Van Jones Wants Kim Kardashian To Trash Trump, But She Drops The Hammer Instead

Van Jones Wants Kim Kardashian To Trash Trump, But She Drops The Hammer Instead

CNN always seems to want to turn every conversation into a President Donald Trump bashing. Unfortunately for Van Jones, he picked the wrong special guest when he tried to get Kim Kardashian to join him in his disrespect of our President. Kim dropped the hammer instead.

Kim Kardashian visited the president and asked him to commute the life sentence of a black woman, Alice Johnson, 63, who was serving a life sentence for the first offense of a nonviolent drug crime. Days later, the president did just that, to the joy of Kardashian and others who have been calling for criminal justice reform.

But CNN’s Van Jones, who himself has been asking for criminal justice reform for a long time, interviewed Kardashian on Thursday and asked her if she felt that she was being used as a “political pawn” by the president.
“I think Kanye has already given him legitimacy,” Kardashian said, a reference to her husband, Kanye West, sending many tweets in support of the president. “I was working on this before, so I don’t think I would be used.

“And at the end of the day, he heard me out. We got the job done. So what could he really use me for?” she said. Kardashian said that the president “felt (Johnson’s) heart” and said that “when (President Trump) said he had the papers in front of him and he was signing it, my heart was so full.”
Kim Kardashian said it was her relationship with Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner that helped her to get the meeting with the president on Alice Johnson’s behalf.

Waiting for President Donald Trump’s decision was the toughest part for Kim Kardashian. “That week after the meeting, you’re just literally on pins and needles waiting to hear out what was going on,” she said. “I had been in communication with Jared so I was feeling things were looking positive. So yeah he called my cell phone,” she said.

She was on the phone with her husband when he called. “I said; “Wait, babe, I got to call you back,” she said. “I knew it had to be some news.”

“He said that he’s really investigated this case and spoke to her warden, spoke to just everyone and everyone had a unanimous — from the people that he reached out to — unanimous feeling of Alice, that she will live a great life. And she will…that she has done her time, has been such a model person in prison,” she said.

On Wednesday, the White House issued a statement explaining why the president chose to commute Alice Johnson’s sentence.

Today, President Donald J. Trump granted a commutation to Alice Marie Johnson, a 63-year-old great-grandmother who has served almost 22 years in Federal prison for a first-time criminal offense.

Ms. Johnson has accepted responsibility for her past behavior and has been a model prisoner over the past two decades. Despite receiving a life sentence, Alice worked hard to rehabilitate herself in prison, and act as a mentor to her fellow inmates. Her Warden, Case Manager, and Vocational Training Instructor have all written letters in support of her clemency. According to her Warden, Arcala Washington-Adduci, “since [Ms. Johnson’s] arrival at this institution, she has exhibited outstanding and exemplary work ethic. She is considered to be a model inmate who is willing to go above and beyond in all work tasks.”

While this Administration will always be very tough on crime, it believes that those who have paid their debt to society and worked hard to better themselves while in prison deserve a second chance.
Alice Johnson had applied to get her sentence commuted by President Barack Obama, but she was denied. It took President Donald Trump, who Van Jones call a racist, to get the job done.

Sara Carter Drops the Curtain and Reveals DOJ is Still Hiding Something BIG

Sara Carter Drops the Curtain and Reveals DOJ is Still Hiding Something BIG

Investigative journalist Sara Carter just released another explosive report, this time detailing the DOJ reneging on their deal to provide Trump/Russia documents to Congress.

According to Carter’s report, the DOJ originally agreed to disclose unredacted documents to Congressional leaders, but have now backtracked and are only providing small briefings to select Congressional members and the documents will be heavily redacted.
The Department of Justice reneged on a commitment to provide access to documents they promised to congressional lawmakers by Thursday morning. Instead, DOJ issued a press release after midnight suggesting they will only meet with a group of select lawmakers to discuss the matter on the same day the North Korea summit opens in Singapore, according to numerous sources and a DOJ statement.

