Illuminati Corporate Logos 2 of 2 [Original Air-Date April 23 2005] Freeman takes you through the doors of Masonic temples and explores the occult meanings of Corporate Logos. With a scholar’s observance, he unveils the worship of the Illuminati Goddess, Columbia and then, tackles the more sinister topic of Chemtrails. Freeman assures his position in the info-war movement, with his award-winning documentary on HAARP. Freeman presents solutions based within the creative spirit of humanity.

John Blaze Sheep Go 2 Sleep

song and video written, composed, produced and directed by John Blaze for Blaze 1 Productions for 2012 featuring the artwork of David Dees and outro w Alan Watt(i did not have Alan Watt’s permission to use his voice)


A video showing the hidden and not so hidden illuminati logo.