Eli Jonston Time Travels Part 2

After 4 months WE’RE BACK! Eli discovers he is a source for saving mankind after an evil villain tries to kill him, it is because of James’ time machine that saved the day!

Tim Thomas stiffs Obama and the Tyrannical white house visit with the Boston Briuns

Finally we have a stand up sports star that stood up to our Tyrannical police state government.Tim Thomas refused to take a trip to the white house with his team the stanley cup champions Boston Briuns to visit with the dictator. Obama that signed into law the national defense authorization act (NDAA) on new years eve when no one was looking.this bill gives the government the power to use the usa military on american soil to arrest detian and hold indefinatly with no charges trial or due process american citizens if they are deemed an enemy combatnt.the bill says an enemy combatent is someone that is billigerant to the state.so is saying Obama is a murdering piece of shit scumbag beligerant,if so then ill talk to you guys later. but how can Tim Thomas be ridiculed for just expressing his opion which is 100% true anyway.its sad that most americans dont even know how outta control there government is because they rely on the tv for the news which the supreme court ruled is entertianment so they dont have to tell the truth…….. please do some research on the NDAA and the Patriot act which are both unconstitutional before your children grow up in nazi america.i mean do you like have cameras on every corner.read george orwell’s 1984 he was a little off on the date,but it here.please visit my main page and look along the left side where you will find things that you should be researching and accurate quotes from our founding fathers over 200 years ago yet 100% accurate.this

Yana LUKONINA Луконина hoop – Corbeil 2009 AA

Yana LUKONINA (RUS) – Hoop 2009 Corbeil Tournament All Around / Tournoi de Corbeil-Essonnes Concours général. Cerceau. Captured by Almosthappy©! 26.225 (Diff: 8.225 / Art: 8.85 / Ex: 9.15) Rank : 1st Music : “Chopin Nocturne” by Joshua Bell Thanks to NeUTRoN_Hr ! Quoted from international forum www.rsg.net (there’s a link to download the music)

Alex Kovalev – The Artist – AK27 L’ARTISTE! [HQ]

league’s most storied franchise.Kovalev, the Canadiens’ biggest current star, scored two breakaway goals and then capped the night off in the shootout. “You can’t ask for a better package than this,” said Kovalev, the game’s MVP. “Get voted in the All-Star game by the fans, starting lineup, being the captain, get MVP. This is something to remember the rest of your life.” It was the second-highest scoring game in All-Star history and the fifth decided after regulation. The West erased an early …