Michael Jackson Dies

paramedics to the $100000-a-month rented mansion, where Jackson had been living with his children, Michael Joseph Jackson Jnr, 12; Paris Michael Katherine Jackson, 11; and Prince Blanket Michael Jackson II, 6. … JACKO sxephil Michael Jackson Dead Farrah Fawcett is the King of Pop michael jackson jacko singer king pop dead la times died get over it we all die THE CHILDREN ARE SAFE TONIGHT SLEEP WELL KIDS dies at LA hospita heart attack cardiac arrest coma hospital faces time death bad deadhuman …

Bill Hicks- Jesse Helms & Rush Limbaugh

Bill Hicks(December 16,1961–February 26,1994)

A Tribute to George Carlin

INFORMATION: This video was removed for a while because of a copyright claim by Warner Music Group, for the bit “Euphemisms”. I disputed this because all footage in this video is from his HBO concerts. Just to let everybody know in case they manage to take it down for good. I hope not. George Carlin died yesterday, 22nd of June, 2008. He was 71 years old. Jeez, he was here just a minute ago. Never was there a man that could make you both laugh, think, and even question the way we look at the …