John Hemming on Alex Jones Tv 1/4: Foreign Child Kidnapping Mercenaries Working for English Gov!

Alex talks with British politician John Hemming, a Member of Parliament for Birmingham Yardley and Group Chair of the Liberal Democrats on the city council of Birmingham. Hemming campaigns against electoral fraud and the abuses of child protection and social services in England.


i thought we told you that we won’t stop Fight 4 Everything Or Die 4 Nothing! … all naturals hooters boobs doubled melons tetas busen sexy hot girl flash show off lucy love barrack obama jokes dinner obamagirl new world order kissinger george bush jim marrs jason bermas booty butt baby got back cheeks rump shaker tip drill uncensored nafta cia cps fbi atf nsa nra red blue list no fly food shortage swine flu glenn beck pig


i thought we told you that we won’t stop Fight 4 Everything Or Die 4 Nothing! … all naturals hooters boobs doubled melons tetas busen sexy hot girl flash show off lucy love barrack obama jokes dinner obamagirl new world order kissinger george bush jim marrs jason bermas booty butt baby got back cheeks rump shaker tip drill uncensored nafta cia cps fbi atf nsa nra red blue list no fly food shortage swine flu glenn beck pig