Moreover, the Justice Department also issued new stipulations for briefing congressional members and limited the meeting with only the Gang of Eight, which is comprised of eight leaders within Congress who are briefed on classified intelligence matters.

These sources claim that briefing Gang of Eight lawmakers restricts the dissemination and discussion of the documents that will be taken for review. Although the DOJ contends that the documents are highly sensitive material, in reality, these documents are not considered to contain high-level national security information.

So while it seems that DOJ is complying, congressional sources say it means that the documents provided may be highly redacted.

A source familiar with the discussions stated that the documents, “…do not rise to Gang of Eight level material requiring such strict rules that would limit those members to discuss the material with other lawmakers.”

Lawmakers are also questioning the Justice Department’s decision to provide the documents early next week during the highly anticipated start of the North Korea summit. A senior Justice Department official announced the briefing is, “expected on Monday or Tuesday, depending on members’ schedules.”

On May 24, House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes (R-CA), Rep. Trey Gowdy, (R-SC) and Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA), met with DOJ officials and FBI Director Christopher Wray to discuss Nunes’ demand on April 24, for specific classified documents related to the committee’s investigation into the FBI’s handling of the Russia/Trump investigation. According to a source familiar with the discussions, the DOJ pleaded with the members, “not to say anything about the DOJ having brought the documents to the meeting.”

In last night’s press release, however, the DOJ admitted to having the documents. A senior Justice Department official accused the committee members of not reviewing the documents provided at the May meeting stating, “The Department and FBI will also provide the documents that were available for review but not inspected by the members at the previous briefing along with some additional material.”

According to sources with knowledge of the May 24 briefing, the DOJ argued with congressional members over who would have access to the documents during the meeting. The DOJ also limited the distribution of the documents to “only those members in the room” and would not allow investigators to review the documents for their ongoing investigation into the FBI’s handling of the alleged Russia/Trump probe.
“This request for documents is not at the Gang of Eight level,” said a source familiar with the matter. “This is yet another line of obfuscation, stonewalling and delay tactics by the DOJ. They were supposed to deliver the documents to Congress Thursday and then at the last second did what they always do: fail to keep their commitment. Now they are waiting until the opening of the North Korea summit in an attempt to bury it from the public.”

Rep. Ron DeSantis (R-Fl) told this reporter that the DOJ’s failure to produce documents has put both Congress and the American people in a seemingly never ending predicament that does more harm than good for the nation.

“It’s the same old games and Congress is facilitating this behavior by continuing this back and forth with the Justice Department,” said DeSantis. The lawmaker noted that Congress has the power of the purse and authority to follow through with the contempt proceedings against DOJ Deputy Attorney General, Rod Rosenstein.

DeSantis added, “American’s are upset about this and have every reason to be. They could’ve turned these documents over more than eight months ago and answered our questions and we wouldn’t be in the mess that we are in now.”

Democrats Cringe As Nancy Pelosi Gets Caught Making Embarrassing Mistake

Democrats Cringe As Nancy Pelosi Gets Caught Making Embarrassing Mistake

Democrats have another huge reason to cringe after House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi got caught making an embarrassing mistake during a recent press conference. How much longer will liberals let the cooky California politician embarrass their party?

Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) has continually given her party a bad reputation on many occasions by peddling lies and disinformation intended to disparage President Donald Trump and his administration. This most recent senile moment with Pelosi just proves that Congress needs term limits.

According to The Hill, Pelosi spoke at a press conference on Thursday, June 7, 2018, where she claimed the number of Americans relying on food and housing subsidies was not decreasing. The only problem with Pelosi’s remarks is that they aren’t true. This is another good example of how Democrats like to fabricate their own facts when the truth is much too inconvenient to admit.
“This is one unusual time … where the unemployment rate is down but the dependence on subsidies, whether its food insecurity, housing subsidies … has not gone down,” Pelosi said, according to Daily Caller.

