little Caucasian a—holes who know their parents will approve of anything they do.”

He concluded: “I hereby resign from my race. F— these people. Yeah, I know, it’s about access to my dinner. F— you, too.”

The public university professor acknowledged to Fox News that he wrote the post and stands by it, but declined to comment further. [Source: Fox News]
I don’t even know where to start? What the heck is wrong with this guy? Aren’t we supposed to respect everyone, regardless of race? Didn’t King encourage us to judge people by the content of their character, not the color of their skin?

So, while white and black Americans work extra hard to treat each other with respect, we have a college professor attacking fellow white people. Am I taking crazy pills?
What kind of sick man curses out children? What kind of weirdo “resigns” from his race? Sorry, James, it doesn’t work that way. What could those kids have done to make him so angry?

This is the kind of hatred and bigotry only seen expressed to white people, from other white people. There are some black activists that say some terrible things, but rarely do we see this kind of hate. He literally is mad that other white people are eating at his restaurant.

You might be thinking that he was just angry and posted something dumb in the heat of the moment. Think again.

In a follow-up post on Facebook, Livingston questioned why Facebook removed his original post and doubled down on his stance.
“I just don’t want little Caucasians overrunning my life, as they did last night,” he wrote. “Please God, remand them to the suburbs, where they and their parents can colonize every restaurant, all the while pretending that the idiotic indulgence of their privilege signifies cosmopolitan–you know, as in sophisticated ‘European’–commitments.” [Source: Fox News]

Lol, Caucasians are “overrunning” his life? I guess eating at a restaurant is overrunning his life? Perhaps Livingston has bigger issues than where he gets his burgers.
Parents, don’t let your kids go to Rutgers University. It’s this kind of toxic hate that is being spewed in our schools of “higher learning.” Colleges have weaponized civil rights and politics to attack an entire race group in our country. They invent arguments to denigrate white people, using them as an excuse to spread hate.

The silver lining is that public outrage has sparked an investigation by his school. But, if history is any indicator, the school will be too cowardly to fire this bigot