The truth of the matter is that a number of Americans relying on the Supplemental Nutrition Program, or SNAP, decreased 7.8 percent from October 2016 to February 2018, according to the most recent statistics published by the Department of Agriculture numbers. Pelosi has been caught in a big lie, and Democrats should publicly disavow her for such dishonest behavior. Her lack of integrity and willingness to make false claims should disqualify her from receiving any support from her party.
In addition to the decrease in the number of Americans who rely on the SNAP program, the amount of individuals receiving housing choice vouchers has also decreased. Notably, there were 1.2 percent fewer people receiving housing choice vouchers in 2017 than in 2016. Taxpayers, who foot the bill for these programs, paid an average of seven dollars less per person on vouchers in 2017 than in 2016. That’s more than $84 million in savings on housing vouchers.

It’s inconvenient facts such as these that Pelosi does not want to publicly acknowledge. Instead, the Calfornia demon hag would rather get up in front of a crowd of people and blatantly mislead them. If the Democratic Party has any concern for the general trust of their voters, they would chastize Pelosi for her dishonesty and look for representatives who value core American values such as honesty and integrity.

Sadly, liberals in Washington, D.C. seem to become less and less concerned with what the truth is and more concerned with scoring political points at any cost. It’s disturbing to see the extent to which many Democrats will go in order to disparage our President and his millions of supporters. Because liberals are in lock-step with the mainstream media, their lies rarely get exposed.
A brief look at the Obama administration’s love affair with the mainstream media reveals a mountain of dishonesty and a lack of integrity. Mainstream media helped Barack Obama cover one scandal after another and continue to do so even as new information surfaces in regard to Spygate and the illegal political surveillance carried out by many of Obama’s deep state operatives planted within our government agencies.

In my opinion, it’s crucial for conservatives to call out Nancy Pelosi when she abandons the facts in an attempt to peddle her political agenda. If we “deplorables” remain consistent in our values and stay vigilant when it comes to pointing out the corrupt tactics of the left, then Democrats will continue to lose support from their already confused and alienated voting base. As President Donald Trump continues to drain the swamp, we have to do our part to prevent politicians like Pelosi from returning to Washington, D.C.



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A man was sentenced today to 25 years to life in state prison for sexually assaulting an 80-year-old woman in her Hollywood apartment, the Los Angeles County District Attorney’s Office announced.

Marcus Datwione Peete (dob 11/12/82) pleaded no contest to sexual penetration by an unknown object and admitted the special allegations that the crime was committed during the commission of a burglary and he inflicted great bodily injury. Los Angeles County Superior Court Judge Leslie A. Swain immediately sentenced Peete and ordered lifetime registration as a sex offender as part of the negotiated plea agreement.

According to court testimony, Peete forced his way into the victim’s home on June 18, 2016, after she answered the front door, then pushed her into a bedroom and began beating her. He punched her multiple times in the face and sexually assaulted her before fleeing.

Peete was arrested the next day near Crenshaw and Olympic boulevards.

Deputy District Attorney Elena Abramson of the Elder Abuse Section prosecuted case BA448034.

The case was investigated by the Los Angeles Police Department, Robbery-Homicide Division.

Also, here’s another sick case:
A 41-year-old man has been charged with breaking into a 66-year-old woman’s Santa Monica apartment and sexually assaulting her, the Los Angeles County District Attorney’s Office announced.

Deputy District Attorney Oksana Sigal said Dylan James Jensen (dob 5/11/77) of Los Angeles faces one felony count each of first-degree residential burglary, person present, sodomy by use of force, forcible oral copulation and two counts each of forcible rape and sexual battery.

Case SA098166 includes special allegations of personal use of a knife and commission of sexual offenses during residential burglary.
Jensen pleaded not guilty to the charges yesterday and is due back on July 11 to set a date for a preliminary hearing in Department W31 of the Los Angeles County Superior Court, Airport Branch.

On June 3, the defendant allegedly broke into victim’s apartment and once inside, sexually assaulted the victim, the prosecutor said.

Bail is set at more than $1.59 million. If convicted as charged, Jensen is facing a possible maximum sentence of 25 years to life in state prison.

The case remains under investigation by the Santa Monica Police Department.


Trump Just Released Nasty Note Obama Left Him That He Did Not Want Americans To See – Says It All!

Trump Just Released Nasty Note Obama Left Him That He Did Not Want Americans To See – Says It All!

Whenever a president leaves the White House for the very last time, they always leave their predecessor a handwritten letter as a token of respect and reconciliation. It was reported by CNN that the letter Barack Obama left was no different.

Obama’s letter went like this:

“Congratulations on a remarkable run. Millions have placed their hopes in you, and all of us, regardless of party, should hope for expanded prosperity and security during your tenure.

This is a unique office, without a clear blueprint for success, so I don’t know that any advice from me will be particularly helpful. Still, let me offer a few reflections from the past 8 years.
First, we’ve both been blessed, in different ways, with great good fortune. Not everyone is so lucky. It’s up to us to do everything we can (to) build more ladders of success for every child and family that’s willing to work hard.

Second, American leadership in this world really is indispensable. It’s up to us, through action and example, to sustain the international order that’s expanded steadily since the end of the Cold War, and upon which our own wealth and safety depend.

Third, we are just temporary occupants of this office. That makes us guardians of those democratic institutions and traditions — like rule of law, separation of powers, equal protection and civil liberties — that our forebears fought and bled for. Regardless of the push and pull of daily politics, it’s up to us to leave those instruments of our democracy at least as strong as we found them.

And finally, take time, in the rush of events and responsibilities, for friends and family. They’ll get you through the inevitable rough patches.

Michelle and I wish you and Melania the very best as you embark on this great adventure, and know that we stand ready to help in any ways which we can.
Good luck and Godspeed,

The letter he left is nothing like the way he and his associates have acted in this past year and a half of President Trump’s tenure. The words on that letter reveal what can be considered a conciliatory outgoing commander in chief with four items of advice for his successor.

Written out longhand on White House stationery and slipped into the top drawer of the Resolute Desk, the 275-word letter captures an outgoing president eager to instill in Trump the vast responsibilities and uncertain parameters of the job. Responsibilities which most of us can now freely say Obama failed miserably at.

Let’s break down the letter.

First, he explains all the ways they are blessed to be presidents, Although in Obama’s case it turned out to be more than just a blessing since his net worth grew by leaps and bounds.

Second, he tries to explain to Trump how important it is to remain as world leaders, maybe he is talking about how he turned Iran into a superpower?

Third, he tries to explain how important it is for the president to be the guardians of those democratic institutions and traditions, such as the rule of law, separation of powers, equal protection and civil liberties. Some compare this to the way Obama possibly corrupted the FBI and had them spying on a private citizen?

CNN continued:

“The words reveal a conciliatory outgoing commander in chief with four items of advice for his successor, whose fitness for the job he’d spent the previous months openly questioning.
“Congratulations on a remarkable run,” Obama wrote in his opening line. “Millions have placed their hopes in you, and all of us, regardless of party, should hope for expanded prosperity and security during your tenure.”
Written out longhand on White House stationery and slipped into the top drawer of the Resolute Desk, the 275-word letter captures an outgoing president eager to instill in Trump the vast responsibilities and uncertain parameters of the job.
Obama, when writing the letter, didn’t disclose the content even to his closest aides. Since then, however, Trump has shown the letter to visitors in the Oval Office or his private White House residence. CNN obtained a copy from someone Trump showed it to.
“This is a unique office, without a clear blueprint for success, so I don’t know that any advice from me will be particularly helpful,” Obama wrote. “Still, let me offer a few reflections from the past 8 years.”
Obama reminds Trump, a billionaire businessman, that they’ve both been “blessed, in different ways, with great good fortune.”
“Not everyone is so lucky,” Obama said. “It’s up to us to do everything we can (to) build more ladders of success for every child and family that’s willing to work hard.”
He advises Trump that American leadership is “indispensable” and encourages him “through action and example” to sustain post-Cold War international order.